I hope everyone is staying healthy during this outbreak?

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I hope everyone is staying healthy during this outbreak?

Postby Prince Noah » Sun Mar 22, '20, 2:23 pm

By now I'm sure you've all heard of the dreaded COVID19, (Corona virus). You all may know that stores are practially empty of products like toilet paper, disinfectant spray, some foods and alot of other things. Even management at my job had to cut back our hours and change what time we take our breaks so that everyone isn't always in contact with each other all the time. I personally just got out of work for this week because of the outbreak. I'm not in a pinch yet, but hopefully it'll stay that way. And when we go outside for whatever reason, we can't be around more than 10 people, and we can't go shopping for anything at all unless it's to get something we cannot live without.

I'll personally be okay for the time being, but I hope everyone else can say the same. I hope nobody gets sick.
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Re: I hope everyone is staying healthy during this outbreak?

Postby myau56 » Mon Mar 23, '20, 2:41 pm

I am not sick but here we are confined ! About work it's only via webcam about my lessons ! Not too bad but everyone stay safe ! :) :grouphug:
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Re: I hope everyone is staying healthy during this outbreak?

Postby Rylen » Mon Mar 23, '20, 8:24 pm

Michigan just went into "stay-at-home" till the middle of april. Doing OK so far. But a month with out church is going to hurt my overall state of mind.
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Re: I hope everyone is staying healthy during this outbreak?

Postby Prince Noah » Sun Mar 29, '20, 2:16 pm

Welp, I just got laid off from the lack of work. Well, not just me. A whole bunch of my co-workers got laid off too. :( Stupid outbreak causing this. I pray no one else gets this.

People need to take this seriously, not blow it off. COVID19 is a killer, not something to ignore. :(
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Re: I hope everyone is staying healthy during this outbreak?

Postby myau56 » Mon Mar 30, '20, 1:13 pm

Yes, this COVID 19 is a killer and so nasty...:(
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Re: I hope everyone is staying healthy during this outbreak?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Apr 2, '20, 8:52 pm

Glad to hear you are doing well Prince Noah, and everyone else. Sorry about the lay off from work. I imagine that will be happening a lot in the weeks to come as more people are forced to stay at home. Hopefully, this will all be over with soon and things can get back to normal or atleast as normal as possible for everyone.

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Re: I hope everyone is staying healthy during this outbreak?

Postby myau56 » Fri Apr 3, '20, 10:53 am

Yes, more people are going to stay home...we are already confined here but it's not too bad ! :)
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Re: I hope everyone is staying healthy during this outbreak?

Postby Wolf Bird » Fri Apr 3, '20, 5:49 pm

Massachusetts is also in stay at home lockdown until early May, at least, and so far no one here is sick. Unfortunately, my aunt may have it, but she's not high priority enough to be tested, so she and my uncle are just assuming and self-quarantining. I've been doing remote teaching since mid-March and I'll say now, it's suboptimal at best for K-12/equivalent education. My school was even in a good spot to transition relatively quickly, but it's just not great for teacher, student nor parent. I know some states of suspended the school year in full, so we'll see what happens here...
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Re: I hope everyone is staying healthy during this outbreak?

Postby DarkWitchClaire » Fri Apr 3, '20, 6:23 pm

I haven't left my house since March 15th. I've been taking classes remotely, but I've put off any job searching as I doubt I'll be able to find a job in the near future...

My immediate family has been thankfully ok and been able to keep their jobs right now. Everyone but my dad is stuck at home, though he had to work from home for a week after a couple cases were reported at his work. Any plans for the next few months have been postponed or canceled, and as much as I'm getting through this things still seem weird and stressful...
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Re: I hope everyone is staying healthy during this outbreak?

Postby myau56 » Sat Apr 4, '20, 12:13 pm

All schools are suspended here in France for nw three weeks...all is quasi closed and we seems to be approaching the peak of the epidemy..hope it's not going to last too long here AND in all the other countries...
For me it's not too stresfull (for the moment maybe !) and everyone I now isq ok and has nt been infected (I hope !) so to everyone, especially in the USA actually : STAY SAFE !!!
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