A Phantasy Star II T-shirt

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A Phantasy Star II T-shirt

Postby Thoul » Mon Mar 3, '08, 5:32 am

Sega of Japan's "Direct" website, where they sell all the nifty merchandise we can't get over here in the US, has among other things, a group of T-shirts for sell. One features Mother Brain and the PSII logo.
Front: http://segadirect.jp/Catalog/CustomPage ... su_tob.jpg
Back: http://segadirect.jp/Catalog/CustomPage ... su_tub.jpg
What do you think, would you buy this shirt if you could?
Last edited by Thoul on Mon Mar 3, '08, 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Celeith » Mon Mar 3, '08, 5:46 am

not really, mother brain may of been a cool boss but the image of her on a shirt is just plain creepy.. as much as I love PSII i think i'll stay away from this shirt as much as possible.
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Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Mar 3, '08, 5:55 am

Maybe the motherbrain shirt, but personally the Phantasy Star II Logo is just too much for me

Now if there was a PSIV shirt...
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Postby Celeith » Mon Mar 3, '08, 5:56 am

i'd get a shirt if it had Alys Rika Kyra and Demi on it doing something freakin awsome. wouldn't wear it it be more of a collectors item because even though they are like my favorite characters its a shirt with girls on it.. around here a guy would get jumped wearing such a thing >.>
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Postby Thoul » Mon Mar 3, '08, 6:11 am

Trenzer wrote:Maybe the motherbrain shirt, but personally the Phantasy Star II Logo is just too much for me

Just to clarify, since I didn't make it quite as clear as I could, in this case it's one shirt. The PSII logo is on the back, MB on the front.
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Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Mar 3, '08, 6:31 am

perhaps I scratch the PSII logo off... or just hang it on my wall...
A simple text based signature? That's impossible!
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Postby Tsunami » Mon Mar 3, '08, 6:32 pm

I'd like to see a t-shirt with PSII characters on it. :D Or heck, any of the other PS games with the cast would be nice...
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Postby SparkyIII » Tue Mar 4, '08, 4:38 am

I wanna Rika shirt! XD Or like, a bunch of those wierd girls, Nei, Mieu, Rika XDDDD
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Mar 4, '08, 6:01 am

Sounds awesome. Yes, I might buy the shirt.

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Re: A Phantasy Star II T-shirt

Postby Zio_Falz » Mon Jun 1, '20, 4:51 pm

Personally, I think the shirt is amazing.
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