Ridiculous Item Of The Day

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Ridiculous Item Of The Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Aug 14, '07, 11:15 pm

Okay, I heard this one on Fox news today and couldn't help but laugh at it, it is SO ridiculous. :rofl:

It seems somewhere in the USA state of Georgia, a woman called Police because she had gotten ahold of some phony or fake drugs (cocaine or the like). Of course, the Police came, she showed them the phony drugs, then they arrested her.

You would have thought she would have been able to see that one coming from a mile or more away! :dizzy:

Anyone else heard or have any other "riciculous items of the day"? :p
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Postby Thoul » Wed Aug 15, '07, 10:18 pm

I saw something on TV today that qualifies. There were these fishermen on a boat out in the ocean somewhere. They caught a shark. I'm not sure if they meant to catch or just got "lucky." Anyway, they brought the shark aboard the boat and thought it was dead. They could see a hook in it's mouth when they held the jaws open, so one of the guys decided to reach in and get the hook out.

At this point, the shark turned out to be quite alive. :sweat: It tried to bite down on the guy's hand. His friends had to pry the jaws open to get him out.

Sticking your hand into the mouth of a shark you just hauled out of the ocean, without even checking to see if it was really dead? :sweat: That's just nuts.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Aug 15, '07, 10:36 pm

That's a good one, Thoul! :lol:

I agree that was a very ridiculous thing for someone to do. I guess they learned a lesson "the hard way" as Apollo Creed of Rocky movie fame would say. :wink:
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Postby Atolm » Fri Aug 17, '07, 11:43 pm

This is a bit silly and pretty funny/amusing.

A Chinese couple wants to name their child "@".


Here is the link:

http://www.cnn.com/2007/funnynews/08/16 ... index.html

So... the name would be "At" in a sense.
Of course, "At" has been the nickname of my internet nickname for years.

There was also another couple that wanted to name their child 4real. Spelled exactly like that.
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Postby Thoul » Sat Aug 18, '07, 1:02 am

I remember hearing about the 4real kid once. That couple was crazy; with a name like that, the kid would be bullied constantly. They would just be making things harder for the kid when growing up.

"At" isn't so bad... it's unusual, especially the use of the symbol, but it sounds like it translates into a reasonable name in Chinese.
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Postby Tsunami » Sat Aug 18, '07, 1:04 am

It never surprises me when it comes to people naming their kids weird things. In the end, I wonder if the parents ever think of the lasting result? Since their names DO stay with them for the rest of their lives. (unless there was a name change, of course)

While @ is probably the most unusual name I've heard, another case of a weird name I read about was "Sephiroth". Seriously, what are these people thinking? :roll:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Aug 18, '07, 3:36 pm

Those are some unusual names. I really feel for the kids growing up and having to deal with those names and the pressures that other kids may put on them for being a bit "different". One would hope that society has learned to be more accepting of those with differences in the world of today, but sometimes that is not the case.

Another unusual name - I heard of some one that named their child "apple". :eyebrow:
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Postby Atolm » Sat Aug 18, '07, 6:54 pm

According to this article here, the baby 4real may just be named Superman but still called 4real.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070808/od_ ... aland_name

I once met a family that had three boys, and they had the following names:
Spike, Rocky and Shark.

I learned later on that one of them legally changed their name to John. I forget who.
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Postby Tsunami » Sun Aug 19, '07, 4:05 am

Secret_Surfer wrote:Another unusual name - I heard of some one that named their child "apple". :eyebrow:

Some celebrity named her daughter that...though I can't recall who it was exactly.

Atolm wrote:According to this article here, the baby 4real may just be named Superman but still called 4real.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070808/od_ ... aland_name

Wow, I feel sorry for that kid. I'll never understand what some people are thinking... :blank:

Though, I wonder if that couple would name their daughter Wonder Woman or their son Batman if they had another kid?
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Postby Thoul » Sun Aug 19, '07, 5:28 am

"Superman" is almost as bad as 4real, when it comes to the kid getting picked on. I'm sure this one will be getting his name changed when he comes of age.

I wonder if they plan to give him a middle name? I hope it's something sane, if they do.

I once met a family that had three boys, and they had the following names:
Spike, Rocky and Shark.

I learned later on that one of them legally changed their name to John. I forget who.

Rocky's not so bad, but Shark? What a name. :?
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