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Dr. Sage, please report to the Director's office.

Postby Xander » Thu Aug 12, '10, 8:43 pm

Back to rock ye all with my coloured pencil weirdness. :p

Yesterday I realised I've been doing quite a bit of PS IV related fanart, so I decided to break the cycle with another PS II piece before I go back and try my hand at Alys.
I was thinking of drawing her holding a clipboard but by that time I had coloured her and so had no choice. I drew up a quick background just for a change as well. I mean it's a hospital, the decor isn't exactly jazzy.

And for extra nerdiness I added the signs to the wall pointing towards the same places as they appear in Amy's text adventure game. :knockout:

Anyway, onwards to more artwork! I haven't drawn Alys yet so expect something pretty simple to come next. I don't think trying my hand at original stuff is a good idea until I've at least drawn someone once.

Comments, feedback, etc. welcome as always. :)
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Re: Dr. Sage, please report to the Director's office.

Postby Lyla2284 » Thu Aug 12, '10, 9:05 pm

You've got some good shading going on with her outfit and her hair colour here, Xan. But to me, she appears too broad-shouldered. Amy is very petite and delicate, like a gust of wind would lift her off her feet at any given time. ^^

But you are definitely improving greatly.
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Re: Dr. Sage, please report to the Director's office.

Postby Atlinsmere » Thu Aug 12, '10, 9:48 pm

I wouldn't say she looks broad here, as more of chubby. x3

Chubby Amy is cute.

Great job Xander, Awesome background too, it's simple but very effective.
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Re: Dr. Sage, please report to the Director's office.

Postby Xander » Thu Aug 12, '10, 9:59 pm

Thanks guys. :) Is she really that broad? I didn't notice. It looked ok to me. Plus she is wearing a slightly puffy sleeved outfit. But hey, I don't know. I'm still a noob :p

I should probably mention that the picture was taken with a camera rather than scanned, hence why it's a little dark. While I'm using my old paper this time around the scanner failed to pick up the background colour properly and no brightness and contrast adjustments seemed to help bring it out without flushing the rest out.
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Re: Dr. Sage, please report to the Director's office.

Postby Atlinsmere » Thu Aug 12, '10, 10:01 pm

I didn't even notice it was a little dark till you mentioned it. Dang you Xander. >_<
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Re: Dr. Sage, please report to the Director's office.

Postby Xander » Thu Aug 12, '10, 10:06 pm

If I get a chance I may take it to my dad's place and try the scanner there. Seeing how his is a proper scanner and about a year old and mine is an old PSC of about 10+ years... It just annoys me slightly that I can't show you the drawings as I see it on the paper in my hand. But that's what happens with digitisation.
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Re: Dr. Sage, please report to the Director's office.

Postby Lucas » Thu Aug 12, '10, 11:36 pm

Great work Xander I enjoy seeing your Amy art.

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Re: Dr. Sage, please report to the Director's office.

Postby Tanith » Thu Aug 12, '10, 11:54 pm

Is it wrong of me to portray Amy in my own mind as being petite but a little on the fleshy side before she thins up on Rolf's journey? I know that's my own imagination, but her text adventure self does seem to have some cute chubby cheeks. Chubby Amy is friggin' adorable, I think. (I even work this into to my character development of her.)

Anyway, yay for text adventure Amy! I like the extra nerdiness of the signs, btw. ;)
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Re: Dr. Sage, please report to the Director's office.

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Aug 13, '10, 1:29 am

Great job, Xander. She looks fine to me. I like what you've done with the background too. :yes:

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Re: Dr. Sage, please report to the Director's office.

Postby Thoul » Fri Aug 13, '10, 1:34 am

She looks great to me, as well. The outfit is just a bit puffy, which fits well for a doctor's coat like that. If you look at the outfit Hahn or Holt wear, you can see those white coats can be pretty thick.

Love the signs in the background. The tie-in to the text adventure is brilliant. :D
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