Worst foods

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Worst foods

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jul 20, '11, 11:05 am

One health advocacy group has given their list of the "worst" restaurant foods.


I don't know, but I'll bet if they hunted around a few more places they could probably find something worse than this. :yaknow:

Some of this may not be all that healthy, but sometimes ya just want something that's tasty and a special treat even though it may probably be considered not too healthy. That doesn't mean you have to eat it every day, but just every once in a while. :p

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Re: Worst foods

Postby Wolf Bird » Wed Jul 20, '11, 1:54 pm

Like anything else, don't eat this stuff everyday and you'll be fine. I've never liked health advocacy groups as a whole, as they really seem to just tell people how to live their lives too often.
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Re: Worst foods

Postby Thoul » Thu Jul 21, '11, 1:41 am

Just from looking at the pictures, I don't think anyone would believe those foods are particularly healthy. There's nothing wrong with indulging now and again, but by this point anyone should be able to guess that something with that much cheese is not a good daily food.
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