Where Did the Dragons Go?

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Where Did the Dragons Go?

Postby The $ Avenger » Tue Sep 25, '07, 12:17 am

While working on the PSII monsters yesterday, it occurred to me that dragons were staple enemies of PSI on all the planets, on Dezoris in PSII, and Sage Isle in PSIII, but there aren't any in PSIV. Why do you think this is?
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Postby Shinuzzo » Tue Sep 25, '07, 2:29 am

Well, I'm guessing the ones on Palma managed to board some of the worldships including the Alisa III, and eventually ended up on Ragol and Gurhal. The ones on Motavia were unable to adapt to the climate change and died off. Chaz and crew avoided the ancient dungeons on Dezoris, so they never ran into them.
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Postby Tsunami » Tue Sep 25, '07, 2:48 am

Shinuzzo wrote:The ones on Motavia were unable to adapt to the climate change and died off.

But they were on Motavia in PSI, (hot environment) and also on Dezo as well (cold environment). I don't see why they couldn't survive on Motavia after Mother Brain altered the global climate...but yeah, they don't show up there in PSII. Still, you'd think that they'd at least be seen in the Air Castle. :?
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Postby Thoul » Tue Sep 25, '07, 4:10 am

My theory is that the more dangerous creatures on Motavia, like dragons and antlions, were exterminated after PSI as part of the continuing colonization of the planet. Perhaps it was done by Mother Brain, to protect her various installations, or perhaps Hunters or a similar group took them down to protect the colony cities.

Dragons couldn't be in the Air Castle because it fell apart during PSI, and was reconstructed later. Any dragons that did live there before PSII would have been dead of either old age or starvation by the time Chaz & friends get there. I guess they could have had zombie dragons, though.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Wed Sep 26, '07, 1:19 am

Shinuzzo wrote:Chaz and crew avoided the ancient dungeons on Dezoris, so they never ran into them.
I suppose that's quite possible. PSIV was the first one that the Guaron Morgue wasn't in the game, wasn't it?

Thoul wrote:My theory is that the more dangerous creatures on Motavia, like dragons and antlions, were exterminated after PSI as part of the continuing colonization of the planet.
Yeah, that's an excellent idea. I didn't think about the Antlions, but they're missing too.

Perhaps the Palman and Dezorian expansion on Dezoris led to the extinction of the dragons there. I also think this might be a case of Sega trying to go in a different direction than other RPGs with PSIV, since nearly all of them have dragons somewhere.

Tsunami wrote:Still, you'd think that they'd at least be seen in the Air Castle. :?
I was expecting to be ambushed by a Gold Dragon on the way there in PSIV too. They kept the floor plan of the basement of the Air Castle, so why not the dragon?
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Postby Tsunami » Wed Sep 26, '07, 3:43 am

Thoul wrote:My theory is that the more dangerous creatures on Motavia, like dragons and antlions, were exterminated after PSI as part of the continuing colonization of the planet. Perhaps it was done by Mother Brain, to protect her various installations, or perhaps Hunters or a similar group took them down to protect the colony cities.

You know...that makes me wonder where the sand worms came from if that's the case. :o They're pretty destructive, yeah? (as seen in Mile when the ranch owner asks the Hunter's Guild for assistance)
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Postby Thoul » Wed Sep 26, '07, 3:50 am

Yeah, they are pretty big suckers and I think they were around in PSI, too. My guess is that they survived by staying mostly underground, burrowed deep beneath the surface most of the time.

They might have been created by Seed's out of control systems, but I have a feeling that the sandworms were more of a natural phenomenon than that.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Thu Sep 27, '07, 12:40 am

Tsunami wrote:You know...that makes me wonder where the sand worms came from if that's the case. :o They're pretty destructive, yeah? (as seen in Mile when the ranch owner asks the Hunter's Guild for assistance)
You're right, the sandworms made it through the whole PSII debacle just fine. They look bigger than the PSI variety too, but that's probably not too relevant. How did they survive a green Motavia? I can't think of a good answer. :?
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Postby The $ Avenger » Fri Sep 28, '07, 11:41 pm

Here's a smiley addition to the topic: why aren't there any zombies :zombie: in Guaron, the PSI Morgue, in PSII (or anywhere for that matter)? There are zombies in PSI and PSIV, but nada in PSII. We don't hear anything about a Black Energy Wave in PSI, but there are zombies on every planet in that one, while the reanimated corpses are limited to Dezoris in PSIV. So why does PSII have a zombie deficit?
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Postby Thoul » Sat Sep 29, '07, 12:30 pm

I think you touched on the answer when you mentioned the Black Energy Wave. The Wave is a side effect of Dark Force's presence and what creates zombies, at least in PSIV. Let's say for a moment that extends to the other games, too.

The PSI DF has the ability to travel between planets. It empowered Lashiec on Palma, then took over the guy on Motavia, so why not a quick trip to do something on Dezoris too? Maybe to look for Laconia, since Lashiec was afraid of that and probably wanted to ensure the Laconia weapons were protected.

In PSII, DF is shown only on the Noah. There's no evidence that it ever left the ship, which means a lack of Black Wave and zombies elsewhere.

Then in PSIV, while all three DFs were probably on a planet at some point, only the Dezoris DF was shown to have been on planet for an extended amount of time. It probably takes the BEW some time to create zombies: it makes the people on Dezoris sick for time, then they die, then rise as zombies. The first DF was on Kuran with nothing to kill/raise, and the third DF was probably not around long enough to the BEW to affect anything.

That raises another interesting point, though. All the people in Mile on Motavia were killed by the BEW. So would they have eventually risen as zombies, like the folks on Dezoris?
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