Phantasy Star Online v.2 Soul of a Blacksmith Walkthrough Version 3.1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Created By: Mathieu Thériault aka Loki ( Yep that's french alright ^^; ) Created On: 03/19/2002 Last Time Updated:03/26/2002 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Disclaimer: Well this is my first walkthrough so don't complain about anything that might not be 100% accurate. If there should be any major error email me at This FAQ/Walkthrough can be distributed freely as long as you don't modify/change the information in any ways. Important Note: This walkthrough might sound a bit repetitive but at least you know where to go... ^^; It also seems like if you set the language to japanese, you can get a rare weapon using the 'blue' material, thanks to Chris for that one! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Index : 1.What's New 2.Introduction 3.Walkthrough 4.Raw Material Weapons 5.Questions & Answers 6.Contact Me 7.Credits =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================================================================= What's News ======================================================================= Version 3.1 : Making new Raw Material Weapons chart for blue material, fixed minor weapons chart error, also added Contact Me section Version 3.0 : I just found another mineral, I will add the path shortly Version 2.2 : Added Path A for the Miwontite Version 2.1 : Finished Raw Material Weapons charts Version 2.0 : Walkthrough finished Version 1.0 : Introduction added and started Walktrough ======================================================================= Introduction ======================================================================= Ozwald, a blacksmith want to create new weapon using Ragol's raw material. The weapon made using these material will be yours, he's just interested in 'making' these weapons. Your mission is quite simple, collect 3 different material on Ragol. He will give you a memo and tell you that he's not sure about the third one, he's not sure what material you might find there, so just bring back one that you think is good. Reward: 2500 meseta ======================================================================= Walkthrough ======================================================================= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pioneer 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ok now that you have the memo, why don't look at it? There's 3 material listed : =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================== Miwontite: Often found in the river. ========================== Dragon Fang: Grown in Dragon's jaws. ========================== Mineral: Use your best judgement. ========================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Now that you know what material to look for, let's think a bit. We all know there's a river in Forest. So I suggest that you head for Forest 1 first. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forest 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Path A:Walk to the first room, kill all the monster and continue to the next one. From here, head north and just follow the path until the dead end. You should see a Miwontite near the 'river'. After that, just come back to the big room, but this time head east. From that room, just head foward until you reach the room with Forest 2 Path B: Head into the first room, it sould be an easy one, from there head north. In that room, you should see the 'river' but, no material there. So clean out the room and head east to find ANOTHER 'river'. Yes! The Miwontite is there, just walk next to it, your character should take it automatically. Continue foward until you reach the room with Forest 2 warp. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forest 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walk in the first room, there should be a bit of monster, but nothing too hard for YOU. From there, head north and take the east path to go in the next room. Kill all the monsters there and a door to the north should open. Kill all the monsters in that room again, but I strongly suggest that you use a telepipe or cast Ryuker because next room is a bit nastier. Go south from here. Kill all the monsters there and in the northern part of that room should be a warp, take it. Just go straight from there until you reach the Dragon warp. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Boss : Dragon =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well I suppose there's not a lot to explain about this part. Just take a weapon and slay that overgrown lizard. He should drop Dragon Fang. Just take the warp to Pioneer 2 and head for Caves... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cave 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================================================================= NOTE: Okay, from here you'll have the choise to take 1 of the 3 material. WARNING: After taking one of the material, you cannot take another. So choose wisely which one your gonna take. If by error you pick up the wrong material, just find the other material, it should make the first one dissapear. ======================================================================= From the first room , head south until you reach a room where you can see a big rock with material shining on it, for now, ignore it. In the next room, if you head east you should find a healing pod, or just go straight south. Watch out for mines, they deal a lot of damage on ultimate. Continue foward, Now you should be next to the big rock with material on it. If you go touch it, you will have the 'red' material, which stand for 'fire'. If your not interested by these 'red' material, just continue foward and ignore it. Kill all the monsters and go south. There should be a small room with a switch. Press it and head back to the previous room and go through the west door. Continue west until you reach a circular room. From there head south. Kill the monster and head south again, where you should find a warp, take it. From there, go straight to find another warp, once again, take it. You should find yourself in an isolated room. Press the switch and head through the door. Head east from there, you should be in a square-like room now, kill all monsters and head north, congrats you found Cave 2 ! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cave 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Head through the first room, from there, go north. Head north still, before entering next room, you should use a Trap Vision if you are not a robot. Press the switch in the center of the room to unlock the door. From that room, head east to find a room with 3 doors. Go through the south door to find a healing pod, if you don't need to heal yourself, just go to the northen door. Head north until you find a small room with a switch, press it and head back to the 3 doors room, from there, head west from there. You should now find yourself in the waterfall room. Here, you can get the 'green' material, which stand for 'frost'. If you are not interested by there 'green' material, just continue foward and ignore it. Head east from here then go south. Follow that path until you reach the next room. From here head through the west door and press the switch, come back to the previous room and the eastern door should be unlocked. Just follow the path, you should soon find yourself in front of Cave 3. Congrats! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cave 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walk into the first room, from here head north. You should be in a T like room, head north and ignore the east room. You should now be in a U-Shaped like room. DON'T TOUCH THE SWITCH YOU SEE, instead, release the red barrier and look beside it, there should be another switch. Press that one to unlock the 2 doors and head through the west one. From that room, head through the southern door. Head west from that room. You should now be in a O-like room, look on the wall, you should find some 'blue' material, which stand for 'frost' If your not interested by these 'blue' material, just continue foward and ignore it. ======================================================================= NOTE: There is no other materials. So I suggest that you pick up that one if you wish, you can also come back to get the others. You can also finish Cave 3 for a good source of exp, there's no boss though. ======================================================================= Now that you have choosed a mineral, head back to Pioneer 2 and go see Ozwald. Well depending of the material you choosed he will make you a weapon of your choise, that is, a blade, a gun or a staff. That is all, for information about the weapons he make, go in the 'Raw Material Weapons' section. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Raw Material Weapons =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here's the complete list of weapons made by Ozwald depending on the mineral you bring him. Red Material ===================================================== Weapon Name = Type = Required = ATP = ATA = MST = ===================================================== Fire Sword = Sword = 82 0 0 = Fire Rifle = Rifle = 0 72 0 = Fire Rod = Rod = 0 0 N/A = ===================================================== Green Material ======================================================== Weapon Name = Type = Required = ATP = ATA = MST = ======================================================== Frost Sword = Sword = 82 0 0 = Frost Mechgun = Mechgun = 0 79 0 = Frost Rod = Rod = 0 0 N/A = ======================================================== Blue Material (English) ========================================================= Weapon Name = Type = Required = ATP = ATA = MST = ========================================================= Freeze Berdys = Partisan = 335 0 0 = Freeze Beam = Rifle = 0 N/A 0 = Freeze Striker = Rod = 0 0 N/A = ========================================================= Blue Material (Japanese)[NOTE: Only 1 rare per character] ============================================================ Weapon Name = Type = Required = ATP = ATA = MST = ============================================================ God Hand = Knuckle = 470 0 0 = Supressed Gun = Handgun = 0 N/A 0 = Technical Crozier = Wand = 0 0 N/A = ============================================================ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Questions & Answers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q: I'm a low level and I can't finish that quest! :( A: Well, you can do that quest at any difficulty, I suggest that you try it at a lowest difficulty, the weapons Ozwald make you are the same on all difficulty. Q: Where can I get that quest? A: Simply go in 'online mode' and go to download rather than ship select, there's 3 quest to download in total. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Contact Me =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Email : MSN Messenger : Website : (Gonna be up and running soon) mIRC : Undernet , #kindred #roms #joliette , IGN chat , #igndc . My nick is _aLuCaRd_ , I went to PSO-World chat, but everyone was calling me name for nothing lulz so I don't go there anymore. On PSO : Titania 9-1 , Ariel 1-1 2-1 , Miranda 5-1 My Chara : Isaaru Lv.106 HUmar Gi-GOU Lulu Lv.111 FOmarl Ra-GOU =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Credits =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sega : For making a great game like that! Phil 'Blood_Bane' : For helping me write intelligent things over the phone ^^; Chris : For telling me about the 'japanese' trick! Lil' Celes : For telling me the gun's requirements More coming soon ! This document Copyright 2001 Mathieu Thériault