PSII-The Hardest Dungeon

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PSII-The Hardest Dungeon

Postby Lucas » Thu Aug 7, '08, 8:39 am

Anyone who's played Phantasy Star II would know the nightmare dungeon layouts through out the entire game. In your opinons what do you guys think the hardest dungeon would be. I'd have to say Ikuto is at my number one. Uzo Island for me was I huge fluke :) I got through it fairly easy I doubt I could do it a second time without screwing up somewhere :grumpy:
Anywas Ikuto was the hardest for me what do yous reckon?
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Postby Rune_Walsh » Fri Aug 8, '08, 10:06 am

Honestly, I think all the dungeons in PS II are hard.
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Postby Lucas » Fri Aug 8, '08, 10:39 am

I would agree with you there Rune a challenging game no doubt
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Postby Thoul » Fri Aug 8, '08, 7:29 pm

Yeah, I can't really pick out any one in particular either. They really knew how to make games difficult back then.
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Postby hugues » Sat Aug 9, '08, 1:40 pm

Nido gets my vote because of the Blasters, definite imbalance in power there. Ikuto is another one that always drives me mad.
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Postby Lucas » Sun Aug 10, '08, 4:39 am

Them blasters are annoying especially when your characters are only in their early levels
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Postby Mathor » Mon Aug 11, '08, 2:08 pm

I remember that the biggest of those Dam, the Green Dam, took me just too much time. I remember I started in the early morning, pausing almost only to eat and I fininshed it in the evening. I could only explore one or two more places, trying to undurstand the maze, and one of my caracters died, had to teleport and start again. And again... :x Right Now I'm doing PSIII for the first time and I find it much more easy than PSII in general.
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Re: PSII-The Hardest Dungeon

Postby Scootaloo » Thu Jul 13, '17, 12:41 am

Probably Uzo Island. I also aren't the biggest fan of Ikuto.
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Re: PSII-The Hardest Dungeon

Postby myau56 » Thu Jul 13, '17, 4:37 am

For me, all the dungeons are difficult in PSII !
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Re: PSII-The Hardest Dungeon

Postby Snorb » Thu Jul 13, '17, 6:58 am

Which one was the dungeon with sixteen floors? Was it Ikuto?
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