Whats the one thing your favorite PS character wouldnt say?

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Whats the one thing your favorite PS character wouldnt say?

Postby Celeith » Sat Sep 29, '07, 1:01 am

Just like the name implies what do u think the one thing any of your phantasy star characters would never say?

Alys: Maybe I should give Hahn back his money and teach him fighting lessons instead?

Rofl: Alright, game genie invented. Now to set it somewhere that future generations may find it ^_^ Next item, some kinda attachable to put on the monitors so kids can enjoy. I shall call it the xbox...
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Postby Tsunami » Sat Sep 29, '07, 2:08 am

Ryan: Maybe Lune wasn't such a bad guy after all.
Seth: You guys aren't very strong, are you? Oops, I mean...
Chaz: Shorty? SHORTY!? Well, you know what you are, Rune? You're a big, tall meanie! :cry:
Rika: Oooh, what does this button do?
Rudo: Yeah, my name's short for Rudolf... But what about yours, rofl?
Rolf: That's Rolf. ROLF!
Alis: What are you exactly, Noah? Guy or girl? It's hard to tell...
Rhys: I'm not marrying either one of them.

And that's it. :D
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Postby Shinuzzo » Sat Sep 29, '07, 4:41 pm

Tsunami wrote:Rika: Oooh, what does this button do?

Rhys: I'm not marrying either one of them.

And that's it. :D

I could see the Rika one happening seeing how curious she is.

I think Rhys should have went with Mieu, she's been waiting a thousand years for him after all. Besides who wants a wife or a father-in-law that tried to kill you?
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Postby Tsunami » Sun Sep 30, '07, 12:29 am

Shinuzzo wrote:I think Rhys should have went with Mieu, she's been waiting a thousand years for him after all. Besides who wants a wife or a father-in-law that tried to kill you?

Hahaha! I agree, but since this topic is for things characters wouldn't say, so I found it fitting for Rhys to refuse marrying either one of them... But you're right, he went through a lot of trouble just for Maia.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Sun Sep 30, '07, 1:02 am

kaloes wrote:Alys: Maybe I should give Hahn back his money and teach him fighting lessons instead?
Yeah, she'd NEVER say that!

Tsunami wrote:Seth: You guys aren't very strong, are you? Oops, I mean...

Rhys: I'm not marrying either one of them.

I don't have any for the moment. I'll have to think about this one!
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Postby Tsunami » Sun Sep 30, '07, 1:47 am

Rune: Maybe I should apologise to Chaz.
Rolf: Shir, steal the sword! The really expensive one!
Ayn: C'mon Wren, we have to get going!
Wren: You are not Orakian. Access denied.
Ayn: What are you talking about?
Mieu: Wren, what do you mean? Ayn's half Orakian!
Wren: Affirmative, half doesn't cut it. L.O.L.
Ayn: Marry my cousin? That's sick! On the other hand...
Sari: I like weak men; they're easier to boss around. Right, Ayn?
Rhys: I choose you, Mieu. As my one true love.

It's kinda fun to think about these. :D Shinuzzo gave me the idea for the last one.
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Postby Shinuzzo » Sun Sep 30, '07, 12:13 pm

Oops, double post.
Last edited by Shinuzzo on Sun Sep 30, '07, 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Shinuzzo » Sun Sep 30, '07, 12:25 pm

Hugh: Why does everything I care about try to kill me?!
Amy: Thanks for stealing the Star Mists and Moon Dews, Shir, and making me look bad.
Rudo: Damn you filthy Earthmen! You blew it up!
Darum: That Nei girl is such a hottie!
Nei: Screw the humans, I want to rule the world with my sister!
Shir: How do I travel in-between planets without a spaceship? I'm really an esper, they kicked me out for trying to steal the Aero-Prism.
Thea: My dad can turn into a dragon and I didn't get any cool powers out of the deal.
Sari: Maybe I am just a little overpowered...
Rhys: I'll marry all three of them! I'm going to be king after all...
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Postby The $ Avenger » Mon Oct 1, '07, 12:53 am

Shinuzzo wrote:Hugh: Why does everything I care about try to kill me?!
That's a great one!

Amy: Thanks for stealing the Star Mists and Moon Dews, Shir, and making me look bad.
Poor Amy. She never had a chance!

Nei: Screw the humans, I want to rule the world with my sister!
:yikes: , I think that one is the current winner!

Shir: How do I travel in-between planets without a spaceship? I'm really an esper, they kicked me out for trying to steal the Aero-Prism.
Another excellent one!

Nice work, Shinuzzo! :clap:
"Impossible is just a word people use to make themselves feel better when they quit." Vyse, Skies of Arcadia Legends.
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Postby Tsunami » Mon Oct 1, '07, 2:16 am

Shinuzzo wrote:Hugh: Why does everything I care about try to kill me?!
Amy: Thanks for stealing the Star Mists and Moon Dews, Shir, and making me look bad.
Rudo: Damn you filthy Earthmen! You blew it up!
Darum: That Nei girl is such a hottie!
Nei: Screw the humans, I want to rule the world with my sister!
Shir: How do I travel in-between planets without a spaceship? I'm really an esper, they kicked me out for trying to steal the Aero-Prism.
Thea: My dad can turn into a dragon and I didn't get any cool powers out of the deal.
Sari: Maybe I am just a little overpowered...
Rhys: I'll marry all three of them! I'm going to be king after all...

All of them are great! :rofl: I had something similar to the last one in mind, but yours is better. :)
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