Ice Bucket Challenge

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Ice Bucket Challenge

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Aug 15, '14, 11:13 pm

I've been seeing numerous posts all day online where various celebrities and other folks are taking part in the Ice Bucket Challenge. It's for a good cause and they are to be commended for taking part. ... goes-viral

Anyone here participating in this challenge anywhere??

They will have to count me out cause I absolutely HATE cold and ice would be horrifying poured on you, I can only imagine. Brrrrrr!!

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Re: Ice Bucket Challenge

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Aug 20, '14, 8:51 am

Lol, just saw a video with Vin Disel taking the Ice Bucket Challenge. He challenged Vladimir Putin. Whoa, it will be interesting to see if Putin accepts that challenge.

Also saw other individual videos today with Reba McEntyre, Ben Affleck, Lou Ferrigno, and Robert Downey, Jr., among others accepting the challenge, etc.

It's fun to watch these, lol. Great way to have fun and raise money for a good cause to. Although I notice that sometimes the Ice seems to be just cold water they dump on themselves.

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Re: Ice Bucket Challenge

Postby Atlinsmere » Wed Aug 20, '14, 10:00 am

Charlie Sheen did a good one. His bucket wasn't filled with water though, it was filled with 10K which he donated to the cause. Another funny one happened on WWE. Dean Ambrose dumped a bucket of ice water on Seth Rollins who turned around. Then Dean just looked at him and said "What? It's for charity." Then they started to beat each other up. >.>
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Re: Ice Bucket Challenge

Postby Aeroprism » Wed Aug 20, '14, 4:20 pm

Ah, internet.

Cold water. Wetness and a slight embarrassment. What a costly sacrifice. I am moved. Really. "It's for a good cause." You know. Donating to see your favorite star being wet. What's the cause again? You don't know? That's all right. Most of the websites talking about it don't know either. The important thing here is that someone dropped cold water on Shakira's head.

And the stars play along. "LOOK AT ME" at its finest.

Here's a thought, dear internet: Have you heard of the people who currently risk their lives to help the people of west Africa? Want a cause? It's called Ebola, a stupidly contagious, horrific virus straight out of your nightmares. Why is there no big motion to donate to them?

Oh, that's right, it's not entertaining.

Carry on.
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Re: Ice Bucket Challenge

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Aug 21, '14, 8:02 am

Atlinsmere wrote:Charlie Sheen did a good one. His bucket wasn't filled with water though, it was filled with 10K which he donated to the cause. Another funny one happened on WWE. Dean Ambrose dumped a bucket of ice water on Seth Rollins who turned around. Then Dean just looked at him and said "What? It's for charity." Then they started to beat each other up. >.>

Atlin, I saw the Charlie Sheen challenge today. That was a good one. :clap: Haven't seen the one with Ambrose and Seth Rollins yet though.

The Challenge just keeps going and going and everyone seems to be having great fun while also raising money for a worthy cause for the ALS. Today I have seen videos and challenges with Tom Cruise (who got several buckets of ice/water dumped on him), the lady that has been picked to play Wonder Woman in the new Superman/Batman movie, George Strait, Kermit The Frog, and even former President George Bush who challenged Bill Clinton. Will be interesting to see if Clinton accepts the challenge.

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Re: Ice Bucket Challenge

Postby Atlinsmere » Thu Aug 21, '14, 8:19 am

If you want to see a couple group ones, check out Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter. Since they are owned by the same people, there are two people who end up doing it twice. That being Micheal Jones and Kerry Shawcross. Also the Rooster Teeth one has slow motion!

I've also watched four others today. That being Kermit the Frog, Big Brother's Dan Gheesling, and two people using dry ice instead of normal. Grant Thompson (The King Of Random) and Tom Mabe respectively. Though Tom Mabe called his the Boiling Water Challenge and it was pretty funny.

EDIT : Ice bucket challenge helped raise $8.6 million in a single day. Now if only all charities could do this well. ... e-million/
Last edited by Atlinsmere on Thu Aug 21, '14, 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ice Bucket Challenge

Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Aug 21, '14, 1:54 pm

I guess I might be the only one who on some level, agrees with Aero.

Now, this is all great, that all this money is going to ALS awareness. I have to preface everything I want to say with that. The short-term impacts of this are pretty undeniable. But I'm afraid I've got plenty of concerns here, one among them much of that money is actually going to where it really needs to get to, I.E., the researchers looking for treatments or even cures?

Secondly…the big spectacle it's become. It's become far more about the people doing it and a big publicity stunt than about the actual cause it's helping. At least that's what I think whenever I read stories about it. It has, unfortunately, gained an air of "Hey, look at me!" and just seeking attention whenever anyone does it.

Third…big publicity things like this, very rarely, result in long term, sustained interest in some cause in the public consciousness, no matter how worthy of such interest it might be, and ALS is certainly deserving of that. I fear once this ice bucket challenge is old and no longer interesting or entertaining, it and ALS are just going to fade away into the background again.

Fourth…well, stunts like this (but oftentimes not the cause itself…and I fear that's becoming the case) draw away attention from other things that are important, such as the ongoing Ebola outbreak in Africa that Aero mentioned. It seems a lot of media outlets and causes aren't touching that at all, nor other important things such as climate change, but will eagerly report on the latest celebrity doing the ice bucket challenge.

Don't get me wrong. It's great that ALS charities are raising money like this in the short-term. But as a way to sustain and maintain interest in ALS, as well as donations towards it? I'm skeptical.
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Re: Ice Bucket Challenge

Postby Aeroprism » Thu Aug 21, '14, 3:21 pm

Pretty much.

Long story short: It's not the results I question, it's the method.
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Re: Ice Bucket Challenge

Postby R-90-2 » Thu Aug 21, '14, 4:41 pm

Having done a whole lot of volunteer work with non-profit groups and having been in contact with charitable organisations before, here's my thing. Long-term awareness is important, and is a big priority. There's no one in places like those who does not think about it at any point in planning for the now and the future.

However, when it comes to the day-to-day dollars? They care if it was obtained in illegal or otherwise unseemly ways, and that's about it. Beyond that, there is no money that they are not happy to get, even if it is through things that may seem silly on the surface. Ideally there would be a way to make a lot of short term cash while ensuring perpetually sustainable long-term awareness, but often times the perfect is the enemy of the good, and possible money in the future doesn't help you get things moving or pay the bills now.
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Re: Ice Bucket Challenge

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Aug 23, '14, 4:27 am

More Ice Bucket challenges going around online today. So far some others I have seen include Lori Laughlin, Gwyneth Paltrow, Garth Brooks, Marie Osmond, Kenny Rogers, Tom Hanks, Ron Howard, and Mitt Romney. Also heard that Oprah Winfrey and her friend Gayle King did one also. Even saw two videos of non-celebrities who both had ALS themselves and they also wanted to do and did the challenge. Bravo for them!! And, I think many celebrities and other folks are also donating money even though they are doing the challenge as well which is terrific.

Have also heard of a few people (celebrities and non-celebrities) who were not in favor of the challenge for various reasons. One of them being Pamela Anderson ("Baywatch"). If I remember correctly from reading the article I think she was against the animals being used in the research process of trying to find a cure. She has a good point there. I would suppose that this sort of thing happens a lot in various research efforts and not just the ALS thing though.

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