Phantasy Star 2.5 (subtitle pending)

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Phantasy Star 2.5 (subtitle pending)

Postby Solar » Fri Mar 5, '10, 1:49 pm

I promised you I would let you on my project soon enough and that I will do. This is a project I've had long in planning.


The prologue of my fan sequel, which is made in RPG Maker VX, mind you, begin about the same time as Phantasy Star 2. You play as Sino, who is an armor shopkeeper in the town of Arima, which gets raided by scoundrels. Sino, with help from his lifelong friend, Mira, fight the scoundrels until the agents arrive to drive them away. However, much of the city is ruined, including Sino's shop. (which is also his home) Sino decides to join the agents to hunt the scoundrels down. After a year's training, Sino is given his first real mission...

Starting characters:
Sino - the former shopkeeper, now become an Agent. He is rather impulsive, and makes decisions based on how he is feeling.
Mira - Sino's lifelong friend, a cheerful weapons shopkeeper from Arima. (not the one you really see in PS2 :P)

There are more (surprise) but I won't reveal them.

No screenshots, but a video of the title screen. I'll probably be needing a static picture too for that, though.

I will update this post consistently during weekends. I appreciate all constructive critique.
Last edited by Solar on Fri Aug 20, '10, 5:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Phantasy Star 2 sequel (The Forgotten Conflict)

Postby Oakley2284 » Fri Mar 5, '10, 2:05 pm

I've seen the video. Thats really great :clap: And the story too^^ I'm looking forward to play you're game :up:
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Re: Phantasy Star 2 sequel (The Forgotten Conflict)

Postby Lyla2284 » Sat Mar 6, '10, 7:14 am

When can we expect some screenshots? I'd be interested to see how this project turns out. And don't cancel it, whatever you do! There have been more cancelled PS fan game projects than there are people in China... :lol:

I wish you the best of luck, Sawnik. ( yeah, I only realised it was you who was giving me feedback at after I visited your rpgrevolution,com link. ) :wink:
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Re: Phantasy Star 2 sequel (The Forgotten Conflict)

Postby Solar » Sun Mar 14, '10, 3:22 pm

Thanks for the support and sorry for my late reply. As you may have read, this project's gone through quite a lot already. As for screenshots, here's a few.

Really isn't the job for Sino...

Arima at evening. Maps like this are pretty much tile-perfect (this is the un-ruined Arima, mind you) and I credit a good friend of mine for that. I'll have to work the signs, though.

Fighting some scoundrels.
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Re: Phantasy Star 2 sequel (The Forgotten Conflict)

Postby Lyla2284 » Sun Mar 14, '10, 6:43 pm

You may want to add a little more details to your maps, some of them seem a bit empty. The more detail you add, the more professional your work will look. But don't overcrowd them. :wink:

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Re: Phantasy Star 2 sequel (The Forgotten Conflict)

Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Mar 15, '10, 1:48 am

If you want me to. I could help you map a little.



These are screens from one of my projects that I discontinued due to a fried hard drive.

Mind you, the town one there was incomplete and I messed up on it a little bit. >.>

Honestly though, RMVX is not map friendly. >_<
A simple text based signature? That's impossible!
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Re: Phantasy Star 2 sequel (The Forgotten Conflict)

Postby Rick » Tue Mar 16, '10, 5:36 am

Haha.. Lots of older games have huge open spaces.

You don't want to make your maps like Dragon Warrior 1-4 you know.

Some of those town designs are so.. Assinine! Dragon Warrior 3 and 4 especially. Some of them make even less sense than some of the maps in Rf Online.
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Re: Phantasy Star 2 sequel (The Forgotten Conflict)

Postby mk1995 » Mon Aug 16, '10, 8:42 pm

I was the one who did the maps for Solar. And I confess, I strived for tile-perfection too much. These maps I made look really ugly. Thus, I remastered my Arima map, mapping it with my very own style.


Before you start wondering: My tilesets are completely RTP. Solar probably found some more fancy tilesets somewhere. But I'm actually quite proud of the outcome.

Also, Solar, keep working on this! Don't drop it!! It really looks promising.
Last edited by mk1995 on Mon Aug 16, '10, 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Phantasy Star 2 sequel (The Forgotten Conflict)

Postby Solar » Tue Aug 17, '10, 11:45 am

That looks really nice mk. I'll have to ask you to send me that new map and I just might find new interest in this project. ^^
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Re: Phantasy Star 2 sequel (The Forgotten Conflict)

Postby mk1995 » Tue Aug 17, '10, 4:14 pm

Can do. Just come online on MSN and you already have it. ;)
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