One Life To Live

There's lots to talk about on the smaller screen.

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Nov 15, '07, 7:53 am

Well, it was great to see Asa again, even if it was on a video tape, and possibly for the last time as it was his Will being read so he should be dead, right? Who knows! Asa has already "died" and "returned from the dead" more times than I can count on this show, lol. This may be the real deal, though.

Sadly, for all OLTL fans, while playing my tape of yesterday's show back today, I saw that at the end of the show they had a "In Memoriam" mention and pic of a former OLTL great - actor Lee Patterson, who played the role of "Joe Riley" and later of "Tom Dennison" on OLTL many years ago. Joe was one of the original characters on OLTL when it began over 30 something years ago. The character of Joe Riley was Vikie's first husband, and he is the biological father of Viki's children - Kevin and Joey. Viki's second husband, Clint, later adopted Kevin and Joey which is why their last name is Buchanan.

Lee was an accomplished and very successful actor before joing OLTL. Apparently he died sometime back in February of this year, but we are just now learning about it. He will be very much missed. :tombstone: ... (Joe_Riley)_Death

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Postby Thoul » Thu Nov 15, '07, 9:26 am

Apparently he died sometime back in February of this year, but we are just now learning about it.

That's kind of odd, if you ask me. :hmm:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Nov 15, '07, 8:08 pm

Thoul wrote:
Apparently he died sometime back in February of this year, but we are just now learning about it.

That's kind of odd, if you ask me. :hmm:

Yes, it does seem quite odd. I don't recall that every happening before. There was no explanation regarding why either.

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Dec 22, '07, 3:29 am

LOL, I happened to catch a bit of "One Life To Live" today and it was good. Can you say "catfight", lol. Blair and Adrianna really got into - slapping each other, and each calling the other some very unpleasant names :wink: - I thought for a moment they were going to knock the christmas tree down as they were fighting - until Blair's mom, Addie, came in. Wow, what has happened to Addie? She looked very beautiful and very "normal", which if anyone knows Addie, is very unlike her most of the time.

Oh yeah, the other day, they had a pie fight on the show at The Diner. That was fun to see too. Everyone had pie all over themselves - oooooooh. :yuck: :lol:

I love these holiday shows. :yes:
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Postby Tsunami » Thu Dec 27, '07, 10:20 am

A catfight? Between those two? Wow, I haven't watched this in a very long time, but I think that's a little...weird. :lol:
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Re: One Life To Live

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Apr 16, '11, 6:40 am

Well, I haven't posted in this topic in quite awhile but now there is some rather shocking and upsetting news to share regarding the soap opera "One Life To Live".

"One Life To Live" has been canceled! :cry:

The show has been on the air for around 40 years now. If I recall correctly, the first episode aired sometime in the 1960's, probably around 1968 or 1969. I'd have to look it up to know the exact date. It has been a popular soap on ABC for all these years. However, Soap Operas have not been fairing as well as they used to and several other soaps on various tv channels have already been canceled.

This news is especially upsetting since "One Life To Live" just recently shared the news that actor Roger Howarth, the original actor to play the role of Todd Manning, is returning to the show after an absence of several years. Many OLTL fans were/are looking forward to his return.

From what I've read, the show will still be on the air until sometime in January 2012.

Another popular ABC soap, "All My Children" has also been canceled, and will air their last show sometime in September of this year 2011.

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Re: One Life To Live

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jan 11, '13, 11:49 pm

Just made a post in the "All My Children" thread regarding the recent announcement by Prospect Park on reviving "One Life To Live" and "All My Children" soaps online and wanted to post it here also: ... ctpark.php

Agnes Nixon, creator of "OLTL" and "AMC" has signed on as a consultant to the shows she helped make so famous.

Also, actor Jerry ver Dorn who last played the role of Clint Buchanan on "OLTL" seems to have signed on for the new soaps. Various other "OLTL" actors have previously signed on, if I remember correctly and it will be interesting to see if they are still onboard after nearly a year has passed.

They need to get actress Robin Strasser aka Dorian Cramer Lord on this show pronto!! :yes:

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Re: One Life To Live

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jan 25, '13, 11:52 pm

Well, I guess they took my advice about getting Robin Strasser back as Dorian Lord, lol. Prospect Park has released new information and a new line up of soap stars who have all signed up to take part in the new online soaps and many OLTL favorites are returning including Robin Strasser. Read more about what's happening with the new online soaps here:

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Re: One Life To Live

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed May 15, '13, 12:03 am

Bumping this up to say that "One Life To Live" is now being seen in new episodes on the Hulu channel for free. Here's a link below:!one-life-to-live

The show airs about a half an hour five days a week with the fifth day being a recap of the week.

It's good to see Victoria Lord, Clint Buchanan, Nora & Bo Buchanan, Matthew Buchanan, Dorian Lord, David Vickers, Tea Delgodo, Blair Kramer Manning, Todd Manning, Victor Lord, Jr. and all the rest again along with a few new folks.

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Re: One Life To Live

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jul 11, '23, 6:10 pm

Actress Andrea Evans, who played the role of Tina Lord Buchanan,on OLTL has died from * Cancer. She was 66! She was also on some other soaps at various times (Y&R, AW).

Condolences to her family. ... _u8bL0BUgI ... ar-dead-66

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