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PostPosted: Fri Feb 1, '08, 9:34 am 
As you know I'm a writer of things lately.. But usually if I'm not spending my time doing some things im into reading old books I have in my bookcase.. Some books regard old stuff such as the real life usage of alchemy. Although the translation is complicated for one such as myself I learned enough language skills in school to get me by on a few things.. In one of the books I have its a copy of one of the journals of a man named Paracelsus who claimed he created a artifical human being. The ingredients are many, such as bones, skinfragments and hair of the animal that he was creating the hybrid of, and some other things. (I don't know if im allowed to say somethings but you guys get the picture) which would be set inside a alchemic circle surrounded by horse manure.. after 40 days a embryo would begin to form and thus the life process of the homunculi would begin.

I find this disturbing myself, because basically its creating a souless being.. I don't know if its true or not, most likely not. Since this book dates back many many years, and alchemy was always shrouded in some mystery even though we advanced it into chemistry now. Most know of the things such as homunculi from the anime FullMetal Alchemist, this has nothing to do with it. The being would work for its creator, eventually turning on it such as the journal reads and would wander for awhile and would eventually die. This is a disturbing thought, yet many people have always been intrigued by such things, like what if human dna was crossbred with a animal to make a new form of being.. Science will one day cross that line, and even though its not alchemy it will still be using the same concept, even if the being is not man-made yet born through natural causes.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 2, '08, 4:01 am 
The story sounds more like fiction than reality. Almost like some kind of early zombie horror story or such.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 2, '08, 7:33 pm 
Maybe he accidentally through one of those rat eating plant seeds in the mix, with all that decaying stuff, it would make the ultimate fertilizer. Thus creating a super man eating plant Muahahaha!

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 4, '08, 11:51 pm 
yea its just in some old book of mine, i barely understand some of the details since its in german but thats basically it.

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