Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 and 2 for Gamecube Quest Rares Guide LordKarasuman This Guide (Copyright 2002) was made entirely on the experiences of LordKarasuman. This Guide may not be altered in any way without my consent, and may not be distributed without my name as author on. This FAQ may be distributed, but not sold. ----------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: 1) Guide history 2) What is this guide? 3) How do you get the Soul Eater? 4) Do you have any tips for beating Kireek? 5) What are the stats for the Soul Eater? 6) How do you get Akiko's Frying Pan? 7) What are the stats for Akiko's Frying Pan 8) The "Soul of a Blacksmith" Quest 9) Offline Challenge Mode 10) Special Thanks ----------------------------------------------------------- 1)Guide History 11/21/02 - An altered version of a Soul Eater guide I made. 11/24/02 - Added a lot of stats for Blacksmith and Offline C-mode Rares. 12/7/02 - Edited the "Offline Challenge Mode" items list. And other stuff. ----------------------------------------------------------- 2) What is this guide? This guide is for acquiring special Rares by doing some of the quests. ----------------------------------------------------------- 3) How do you get the Soul Eater? The Soul Eater is acquirable in a few of the Episode 1 Quests. But first, you must know one VERY important fact. DO NOT TELL SUE YOUR NAME IN THE "DR. OSTO'S RESEARCH" QUEST! OR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET THE SOUL EATER IN THAT DIFFICULTY! This is doable once each difficulty level for a total of four Scythes. Another important fact. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BEAT THE GAME TO TRY TO GET THE SOUL EATER! NEITHER DO YOU NEED TO PASS ALL THE QUESTS! a) Now, here is what you need to do. First, have the stages unlocked all the way to the Ruins. Then, pass the very first three Hunter's Guild quests to unlock "Dr. Osto's Research". b) Do the quest "Dr. Osto's Research". At the end part when you acquire the data, DO NOT TELL SUE YOUR NAME! THIS IS IMPORTANT! IF YOU DO, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET THE SOUL EATER! Don't go back, first look on the map and find the Red and Black RAmar and talk to him, then return and finish the quest. c) Next, do "Unsealed Door". To unlock this quest, you must have passed "Dr. Osto's Research" and "Knowing One's Heart". During your quest, FIND SUE IN MINES 2 AND TALK TO HER. Then proceed to finish this quest. d) Afterwards, do "Waterfall Tears". To unlock this quest, you must have passed all the Caves quests EXCEPT for Lionel's Letter. After you beat Anna the second time, DO NOT GO BACK THROUGH THE TELEPIPE. Instead, search for a green arrow in the north on the Area Map in Caves 2 -- go to it, and you will find the possessor of the Soul Eater, Kireek, whom you encountered in the quest "Battle Training". A Hunter to Hunter fight will ensue -- between you and Kireek, as he seems to want your soul. Defeat him, then go back and finish the quest. e) Next, do "Black Paper". It will appear after you finish Waterfall Tears. In Caves 1, search for the green arrow in the area map that is Kireek. He should be in one of the rooms right before the huge lava-corridor-room. In this room it will be dark, and you will fight him a second time. This time he seems to be losing his mind as he begins to talk almost incoherently. Defeat him, then continue and finish the quest. f) Now do "From The Depths". To have this unlocked, you must have passed "Doc's Secret Plan" and "Seek My Master". At the end, when you activiate the terminal in Ruins 3 and Ash goes to look for survivors, DO NOT GO BACK and instead go to Ruins 2. IMPORTANT FACT!!! HAVE ITEM SLOTS OPEN AT THIS POINT OR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET THE SOUL EATER! Check back West on the Area Map and you'll find Kireek and Ash's arrows. Go to them. You'll find Ash lying on the ground, and Kireek gone mad, possibly being controlled by Dark Falz/Force/Phallus (maybe?). Defeat him for the last time, and you will receive your very own Soul Eater. You can do this once per difficulty level. ----------------------------------------------------------- 4) Do you have any tips for beating Kireek? - If your having trouble doing damage to him, or your dying in one hit, or whatever, level up a bit! - DO NOT CAST RESTA, SHIFTA, OR DEBAND DURING ANY FIGHTS WITH HIM! WHY? BECAUSE IF YOU DO, YOU NOT ONLY RESTA/SHIFTA/DEBAND YOURSELF, BUT YOU DO THE SAME TO HIM BECAUSE THE AI RECOGNIZES HIM AS A FELLOW HUNTER! HORRIBLE? YES! ----------------------------------------------------------- 5) What are the stats for the Soul Eater? According to Mamak-International: --- SOUL EATER (Maximum Grind of +9) "A cursed scythe that drains HP. Special attack sacrifices HP for a powerful attack." +185 ATP Ungrinded; +40 ATA; Requirement of 165 ATP Equippable by all characters. Partisan type. --- I am not completely sure of the differences between the Soul Eater between Ep1and2 and Ver.2/Ver.1, but I do remember that the Soul Eater used to have a maximum Grind of up to +35. The reason I like the Soul Eater so much is that it's got a nice ATP and ATA increase, more or less equal to the Partisan known as the Brionac. Yet it's better than the Brionac because it's ATP requirement is extremely low, and if you tried you could most likely equip it as soon as you get it. I also think that Partisans in general are useful, because they hit more than one enemy and have a good ATA bonus. The Soul Eater also looks really tight. ----------------------------------------------------------- 6) How do you get Akiko's Frying Pan? UNLIKE THE SOUL EATER, YOU MUST PASS ALL THE QUESTS TO FINISH THIS SIDE QUEST. Why? Because you need to do the quest "Secret Delivery" twice! This is doable once per difficulty level for a total of four acquirable Pans. Okay, first of all, you must do the quest "Secret Delivery". Speak to one of the NPCs. In your discussion with him, you must answer "!!" in the whole discussion. He will give you a 'WEAPONS EMBLEM', and now you must search for all the other members of WEAPONS to join this club. But first finish the quest. You can find the members in these quests: "Claiming a Stake", "Value of Money", "Gran Squall", and "Lost Bride". One of these members will have a discussion with options similar to the NPC in Secret Delivery. Answer "!!" to him as well. After getting approvals from each member, you must finish the quest to save your progress. Now return to "Secret Delivery". Talk to the same NPC in that quest again. He will tell you to talk to the "boss". Speak to this "boss", whom is near the stores. She happens to be the man's wife. Talk to her to acquire the Frying Pan. There, now you have your very own nifty Rare. ----------------------------------------------------------- 7) What are the stats for Akiko's Frying Pan? According to Mamak-International: --- AKIKO'S FRYING PAN (Ungrindable) "The Ultimate Weapon?-- Hard, yet supple and smooth!" +250ATP; +40ATA; Requirement of 250 ATP Equippable by all characters. Saber type. Special is equivalent to the second highest TP Drain Skill. --- Akiko's Frying Pan is not exactly a great weapon, yet it's TP Drain skill and it's okay ATP increase and fairly low ATP requirement may make it useful for those who wish to spend less on Fluids in the early stages of their char's career. ----------------------------------------------------------- 8) The "Soul of a Blacksmith" Quest YOU DO NOT NEED TO SWITCH TO JAPANESE TO GET THESE RARES. CHANGING THE WAY YOUR WRITING LOOKS DOES NOT EQUATE TO A MAGICAL CHANGE IN PROGRAMMING CODE. THE THIRD MINERAL IS BLUE. You can acquire three different Rares in this quest on Ultimate Mode. First, get the items that you need in the Forest area. But when in the Caves, you must get the third acquireable mineral, which you can find in Caves 3. Go back to the NPC who assigned you this quest, and you will be given three options. Here is what you can get for each of these three options: Sword - God Hand Gun - Supressed Gun Wand - Technical Crozier --- GOD HAND "The ultimate gear for unarmed combat. It's special attack steals experience points." +765ATP; +5DFP; +5MST; +5ATA; +75ATA; +5EVP; +5LCK; Requirement of 800ATP Bare-hand type. --- SUPRESSED GUN "Short gun equipped with a supressor. It has accuracy that is trustworthy." +288ATP; +57ATA; Requirement of 110ATA Handgun type. --- TECHNICAL CROZIER "A special magical cane for Forces, made by an adept in science and magic. Casts Barta." +135ATP; +56ATA; +30MST; Requirement of 285MST Force weapon type. ----------------------------------------------------------- 9) Offline Challenge Mode Although Offline Challenge Mode is not a quest, I believe it should be mentioned here. Basically, to get the Rares in this quest, you must pass all of Challenge Mode in a total of lower than seven hours. If you do, you get a choice between many different Rares, the majority of them being weapons while two are shields. THIS IS DOABLE ONLY ONCE PER CHARACTER. Weapons: Flower Cane Chameleon Scythe Broom Harisen Battle Fan Samba Maracas Toy Hammer Crazy Tune Akiko's Chinese Wok Shields: God Shield: Genbu God Shield: Seiryuu --- CRAZY TUNE "AUW 1985 Model. Made by Kikoku." +255ATP; +30ATA; Requirement of 412ATP Sword type. --- SAMBA MARACAS "Shaking the maracas with a Latin rhythm produces shock waves to damage enemies." +10ATP; +10ATA; Requirement of 100ATA Mechgun type. --- CHAMELEON SCYTHE "This scythe is considered a work of art because of it's intricate design. It's special attack confuses enemies." +180ATP; +30ATA; Requirement of 412ATP Partisan type. --- TOY HAMMER "Once a child's toy, it has been refined over the years to become the ultimate toy. It's power is devastating." +400ATP; +1ATA; Requirement of 412ATP Saber type. --- FLOWER CANE "Magical cane made for females. A useful weapon, it's exquisite look also makes ita popular gift." +180ATP; +50MST; +41ATA Force weapon type. --- BROOM "This is a cleaning tool that was found in the ancient ruins. Something is carved on it. It increases mental strength." +230ATP; +45MST; +35ATA Force weapon type. --- HARISEN BATTLE FAN "A special weapon created from the idea of traditional entertainment." +280ATP; +40ATA; ATP Requirement of 412 Saber-type. --- GODS SHIELD SEIRYUU "An old shield that was found in the ancient ruins." +50DFP; +100EVP; +20EFR; +20EIC; +20ETH Shield-type. --- GODS SHIELD GENBU "An old shield that was found in the ancient ruins." +45DFP; +80EVP; +10EFR; +10EIC; +30ETH Shield type. ----------------------------------------------------------- 10) Special Thanks Thanks to GameFAQs and PSO message boards for making PSO more interesting. To for the stats, and to bleh of the GameFAQs PSO boards for reconfirming some of them. To Harlequin of the boards, for I got much of my information from him of doing this, and confirmed the process he showed of getting the Soul Eater. To HoorayForPunkRock for some of the stats. To Bri-N, Aera Lure, and fuJii for a lot of stats. To Blaine for raising up some good questions. ----------------------------------------------------------- Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 and 2 for Gamecube Quest Rares Guide LordKarasuman