Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

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Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby Rune_Walsh » Fri May 7, '10, 10:50 pm

An image Thoul has in his database prompted yet another crazy theory. Heh heh.

Okay, so we know that Rolf is the decendant of Alis, supposedly. This means that Alis married and had children. But who do you think she married?

We know that Rolf has blue hair.

Do you think it's possible that Alis married Noah? It "could" be that Noah's blue hair is the source of Rolf's, genetically.

Anyway, it's all in fun, and is fun to speculate. Besides, those blue-haired boys from the series were always the hotties... :lol:
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby SirJason » Fri May 7, '10, 11:24 pm

I had always thought that Alis married Odin . . . .

Or we could always do the old "Maury Povich" DNA test to prove it for sure!
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby Tanith » Sat May 8, '10, 3:38 am

You know, I'm really not sure. If Phantasy Star Gaiden is accurate, then Alis led a very, um... interesting life after the PSI adventure. She's still alive in AW813, she's founded a colony in another star system, she goes into cryogenic sleep, and she's cloned herself. After defeating a major enemy on her new planet, she decides to return to Algo to battle some unnamed evil force that's awakening (suggesting that it's Dark Force, but that doesn't really fit with the timeline).

If you consider Lutz to be the same person as Noah (and I do), then Alis's post-PSI activities combined with Lutz's Esper duties seem very incongruous to raising a family. Everyone's sleeping for hundreds of years, colonizing space, hiding from Mother Brain on Dezo... it's all very strange. However, you don't have to be great parents to produce offspring. I don't think they married, but it is possible that they, you know, got down to business and then their child (or children) was raised by someone else. Or, Alis could have cloned herself again while she was still alive in Algo.

Rune_Walsh wrote:Anyway, it's all in fun, and is fun to speculate. Besides, those blue-haired boys from the series were always the hotties... :lol:

Oh, you bet! Except I don't find Noah/Lutz very attractive (he's actually downright creepy looking in PSII), but Rolf and Rune? Yes please!

Of course, I like the brawny PS guys, too, so if Alis did indeed end up with Odin, that'd be fine by me. I just hope they waited a few years. Alis is 15 and Odin is 28 at the time of their quest. (Noah is 27, I think, so same goes for him.)

RW- I'm writing a fic based on the PSI characters, and there's a brief part that hints at Noah possibly having a crush on Alis. :wink:
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby Thoul » Sat May 8, '10, 3:51 am

I think if Rolf was descended from Noah/Lutz, Lutz probably would have mentioned that in PSII. It would be awkward to reveal Rolf's relation to Alis but not to himself.

On the other hand, one of the stories in the SPEC newsletter is about Alis and Lutz traveling together for some time after PSI. They went to some other solar system, where Lutz learned how to use techniques (he later introduced them to Algo). This would give them a lot of time to grow close and develop a romance...

My personal odd ball theory is that Rolf is actually Alis' own son rather than a far off descendant. There's no direct evidence to support it, but it is not too odd to think that Alis could live long enough to have a son in Rolf's time, considering PS Gaiden and Lutz's long life.
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby Tanith » Sat May 8, '10, 4:05 am

Thoul wrote:My personal odd ball theory is that Rolf is actually Alis' own son rather than a far off descendant. There's no direct evidence to support it, but it is not too odd to think that Alis could live long enough to have Rolf, considering PS Gaiden and Lutz's long life.

I actually like this theory. It makes the part about Rolf being Alis's last living descendant seem more plausible. Not that it was ever implausible, but if Alis had children at a standard age (say, early 20s), and those children had children at the same age, so on and so forth, it's more of a stretch that Rolf is her last descendant rather than Alis having a much higher number of descendants. It's peculiar that she has exactly one living descendant right at the time when Dark Force is preying on Algo again. It could be that's what she meant about returning to Algo to fight evil again. Maybe she didn't mean she would battle evil again, but that her child/descendant would.

And you're right, it would be awkward for Lutz not to mention he's Rolf's ancestor, too.
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby Rune_Walsh » Sat May 8, '10, 11:21 pm

Tanith wrote:If you consider Lutz to be the same person as Noah (and I do), then Alis's post-PSI activities combined with Lutz's Esper duties seem very incongruous to raising a family. Everyone's sleeping for hundreds of years, colonizing space, hiding from Mother Brain on Dezo... it's all very strange. However, you don't have to be great parents to produce offspring. I don't think they married, but it is possible that they, you know, got down to business and then their child (or children) was raised by someone else. Or, Alis could have cloned herself again while she was still alive in Algo.

While the Espers do seem to live an ascetic lifestyle, this doesn't change the overwhelming evidence which supports Alys and Rune having a history, most likely romantic of a sort.

Looking forward to that ficcie, Tanith! :hyper:

Thoul wrote:On the other hand, one of the stories in the SPEC newsletter is about Alis and Lutz traveling together for some time after PSI. They went to some other solar system, where Lutz learned how to use techniques (he later introduced them to Algo). This would give them a lot of time to grow close and develop a romance...

What!? Do you have this story, Thoul!? I'd love to read it, and I'd be eternally grateful!
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby Thoul » Sun May 9, '10, 12:14 am

No, I have a few bits and pieces of it, but only what was published in other books as an example of SPEC contents. Most of what I know about the story comes from the Compendium book translation. The story was written and drawn by PS1 staffers, so it's about as official as you can get without being in the games. Of course, the story has never been translated to English, either.
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby Rick » Sun May 9, '10, 2:09 am

Let's see.. Earthmen slaughter the royal family and a democracy is installed sometime in AW 800s..

Lutz being Rolf's ancestor's father isn't that far fetched. I mean Lutz completely BOTCHES his duty, has Rolf fight the wrong Dark Force, has him collect weapons that not even Alisa needed..

Whose to say someone else couldn't have used the Nei weapons? In PS 3, there is no descendant of Alisa but they still get used.

The compendium makes Lutz more of a.. idiot. He researched a gate in 349 and realizes it'll open again in 1000 years so goes to sleep to wait. He wakes up in 845, moves to Dezo then goes back to sleep. He then wakes up to save Rolf cause of Alisa screaming and then when Rolf sees him again, sends Rolf to find Nei weapons to fight the wrong enemy. (Jap Ps 2 has him saying to destroy the evil forever.)

I can see Lutz being senile and forgetting he is Rolf's ancestor. I mean after all, he send Rolf to fight the wrong damn Dark Force. What happened in 1349 when he shoulda had someone to fight that seal breach?

Lutz is a senile idiot in Ps 2. A idiot who finds a way to hide his mistake by stranding Rolf on Noah.

Lutz also can't do his math.

Rolf is born Born September 17, AW 1263 The accident happens in 1274 when Rolf is 11.

According to Lutz in Jap Ps 2:

I have already seen you once, when you were 10 years old. You were on a space trip with your parents, when that accident occurred

I don't consider Lutz to be all the way there in Ps 2. He's obviously senile and can't keep track of time.

I can see how he'd forget if he fathered descendants. He's obviously confused in Ps 2. He doesn't even wake up for the right event! Doesn't even have Rolf fight the right Dark Force!
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby Rune_Walsh » Mon May 10, '10, 8:26 am

Rick wrote:Let's see.. Earthmen slaughter the royal family and a democracy is installed sometime in AW 800s..

Lutz being Rolf's ancestor's father isn't that far fetched. I mean Lutz completely BOTCHES his duty, has Rolf fight the wrong Dark Force, has him collect weapons that not even Alisa needed..

Whose to say someone else couldn't have used the Nei weapons? In PS 3, there is no descendant of Alisa but they still get used.

The compendium makes Lutz more of a.. idiot.

I can see Lutz being senile and forgetting he is Rolf's ancestor. I mean after all, he send Rolf to fight the wrong damn Dark Force. What happened in 1349 when he shoulda had someone to fight that seal breach?

Lutz is a senile idiot in Ps 2. A idiot who finds a way to hide his mistake by stranding Rolf on Noah.

Lutz also can't do his math.

:) :D :lol: :rofl: :happy_marle:

Best. Post. Ever.

And I totally, completely, 100 percent agree, Rick.

Rick's post = WIN.
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby PSP » Tue May 11, '10, 3:42 am

If Rick's post is a joke, it's a little over the top but amusing.

If it's
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