Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby Thoul » Thu May 13, '10, 6:38 am

A bunch of them have green hair in PSIV. Maybe Lutz + Shir? ;)
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby Tanith » Thu May 13, '10, 6:43 am

Well, then. Maybe now is a good time to bring up my theory of Anna+Lutz.
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby Rune_Walsh » Thu May 13, '10, 6:45 am

Thoul wrote:A bunch of them have green hair in PSIV. Maybe Lutz + Shir? ;)

I'm being facetious! :lol:

Lutz and Shir is comical:

Lutz: Shir, did you steal my wand AGAIN!?

Shir: O_o

(Snorb, you're better at this than I... :blank:)
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby tilinelson2 » Thu May 13, '10, 12:48 pm

Thoul wrote:
tilinelson2 wrote:All the translations are not official (Compendium, re-translations), made by fans. Why trust these translations since we don't know anything about who translated, apart that they had some knowledge in Japanese (how much?) and they were fans. Remember that traduttore, traditore (translator, traitor).

The same argument can be applied to official translations. We don't know anything about the people who translated PSI, PSII, PSIII, or PSIV for Sega. Who can say how much knowledge they had of Japanese? Their translations become even more suspect if you consider all the things they deliberately changed, like items and characters. They may have even made mistakes, like referring to Noah as "her."

We have to put a reasonable amount of trust into the official translations or we simply would not have anything related to Phantasy Star at all. Even then, we all have to understand that the translations are not necessarily perfect and different people at Sega have given us different translations of the same words.

If we're going to do that, why not extend the same level of trust to fan translations? These people spend a great deal of time translating this text for all of us and get nothing in return for it. If a portion of a translation is pointed out to be inaccurate, then certainly we should take that into account in some way. That doesn't mean we should automatically assume every translation is untrustworthy.

I know there are some mistakes in official translations, but they were approved by Sega for release. There are some differences too, like, for example, there are some mistakes in English translation that are not present in Portuguese translation (I've played both), so it is not that bad.

It is not that I distrust all the translations made by fans and I know they usually do their work not to deceive anyone, but people are fast to disregard the official translation in favor of a fan translation. We don't know if a particular sentence was misunderstood by the fan translator, the same way as it could have happened to the official translator.
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby Thoul » Thu May 13, '10, 6:34 pm

tilinelson2 wrote:We don't know if a particular sentence was misunderstood by the fan translator, the same way as it could have happened to the official translator.

That is true. All the translations, official or fan, should be taken with a grain of salt. Sega does ultimately determine the official timeline of events for the series through their approved releases. However, in the absence of Sega approved translations of extra material like the Compendium or Text Adventures, I think there is little harm in meshing the fan translations with the official translation text.

In cases where there is a direct conflict - like English PSIII happening 1000 years after PSII instead of 2000 years - then I would agree that the approved translation should take priority in respect to conversations about the English games. However, we should also consider that the approved translation has no bearing on what is official for the Japanese version, because any future official PS games will use the Japanese version as their basis. Fan translations give us a greater ability to understand the differences between the versions and material that might be referenced in future games.
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Whats in the box???????

Postby Zio_Falz » Sat Mar 31, '18, 1:13 am

Repeatedly in this thread, it keeps getting mentioned of the 'right' and 'wrong' Dark Falz being on Alisa III, the one on Noah, etc. And the Dark Falz from PS1?
What if none of them are?

Every 1000 years, the seal is weakened. This happens, and Profound sneaks out a Dark Falz via this weakened seal. Then Palma is destroyed, and 1000 years later, PF can sneak out several Dark Falz. And even within The Edge, there are several "baby" Dark Falz, the Prophallus.

I dont think any of them are the same. Just different ones get out each time the seal weakens either due to a millennium, or due to a planet getting destroyed.

What makes me wonder something, is that in PS2 and PS3, the Dark Falz you encounter is in a box. But not PS1 or PS4.
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby myau56 » Fri Jun 15, '18, 12:42 pm

There are a lot of right' and 'wrong' in this post and this is logical ! Not only about Dark Falz/Force :)
All PS is tied with the differences between the japanese versions and the other ones (US and European ones).
There is not really Right or Wrong versions, even if personnaly prefer to sorta "believe" that the japanese one is the good one (even if there are no one good and one bad version !).
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby R-90-2 » Fri Jun 15, '18, 7:09 pm

From what I know about translating games into English from Japanese in the olden times, the question was not whether or not how much the translator knew Japanese, but how much the translator knew English. Squaresoft's RPGs weren't localized by a native English speaker until Ted Woolsey came on board, and I wouldn't be surprised if Sega had the same sort of deal going on.

As for fan translations, while there many which are very faithful (you can trust everything that comes from Gideon, Deuce, and Tomato), it's still very much a wild west out there.
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby myau56 » Sun Jun 24, '18, 11:36 am

R-90-2 wrote:
From what I know about translating games into English from Japanese in the olden times, the question was not whether or not how much the translator knew Japanese, but how much the translator knew English. Squaresoft's RPGs weren't localized by a native English speaker until Ted Woolsey came on board, and I wouldn't be surprised if Sega had the same sort of deal going on.

As for fan translations, while there many which are very faithful (you can trust everything that comes from Gideon, Deuce, and Tomato), it's still very much a wild west out there.

Interesting ! All that is tied to translation may (or must) be hard to understabd wholly, as we don't really know how it was done ! About what were their mother tongue, how many they were, how they proceeded many questions arise !
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Re: Rolf as the decendant of Alis Landale

Postby R-90-2 » Wed Jul 18, '18, 11:03 pm

myau56 wrote:Interesting ! All that is tied to translation may (or must) be hard to understabd wholly, as we don't really know how it was done ! About what were their mother tongue, how many they were, how they proceeded many questions arise !

The big problem with the PS series on that account is that the translators weren't credited, unlike with the Final Fantasy series. The only game where we know who the translator was is PS1, which was translated by John Sauer, a former Tonka employee.
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