Star Trek

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Star Trek

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Oct 12, '07, 8:52 pm

I thought there might be a Star Trek thread here in the forum already since I know we've discussed it from time to time, but I couldn't find a thread for it, so decided to begin one from scratch. :wink:

So, let's discuss all the various Star Trek tv shows, movies, books, re-incarnations, actors, characters, collectibles, or anything having to do with this franchise, etc., etc., etc., here. :yes:

First, a link to some news about the very latest planned Star Trek movie and some new cast additions to that: ... 3?GT1=7701

So, what do you think - Will this actor make a good Star Trek villian? :hmm:

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Postby Thoul » Sat Oct 13, '07, 8:08 pm

I'm not sure about the new movie. It could work or it could be the biggest bomb yet. They've got some talented people working on it, but we'll just have to wait and see.

From what I've read elsewhere, Bana is going to be a Romulan called Nero. They do seem to love the Roman influence. Just don't make him angry. :wink:
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Postby Atolm » Sun Oct 14, '07, 3:23 am

I recently picked up the Star Trek movie "The Voyage Home!" I plan on watching it tonight, it was a favorite of mine when I was really young. =)
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Postby Thoul » Sun Oct 14, '07, 3:51 am

That's a really good one. It was fun seeing how the people from the future related to the past. The scene with Scotty and the computer was hilarious! :rofl:

On the new movie, I heard today that Karl Urban is either in the running or confirmed for the role of Dr. McCoy. He might be good for it, but I just can't picture him in the role. I only remember him from action roles, like Lord of the Rings and Doom. Still it should be interesting to see how he plays it.

In other news, two episodes of the original Star Trek series are going to be shown in select theaters next month. They've been digitally remastered, and this is being done as promotion for a new DVD set with that treatment. There's more info and a list of theaters at this site. I think I might go see it, just for the novelty of seeing the original series on the big screen.
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Postby Neithird » Tue Oct 16, '07, 2:22 am

My favorite movie is Voyage Home. :D It's a great mix of the sci-fi and human aspects. It's even got animal rights awareness thrown in!

Out of the TV series, my favorite is the original. I haven't seen many episodes in a while because they haven't been airing on the channels we get. Most recently I've been watching Voyager reruns, which I largely missed when it first aired.
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Postby Thoul » Tue Oct 16, '07, 6:11 am

Next Generation is my pick for a favorite among the TV shows. It had great characters and stories. Not all of the episodes were gems, but overall it was a strong showing and a fitting heir to the original.

I think the other series after Next Gen were all missing something. I guess it comes from Roddenberry's involvement with Next Gen. It's a shame he wasn't able to give input on the other series, too.
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Postby Thoul » Thu Oct 18, '07, 10:59 pm

BBC News is reporting that the whole cast of the new movie has been announced:
Captain Kirk - Chris Pine
Older Mr Spock - Leonard Nimoy
Young Mr Spock - Zachary Quinto
Scotty - Simon Pegg
Nero - Eric Bana
Uhura - Zoe Saldana
Chekov - Anton Yelchin
Sulu - John Cho
Leonard 'Bones' McCoy - Karl Urban

Any thoughts on these? I haven't heard of most of them before. Just Bana, Quinto, and Urban.
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Postby Neithird » Fri Oct 19, '07, 5:26 am

The only names I know on that list are Bana and Nimoy. :? Who are all these other people?
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Oct 19, '07, 7:33 pm

I am not familiar with some of those names on the list either. I know Eric Bana from "The Hulk" movie. I just saw a pic of Chris Pine and he looks very familiar and kind of egotistical like a young Kirk might be. :wink: It will be a big plus to have Leonard Nimoy in the movie - I just hope he has a good, and long, part. I'm keeping my opinions open on this movie because I want to like it, but we'll see how it goes. :yaknow:

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Oct 22, '07, 7:51 pm

Here's a nice pic and short article on Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner (Spock and Cpt. Kirk on "Star Trek"): ... /#comments

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