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Differences in Phantasy Star: Deluxe Edition • Phantasy Star: Fringes of Algo

Phantasy Star: Deluxe Edition is a mostly faithful remake of the original Phantasy Star, but like all remakes, it does have some differences. To complicate matters slightly, changes were made to the game between the Japanese and later Chinese release. These are some of the differences observed in the remake.

There are many aspects of the game that have been removed in this remake, such as some items or menu options, which will be detailed in the sections below. Even though these things are not accessible in the game, their names and other related text are still present within the game. They are simply not used.


In order to display anything on screen, this game redraws the entire screen as a single static image when any change must happen. Due to this behavior, nearly all forms of animation have been changed or removed. For example, instead of smoothly sliding over one tile when characters move on a town or world map, the entire screen must be created again with characters in the new position. Animations on the maps themselves, such as tidal movements on bodies of water, are no longer possible. Scrolling display of dialogue has also been dropped from the game as a result.

All enemy attack animations have been completely removed. Some player attack animations are simulated by quickly redrawing the screen, with each step using the next in a series of frames displaying the attack graphics. Some spells, such as Fire and Wind, have special sets of frames for this purpose. Similar quick redrawing techniques like this are used to animate movement in dungeons and opening treasure chests.

There are also no transition animations between maps. In the original game, traveling from one planet to another would display a transition featuring both planets. Moving between the Palma spaceport and Camineet or Parolit would also result in an special scene placing the party on a conveyor belt. None of this is present in the remake; all such movements are instantaneous.

Automatic Mapping

Dungeon navigation now includes an automatic mapping feature that displays rooms and landmarks as the player progresses through the dungeon. The landmarks displayed include treasure chests marked as blue stars, doors, stairs, and entrances. The maps are reset each time a dungeon is entered or a game is loaded. It has been reported that the Japanese version marks hidden passages on the map when near them. For the Chinese version, those passages do not appear until entered unless a door is present at the entrance.

The mapping feature can be toggled on and off with a single button press, allowing players to choose the challenge of unmapped dungeons if desired.

Redesigned Graphics

All graphics in the remake have been redesigned, but maintain the spirit of the original game. Every monster and person has a new visual representation. The cutscenes all feature new artwork. Even the dungeons have an updated look.

Each family of monsters has a single image stored inside the game. When different creatures in the family are displayed on screen, the colors of the base image are altered to match the specific creature. In almost all cases, the colors for each specific creature match those in the original version. The color swapping technique is used for generic townspeople, as well.

Dungeons also use color swapping to display the structures in different colors. Ceilings and floors use different colors than walls. The Chinese version appears to use different colors in some dungeons than the Japanese version. Several images are used for each portion of movement in dungeons, allowing for a quicker and smoother transition when moving.

The title screen is also different. It now features a background with the three planets of the Algo Solar System, instead of Alis Landale. In the Japanese version, there are only two options on the title screen: New Game and Continue. The Chinese version adds more options for advertising other games, a game introduction, and a few credits related specifically to that version. The background also includes small dots representing distant stars. The pattern of these dots is altered in the Chinese version.


Several common items are no longer accessible in the game. These include Flash, Magic Lamp, Magic Hat, and Sphere. All treasure chests that originally contained these items now produce something else: Flash chests contain Cola, Magic Hat chests hold Transfers, and the Magic Lamp chest yields a Burger.

The removal of the Flash and Magic Lamp also make some other changes necessary. In the original game, some dungeons were darkened and could not be explored without one of those items. This status has been removed, allowing free exploration of all these places. Furthermore, a non-player character's Flash related dialogue in Camineet has been replaced with a reference to Nero.

The Second-Hand Shops, or tool shops, no longer offer an option to sell items. Since meseta is no easier to find than in the original game, this results in much more grinding to afford new equipment. Old equipment must be discarded to make room for more items as the game progresses.

Most shops sell the same items, minus those removed and listed above, for the same prices. The exceptions to this are the Bronze Shield and Iron Shield. Originally these were sold in Eppi and Camineet, respectively. They have switched locations, denying Alis access to any shield until after Odin is recruited.

Some items can no longer be used in certain contexts that were allowed in the original game. The Laerma Nuts can no longer be used to leave the Air Castle region. The Land Rover can only be used on Motavia and the Ice Digger only on Dezoris, instead of being usable on all three planets.

Menus and Magic

When saving, the game automatically creates names for each save. The names are based on Alis' current level. If Alis is level 5, the matching save would be titled "Level 5."

A new option for quitting to the title screen is added to the in-game menu, below the Save command. This option reportedly does not have a confirmation prompt in the Japanese version. However, the Chinese version does include such a prompt.

Alis begins the game with the Heal spell, instead of learning it at level 4. This makes early leveling a little easier.

Communication with monsters has mostly been removed from the game. There is no longer a Talk command in the battle menus. The Chat and Tele spells are not learned during the course of the game. Only one generic monster is still capable of speech: a spider in the prison dungeon.

Chinese version of the game includes additional options on the title screen. The Japanese version has "New Game" and "Continue," but the Chinese expands that with "More Games," and introduction and game controls option, and an "About" option that gives some credits for this version. The post-game credits dungeon is removed from both versions, leaving the original game staff completely uncredited.

Altered Enemies

Aside from the removal of communication as mentioned above, a few specific enemy encounters have been changed as well. The color schemes of some monsters have been swapped with other monsters in the same family. One example of this occurs with Fishman and Marman, two amphibious creatures. Fishman was originally primarily yellow in color. Marman, the stronger version of the Fishman family, was mainly purple in the Master System game. The new versions cast Fishman as mostly blue and Marman as dominantly yellow. The Man Eater and Dead Tree plant monsters display this type of color change as well.

Shadow, the Dr. Mad clone that serves as Lassic's double, now uses Dr. Mad's color scheme instead of a darker variant.

The approach to Lassic's Air Castle has been made easier. When taking off from Baya Malay, the Gold Dragon boss does not appear. In the town portion of the castle, the final house before Lassic's mansion no longer holds a Serpent monster. Instead, it is a free inn like the one outside the Governor's mansion in Paseo.

A Dezorian who appeared in a dungeon and lied about a fork in a path is no longer present.

Deluxe vs. Standard

There are actually two versions of the Phantasy Star remake for mobile phones, a Deluxe Edition and a Standard Edition. Standard Edition includes most of the changes listed above, but there are a few key points that differ.

  • Graphics are not heavily redesigned from the original game.
  • Automatic dungeon mapping is not included.
  • The title screen is altered to read © SEGA/SONICTEAM at the bottom.

The Standard Edition has also been released only in Japan. It was not ported to Chinese mobile phones alongside Deluxe Edition.