Created Sunday January 6, 2002 Version 1.0 Written By: Darksword ( Towards The Future Online Quest SS Rank Walkthrough In PSO there has been released, an online quest in which you can earn some really cool legit weapons. To earn some of these weapons, you need only to kill all enemies, and for certain others you must win without dying. The ranking system is as follows: SS rank - 2 ways to earn it, 2 different weapon selections. Must win without dying and fulfilling the other requirements (see below) S rank - Your choice of the following weapons: Plantain Fan, Drill Launcher, Flight Fan, and Maser Beam. Kill all enemies OR not die. A rank - same as S rank B rank - dont get jack C rank - see B rank D rank - ditto The remaining weapons are the Yamigarasu, Huge Plantain Fan, Ano Rifle, and Blue Ring. For the Yamigarasu (a saber type with Death special, looks like a purple glass Agito) and the Huge Plantain Fan (looks like errrr, well its a partisan type and an AWESOME weapon. HUnewearl and Force only) you must complete the first condition SS rank: Kill 197 enemies and dont die. The Blue Ring (shield with better evasion that Tripolic shield, and just plain looks cool) and Ano Rifle (looks like a freaky WW1 Machinegun, very powerful, awesome legit weapon for all Rangers) you must complete, what is arguably the most difficult task in PSO: the second condition SS rank. Kill no more than 20 enemies and dont die. The first condition SS is pretty self-explanatory, but the 20 baddie quest is extremely difficult. The full walkthrough is below. The first SS rank condition is easy: kill everything that moves. There are also some secret rooms in mines and caves that youll have to enter and leave, in which case new enemies will appear. I spent over 100 attempts with my group before we completely deciphered the 20 baddie SS rank. Tried using mamaks maps and theyre not specific enough to do ANY good. Heres the "Master List" of enemies to kill. Forest: Only kill the Hidelt, then move through the door. Run through the not-open boss warp pad, and a new enemy will appear by the door you came in. Kill it and go to the boss. Caves: When you enter the first room, run along the left wall and go through the fake wall section into a secret room. A vulmer will appear back in the main room, kill it and move on. In the next room, lean heavily to the left side of the doorway when you go in. Vulmers will spawn blocking the door, this should allow you to skim around them before your target, an Ob lilly, can lock its megid onto you. Kill it and move on. Next room, a lilly spawns in the center of the room, so kill it and move on. Last room, run into the room and touch the locked door. As the 4 slimes pop up to attack, cast jellen on them. The biggest problem in this quest is keeping certain enemies from killing EACHOTHER, if they do it counts as an extra kill and you lose. Now run back out of the room and watch the radar. After a few seconds a new blip will appear in the center of the room, its a pan arms. Have your teammates skirt the left wall as they head for the door, to draw the slimes towards them. Kill the panarms when it pops up and the door will open, go kill De Rol. Mines: Run to the far end of the first room and kill the Sred, move on. Do NOT kill the traps that shoot foie. In the room filled with canadines, your target is in the left hand row, farthest one. You can tell because it will float up in the air to zonde you. Kill it and move on. Next room, run straight through and through the fake wall directly across from the entrance, and go into the little room. Run back and an Sred will drop from the cieling, followed shortly by four Sblues! Kill the red quickly and the door will open. Now the hard room. Run in FAST, because 3 beranz will appear behind you, and if you arent in the room, will completely block the doorway. you HAVE to hold these guys somehow! Have androids use freeze traps, have a force cast jellen 30 on them to lower their attack, use an srank special and hope for paralysis, ANYTHING, as these guys will kill eachother SOO fast with those damn missiles. Just past the beranz a Dubchic will spawn. Knock it down and kill the dubswitch in the northwest corner, then move on to Vol Opt. For this boss fight, you must watch out for Vol Opts green energy ball. It encloses you in a little prison of rocks that is ALWAYS ONE HIT KILL online! If he catches you with it, your teammates can destroy the rocks holding you. If they cannot, you will die and you cant get SS rank. Ruins: First room, run straight down the center of the claws and gun down the Deathbringer that appears, move on. In the farthest corner of the next room, a Granz Sorceror is waiting. Waste him, then head out the bottom left door and take the warp. Then go back through the warp and exit the main room via the top right door. Entering the warp caused a single Arlan to spawn in the next room, kill him and the door to DF is open. DF: This guys a real punk in this quest. The reverser trick DOES NOT work on him here, you actually have to beat him. Thats not too hard in an of itself, but the catch is you have to do it without DYING. Youll need this AT ABSOLUTE MINIMUM; Over 1290 HP. My first time beating him, I had to equip 4 God/HPs and a Last survivor to get 1296 and survive his claw swipe. A mag, either Soniti, Apsaras, Rhibava, or any mag that gives invincibility in all 3 situations; Boss fight, PB, and low HP. Some weapons, preferably mechguns, with hella dark %s. I use hacked srank psychoguns 60% dark. An optional cheese needle to deal with his first form. Finally a little luck because: If your mag doesnt invince you at the start of the fight, youll be killed by his techs in his second form, and his Heavens Punishment and spikes in third form. If you dont have over 1290 HP, his claw swipe will kill you. there is NO WAY to reduce the damage! 9999 Defense and youll still die, it takes off a fixed amount of HP. 1290 is the magic number. Have trimates on a hotkey, and when the swipes is coming, MASH THAT BUTTON. He always swipes as his first attack in his fourth form. You should survive, and instantly heal, and your mag should invince you. Then waste his final form at your leisure. There are other possible ways of beating DFs last form however. If your mag doesnt invince you at his claw swipe, you can do this: When he shoots those blue balls at you, dont try to run! Stand still and mash your trimate button. You WILL survive, I garuntee it. Just mash the button. With this, your PB may well be filled up for invince, and if not, his Grants may make you critical and youll be invinced from that. Credits: Rhys of IGN (best questing partner you could ask for) Raven/Sparda (old V1 friend, great to play with, helped out alot) Stillness of GameFAQS (the little force that could, helped us get SS1 for the first time) C MO Cash of GameFAQS (reminded me about Vol Opts one hit kill) Disclaimer: you can use this guide anyplace you like, but do not alter it and give due credit to myself and my friends who dedicated over 20 hours of our lives to figuring this crap out ^_^ LONG LIVE PSO!!!