Zio did not kill Alys

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Zio did not kill Alys

Postby Celeith » Mon Feb 4, '08, 1:32 am

Yes I'm saying it. And heres why. Everyone says Alys died by the Black Wave Zio shot at her.. Well that is not true.. If you watch the battle, Zio does nothing.. but instead the Dark Force face apparation shoots the wave from its mouth. Dark Force does not take orders from any man, thus Zio hands are somewhat clean in the death of Alys.. But that still doesn't matter cause we all enjoy exacting our revenge on him anyways.
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Postby Thoul » Mon Feb 4, '08, 3:12 am

I thought the Black Wave came from Zio's hand? It has been a while since I played that portion and paid attention to that much detail, so maybe you're right.

Zio did summon the Nightmare though, so I guess he's indirectly responsible.
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Postby Shinuzzo » Mon Feb 4, '08, 3:22 am

Yeah, it shoots out of Darkness. You can see it here at about 5:44. Though I still say Zio's at fault since it wouldn't be there at all otherwise.

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Postby Celeith » Mon Feb 4, '08, 4:35 am

Yea I mean it still is his fault because he summoned the nightmare but still. Even so he didn't actually kill her since the wave wasnt from his hand..I just thought that was something to think about since everyone says he shoots it from his hands..
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Postby newsblade » Mon Feb 4, '08, 5:43 pm

If "Nightmare" is a "Dark Force" and not a representation of it (from CyberForce, for instance) or even an Aeon (like FF)* then Zio didn't killed her and Alys didn't died on the hands *) of from that mere mortal.

Instead she was killed by a DF called** "Nightmare" and nobody get the proper revenge after all... well, only Gryz.

On the other hand that "nightmare" could have died with zio, since his "why do you abandoned" could mean that it didn't run away but disappeared. If we remember, the second time (and so on) we use the "psycho-wand"'s power on Zio it will also reach Nightmare... so maybe it died as well.

I still don't understand what is Nightmare but Kaloes may be right (of course depending on what DF really is).

* - Hardly since it seems he is zio’s master
**- During the game's production every DF would have an "adjective" name (Cyberphallus, Nightmare, Prophallus, etc.).
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Postby Celeith » Mon Feb 4, '08, 6:24 pm

Chaz may of not got the proper revenge he wanted but I sure as hell did ^_^ I vote yes on revenge ^_^
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Postby SparkyIII » Mon Feb 4, '08, 10:42 pm

Enjoyed finishing of zio here! Plus they still do get revenge cuz they go and kill dark force anyway.
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Postby Celeith » Fri Feb 8, '08, 9:42 pm

Revenge is fun. In a constitutional act passed 10 years after PSIV ended they decided that revenge was deemed legal and not punishable by law.
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Postby Xeno » Thu Feb 7, '13, 9:23 pm

Kaloes wrote:Revenge is fun. In a constitutional act passed 10 years after PSIV ended they decided that revenge was deemed legal and not punishable by law.

Besides, in the end, it was really easy to revive her, thanks to your FAQ! :clap:
And getting vengeance on Zio is one of the best parts of PSIV. I don't usually like revenge,
but ZIO KILLED ALYS! :fiery:
That is the #1 crime in the world!
Nei deserved better.

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Re: Zio did not kill Alys

Postby myau56 » Thu Feb 7, '13, 10:50 pm

Easy to revive her ? How ?
ZIO or Dark Force or the Nightmare.. the killer of Alys is guilty of murder ! :fiery:
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