Your most consumed food

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Your most consumed food

Postby Thoul » Wed Dec 10, '08, 5:38 am

If you take a moment to think back, over your whole life, which food item would you say you've eaten the more than any other?

I've likely eaten more bread than anything else. Biscuits, rolls, hamburger buns, sandwiches... it's something I eat almost every day.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Dec 10, '08, 7:45 pm

Yeah, bread is something I eat a lot of too.

I think I will say potatoes, though. I've eaten them french fried, mashed, boiled, baked, raw, potato salad, sweet potatoes, and just about every other way they can be eaten. All good too. :burp:

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Postby Rudo » Thu Dec 11, '08, 5:05 am

Water. I drink a lot of water.
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