Kindle Fire problems

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Kindle Fire problems

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Dec 13, '11, 12:45 am

It seems the new Kindle Fire is being found by many to have a lot of problems and some purchasers of the item are returning those items: ... 99832.html

I don't have one of these. Anyone else here have one, and if so, do you have any problems??

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Re: Kindle Fire problems

Postby Thoul » Sat Dec 17, '11, 6:32 pm

I don't have one, but after skimming over that article I know I've no interest in ever having one. I used to read Jakob Nielsen's writings on usability years ago. If he says the device is that bad from a usability perspective, the Fire has some serious problems. Maybe that promised update will fix it... but I'm steering clear of this one for sure.
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Re: Kindle Fire problems

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Dec 21, '11, 9:19 pm

Updating this story thread ... Amazon has released some updates for the Kindle Fire: ... f2&_nwpt=1

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Re: Kindle Fire problems

Postby tilinelson2 » Wed Dec 21, '11, 11:57 pm

I have no interest on tablets so far, but it is a pity that Kindle Fire didn't live to its expectations, because it would be a good choice for someone unwilling to spend truckloads of money on an Apple or Samsung tablet. However, if it has a bad usability, it goes against the concept of tablets. I hope they manage to solve them.
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Re: Kindle Fire problems

Postby Tanith » Sat Dec 24, '11, 10:42 pm

I absolutely plan on purchasing one. I asked for Amazon gift cards for Christmas this year and that's it. Amazon is trying desperately to corner the tablet market, and I'm sure they will address any sort of usability issues very, very quickly. I've wanted a tablet for a while, as I'm starting to really get into digital books and internet mobility. I don't want all of it on my phone. It's too small, and my laptop's not as portable.

I refuse to buy into Apple's Cult of Personality. I'll stick with Amazon, its much lower prices and the fact that Amazon's downloadable media can be used on ANY device, not just their own. *glares at Apple*
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Re: Kindle Fire problems

Postby augmentedfourth » Mon Dec 26, '11, 4:28 pm

I got one last night, and so far, I love it. I know some people have reported problems with connecting to the internet and other things, but it worked perfectly for me. Within moments, I was on my network and everything I'd ever bought on my previous Kindle was easily accessible. While I'd never want to type a thesis on it, the keyboard and internet work fine, and the apps I wanted are free, so I think it's great.

I'm with Tanith in that I'm not really a big fan of Apple. I know when the Fire first came out, there wasn't a Netflix app available and some people sort of raised an eyebrow, wondering if it was specifically done in order to push people towards Amazon Prime. This has since changed, and as of now, I seriously doubt I'll keep the Amazon Prime after the trial month, but we'll see. Amazon gets a fair amount of my money anyway.

Most of the critiques I've read of the Fire basically boiled down to "It's not an iPad". Well, duh. It's not supposed to be. And I'm sure I'm missing out on something by not having an iPad, but for everything the Fire does, I can't argue with the (half of an iPad) price.
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