Question regarding PSIII!

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Question regarding PSIII!

Postby Tsunami » Thu Feb 19, '09, 4:06 pm

I always have lots of questions about PSIII. Not that there's anything that I am uncertain about (well, not much anyways :p), but I mostly like to see what people's thoughts on things are. ^^ So, I'll go on ahead and ask about one thing that's been on my mind as of late~

Now, I read all over the place (internet, whee) that people have tons of issues with PSIII's battle music. Mostly that they dislike it since it has, quote, "short, choppy loops that change periodically according to the situation" (winning, losing, and normal). Upon thinking about it, I am probably one of the few who did like it, but I will admit that a solid theme would've been nicer. :yes: Still, kinda cool that they tried something different.

I suppose I am asking about the likes/dislikes regarding this music in particular. If any changes could be made, what should get altered? Or would you change nothing at all? And, lastly, if you liked any of the three themes, which did you like the best?

Or, heck, maybe some have the thoughts of, "Bah, scrap it all! That music stunk!" :p

Lots of questions, but I don't think this topic has been touched much here. ;)
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Postby Thoul » Thu Feb 19, '09, 5:32 pm

Honestly, I never had a problem with the changing music. More "mood" music in games would be a nice idea. I don't remember the tunes very well, so I can't say as to what I liked specifically, though.
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Postby Darkil » Thu Feb 19, '09, 6:10 pm

I loved how the music changed with what happened in battle. If you were going to win, it was upbeat, if it was a tough fight it would sound bad, the mid battle music[one where it could go either way] was my fav.
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Postby Lemina » Thu Feb 19, '09, 9:58 pm

Skies of Arcadia's boss theme was similar, right? It changed depending on your situation. I think that it's a neat idea, but in the case of PSIII there needed to be better transitions between the moods. My favorite song would have to be the winning one. Yup.


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Re: Question regarding PSIII!

Postby Rune_Walsh » Thu Feb 19, '09, 10:22 pm

Tsunami wrote: Or, heck, maybe some have the thoughts of, "Bah, scrap it all! That music stunk!" :p

:lol: My sentiments, exactly, in regards to the Phantasy Star III music. I couldn't stand the lot of it, especially the cave music. Ack, so repetitive! Dummm dummm dummm dummm dum dum dummmm dummmm... :bang: :bang: :bang:

For the most part, I think Phantasy Star I had the best music. The battle music and the world music (Palma and Dezoris in particular) seemed to be the most impressive and memorable for me personally. I think it would have been nice if SEGA kept the music from the original Phantasy Star, but just jazzed it up with Phantasy Star II, and IV, to keep it interesting.

Hmm. Just a thought, anyway. :wink:
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Postby Schala Zeal » Thu Feb 19, '09, 10:50 pm

I played the GBA version of Phantasy Star III, and the music sounded terrible. D: I had to reach for that volume dial every time I entered a church in that game. >.< However, when I heard the music for the Genesis version, the music didn't sound so bad. The church music still sounded grating, but the rest of it didn't sound that bad. Come to think of it, I didn't care much for the battle music either. But I did like a couple of the songs! Especially the remixes. ^_^
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Postby Darkil » Fri Feb 20, '09, 12:38 am

Well bear in mind that the GBA and Sonic Ult Gen Collection are just ROM's and a lot of music doesn't move over well when emulated. That's the reason why I hate most emulated music just because it's a butchered version of it's former self.
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Postby hugues » Fri Feb 20, '09, 3:58 am

The battle intro music is really annoying - good thing you don't have to hear it for long. The others are alright, not as good as the rest of the soundtrack but I wouldn't call them "bad". They're not as rich as the PSII battle music but at least there's some variety. Raise your hand if you never want to hear the PSII battle music again :)

The sound in the GBA version was emulated poorly. I'm stumped at how programmers writing emulators for free can master the sound emulation better than the pros. I always have to listen to something else when playing PSII or PSIII on the GBA.

Schala Zeal wrote:Come to think of it, I didn't care much for the battle music either. But I did like a couple of the songs! Especially the remixes. ^_^

I agree about the remixes. is my favorite, it's a beautiful remix that I never get tired of hearing. There's also a solo piano version of the intro theme that I can't find a link to anymore (good thing I saved a copy).
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Postby Lucas » Fri Feb 20, '09, 12:38 pm

I was never a big fan of the PSIII battle music myself. I think maybe a variety of full battle tunes would have been nice. Like scary evil music for bosses and more calmer music for enemies and maybe even the locations could have effected the battle music, that would have been something unique for an old game. But I guess not, oh well it wasn't terrible music I'll give it that. :wink:

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Re: Question regarding PSIII!

Postby Tsunami » Sat Feb 21, '09, 1:00 am

Rune_Walsh wrote:
Tsunami wrote: Or, heck, maybe some have the thoughts of, "Bah, scrap it all! That music stunk!" :p

:lol: My sentiments, exactly, in regards to the Phantasy Star III music. I couldn't stand the lot of it, especially the cave music. Ack, so repetitive! Dummm dummm dummm dummm dum dum dummmm dummmm... :bang: :bang: :bang:
No? I did like most of it.. ^^; Personally I thought it had some very pretty tracks (title theme, anyone?), though seeing the game completed and fleshed-out may have resulted in better music, perhaps. Even if it was a tad repetitive, I never got sick of it. :)

Schala Zeal wrote:I played the GBA version of Phantasy Star III, and the music sounded terrible. D: I had to reach for that volume dial every time I entered a church in that game. >.< However, when I heard the music for the Genesis version, the music didn't sound so bad. The church music still sounded grating, but the rest of it didn't sound that bad. Come to think of it, I didn't care much for the battle music either. But I did like a couple of the songs! Especially the remixes. ^_^
My gawd. I HATED the GBA port of PSIII. Colors were off, the sound was bad, they chopped parts of the portraits off to make them fit on the shorter screen. >_< I can't say I liked anything about it, other than it was portable. But then, I never did like handhelds much. ^_^

hugues wrote:The battle intro music is really annoying - good thing you don't have to hear it for long. The others are alright, not as good as the rest of the soundtrack but I wouldn't call them "bad". They're not as rich as the PSII battle music but at least there's some variety. Raise your hand if you never want to hear the PSII battle music again :)
*raises hand!* PSII's battle theme was too up-beat for my tastes. ;)

I do agree with your thoughts about the battle music, though. Compared to the rest of PSIII's music, it's not as great, but it's certainly not the worst. :)

Lucas wrote:I was never a big fan of the PSIII battle music myself. I think maybe a variety of full battle tunes would have been nice. Like scary evil music for bosses and more calmer music for enemies and maybe even the locations could have effected the battle music, that would have been something unique for an old game. But I guess not, oh well it wasn't terrible music I'll give it that. :wink:
Hmm... You know, I really like those ideas! :yes: I wonder how it would've been if each tune had been expanded upon and fleshed out more. I could see the "winning" theme being common and the other two themes used for something else... :idea:
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