A super awesome LP of PS2. MUST SEE!!!!

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A super awesome LP of PS2. MUST SEE!!!!

Postby Lyla2284 » Mon May 24, '10, 10:49 pm

Hey guys. I stumbled across this most excellent LP of the original PS2 while browsing, as usual, and found it to be the most concise, most moving and thoroughly entertaining LP yet. Not only does it read like a novelisation of the entire game and serving as a walkthrough, ( 32 chapters in total), but also provides an in-depth look into the different character personalities and vids of the important battles. Some parts are really funny, others are downright moving... You should read Shir's entries. LOL funny.

Did I mention Rolf hooks up with Shir? :yaknow:
Here's a link. Enjoy! :D

lparchive.org/LetsPlay/Phantasy%20Star% ... index.html
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Re: A super awesome LP of PS2. MUST SEE!!!!

Postby Xander » Mon May 24, '10, 11:04 pm

Hey good find. As you said, a good novelisation, it adds a bit more character to things and it's a handy little walkthrough of sorts. I've always had a soft spot for these. I'll need to bookmark this and come back later but I like what I've read so far.. :)
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Re: A super awesome LP of PS2. MUST SEE!!!!

Postby Tanith » Mon May 24, '10, 11:06 pm

Thanks for posting; I've never read this LP of PSII. I read the LP for PSIII a while back and laughed my butt off (though for any die-hard PSIII fans, be warned: they thoroughly rough up PSIII). I thought about reading the PSII entry, but since PSIII's entry said in the beginning that PSII's LP wasn't as humorous I wasn't as interested.* Now that I know they have some funny parts I'll be sure to read! :D

*It's not that I want to make fun of PSII, it's just that a dry walkthrough of PSII wouldn't be useful for me.
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Re: A super awesome LP of PS2. MUST SEE!!!!

Postby Lyla2284 » Mon May 24, '10, 11:12 pm

It's a very good read, believe me. It kind of makes me want to play PS2 again. There is some mild language use much later on, so reader discretion is advised if you don't like foul language.
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Re: A super awesome LP of PS2. MUST SEE!!!!

Postby Snorb » Tue May 25, '10, 3:53 am

Best moment of the LP: Rudo's mood whiplash upon finding the Nei Shot. He goes from "Rolf, what the hell is WRONG with you!? A legendary GUN!?" to "me liiiiiiiiiiiike" in one combat with it.
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Re: A super awesome LP of PS2. MUST SEE!!!!

Postby Solar » Tue May 25, '10, 12:50 pm

Yeah, there's also a similar LP of Phantasy Star 1. Apparently by the same guy. I've read it about halfway and really liked it, but I haven't gotten around to reading it lately...
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Re: A super awesome LP of PS2. MUST SEE!!!!

Postby Tanith » Tue May 25, '10, 1:16 pm

I got a chance to read it all this morning and it's not a bad LP. I'm not a fan of Shir being written as a raging you-know-what or Amy as being so starry-eyed over Rolf, but other than that the characterizations were pretty well-done. Interesting interpretation of the ending, too. I like reading other people's ideas of how PSII might have ended.
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Re: A super awesome LP of PS2. MUST SEE!!!!

Postby Lyla2284 » Wed May 26, '10, 1:26 pm

I can post the PSIV LP by meteor9 if you like. That one is LOL funny, mainly because of all the little conversations that the characters have between each other ( Alys and Hahn :D). Poor guy... Though is does tend to become a little stagnant after Alys kicks the bucket, since she was the driving force behind those little chats... :(
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Re: A super awesome LP of PS2. MUST SEE!!!!

Postby Xander » Wed May 26, '10, 3:27 pm

Sure, go for it. I always thought the little exchanges Hahn and Alys had in the early stages of PS IV were lol worthy, even if Rika was my favourite PS IV character. (don't hurt me! Alys would be first if she didn't leave so soon. :/ ) And the extra cash was good too. :D

EDIT: Ah nevermind. I found it just by following the PS II LP root. :)

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Re: A super awesome LP of PS2. MUST SEE!!!!

Postby XXXG-00W0 WING-0 » Thu May 27, '10, 5:18 am

Just gave it a little go. I had no idea what to expect. Quite a nice read.
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