Patrick Swazye

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Patrick Swazye

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Mar 11, '08, 5:41 pm

Last week various news reports had stories that actor Patrick Swazye had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, I think it was. This was sad to hear as he is one of my all time favorite actors. I've loved him every since watching him in the mini-series, North and South (Book 1 & 2). Of course, he is very famous for many other roles and movies, such as "Dirty Dancing", "Ghost", and another favorite, "Red Dawn".

Prayers and well wishes go out to Patrick and his family during this time. May God bless him with a clean bill of health and peace that surpasses all understanding.

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Postby Thoul » Tue Mar 11, '08, 7:02 pm

Heard about that, but I wasn't sure if it was true or not. I heard his people denied it at first or something. Well, at any rate, I'm sorry to hear it. He was a good actor and really big when I was growing up.

My favorite movie of his is Red Dawn. I don't really know why; it's not that great of a movie in some aspects. I always enjoy watching it, though.
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Postby snowdragon » Thu Mar 13, '08, 2:25 am

dirty dancing is one of my fave movies. i watch it all the time. i wish patrick and his family well. i'll pray for him.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jan 7, '09, 8:01 pm

Patrick Swayze fans, you might be interested to know that he will be doing an interview with Barbara Walters tonight. It's on ABC, but I'm not exactly sure of this exact time or channel so check your local listings. Maybe a lot of questions will be asked/answered tonight. Patrick looks fine in commercials I've seen for this program and still energetic about beating his Cancer. May God bless him.

In one clip, he and his wife Lisa do a little "dance dip" which shows he still has the form and style he had in "Dirty Dancing", etc. That's great to see.

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jan 8, '09, 9:17 pm

Anyone else watch this interview with Patrick Swayze last night? I saw most of it. I really hope he beats this disease. My prayers are with he and his family.

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Postby Darkil » Fri Jan 9, '09, 1:24 am

That's sad to hear that he hasn't quite overcome this disease. I thought I saw somewhere that he has beaten this. Of course that was sometime late last year so I dunno if it was an early report or not.
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Postby Thoul » Fri Jan 9, '09, 5:01 am

I saw a little of it, but not much. In the part I saw, he was actually talking about reports saying that he had beaten it and how they weren't true. I forget exactly what it said, but basically it's a constant battle and you can never really beat it, just keep surviving another day.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jan 10, '09, 5:27 am

Yes, it's true. There is NO cure for pancreatic cancer. From what I understand, it is one of the most deadly forms of Cancer there is. Patrick has been fighting an exceptional battle and doing well so far. I just hope that can continue for as long as possible. If someone could only find a cure for this disease, it would give hope to so many.

I heard on the news tonight that Patrick has checked himself into the hospital. The reports said something about him possibly having pneumonia and trying to fight that, or something along those lines. My thoughts and Prayers are with him and his family. May God Bless him.

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Re: Patrick Swazye

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue May 12, '09, 10:16 pm

Patrick has a new book out, a biography titled "Patrick Swayze: One Last Dance.,2933,519536,00.html

I'm really looking forward to reading this one.

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Re: Patrick Swazye

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jun 16, '09, 7:30 pm

Well, I read that A&E has canceled the tv show "The Beast" after only one season. This was the show that Patrick Swayze starred in.

Sad news, but not totally unexpected.

I saw it a few times and it was an interesting show. I wish it could have continued a little longer.

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