Accepting Fate: IDOLA
“It’s about time we saw things from a villain’s point of view!”
Character Profile: Velvet Sage
Name: Velvet
Last Name: Sage
Species: Human (?)
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Eye Colour: Electric Blue
Hair Colour: Scarlet Red
Height: 5’5” ft
Weight: 51 kg
Next of Kin: Unknown
Occupation: Apprentice Chaos Sorceress
Weapon of Choice: Chaos Staff (Also uses her hands to cast certain magic’s)
Planet of Origin: Unknown
Likes: Summoning beings from other realms, Being taught new spells, Elisa Bragwin (she see a vast evil potential in her when allied with the Profound Darkness)
Dislikes: The Great Light, Followers of Alis Landale (Hunters), Autumn Erra
Hobbies: Colleting ball-jointed dolls
Idol: Dark Force (?)
Alignment: Bad (?)
Power Grid:
Intelligence: 3
Strength: 3
Speed: 4
Durability: 4
Energy Projection: 6
Fighting Skills: 3
Power grid ratings are scored between a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 7
Character image coming soon!