A reading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"

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A reading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"

Postby Bragatyr » Sat Apr 8, '17, 4:17 pm

So I have a new YouTube channel, Ancient Literature Dude, on which I ostensibly read ancient literature but in fact read just about anything I want. Working through most of my favorite poems right now, and this one has definitely always been a favorite.

I'm thinking about eventually expanding it into a kind of literary analysis of video games, and Phantasy Star would definitely be a good entry for that kind of thing.
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Re: A reading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"

Postby myau56 » Sun Apr 9, '17, 11:38 am

Interesting video, Bragatyr ! Honestly, like often, I didn't know about both of them (Samuel Taylor Coleridge's and "Kubla Khan") but it was interesting ! I like poems :)
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Re: A reading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"

Postby Bragatyr » Mon Apr 10, '17, 12:04 am

Thanks for checking it out, myau, much appreciated. It's definitely an interesting poem, if you get a chance sometime you might want to check out how he came to write it, it's definitely a fascinating story.

What are some of your favorite poems? I'm always looking for poems to recite. I actually got a dual language edition of Charles Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal recently at a book bazaar; not that I'll be able to recite French anytime soon, but hopefully one day.
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Re: A reading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"

Postby myau56 » Mon Apr 10, '17, 12:19 pm

BRAGATYR : Thanks about the ...thanks ! :)
At first, I haven't tied it with Mongol ruler and Emperor of China Kublai Khan ! But I know him (about my studies in history !).
I've just read some lines about how he came to write it, and that is indeed an interesting and fascinating story ! :)
Ah I love Les Fleurs du Mal too ! :) Dual language edition ? I think it's the best to have the best part of every poem.
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Re: A reading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"

Postby Bragatyr » Fri Apr 14, '17, 4:36 pm

It's both cool and funny to think that I'm so used to the poem that it's hard for me to remember sometimes that Kublai Khan was an actual historical figure. I haven't actually read a lot of Chinese history because I'm weird about reading stuff and translation (one of the reasons I'm trying to work in some Chinese into my studies); about the only thing I know about him is from his Wikipedia page and that Marco Polo show on Netflix, which was a fun show but apparently not very accurate.

At least they did get across the point that his court was very culturally, ethnically, and religiously diverse, with a number of Muslim advisors, for example, which I found very interesting.

I thought you might like Charles Baudelaire, that's awesome. If I'm not mistaken he was very strongly influenced by Edgar Allan Poe, like a lot of French authors of the period. Which is always good, because I love Poe. If there are any poems you'd like to see let me know.
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Re: A reading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"

Postby jessie » Fri Apr 14, '17, 11:04 pm

Excellent! You have a really impressive voice.
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Re: A reading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"

Postby myau56 » Sat Apr 15, '17, 1:52 pm

Yes, I love Charle Baudelaire, who is one of our main poet ! :) But I don't know all the french poets, and sure I don't know many from "foreign countries" ! But that's cool to know about Samuel Taylor Coleridge now, and that is all thanks to you ! :)
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Re: A reading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"

Postby Bragatyr » Sat Apr 15, '17, 7:24 pm

Thank you very much, jessie, that means a lot.

I wish I knew French better, myau, because there's so much good French literature, but French is so different from Latin that it's much more difficult for me to pick up than the other Romance languages.
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Re: A reading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri May 12, '17, 2:11 am

Sounds like a very interesting project you have started Bragatyr! I wish you luck with it.

I agree with Jessie as stated above, you do have a very nice voice. Very easy to hear and understand what you are saying. I like that. Also enjoyed the Kubla Kahn poem.

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Re: A reading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan"

Postby Bragatyr » Sat May 13, '17, 1:50 am

Thank you very much again! I was really nervous when I first started recording these, speech has never really been my strong suit, so that means a lot.
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