Wolverine on DWTS????

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Wolverine on DWTS????

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Jan 5, '09, 8:47 pm

So, what do you think? Would you like to see Hugh Jackman aka "Wolverine" on an upcoming episode of "Dancing With The Stars"? I certainly would, and it looks like he may not be completely ruling it out, yet:

http://www.tvguide.com/Dancing-Stars/Hu ... 01253.aspx

I'll bet if they could get him to be on there, that would really increase the viewing audience. :lol:

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Postby Thoul » Wed Jan 7, '09, 6:07 pm

Yeah, that would certainly be a ratings boost. It sounds like a lot of people might object because he has experience. Personally, I think he would be too busy with his movie career to dedicate the necessary time to it.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jan 7, '09, 7:55 pm

Well, they might object (and rightfully so in some circles), however, he wouldn't be the first person on there who has had previous dancing experience. There have been several already. Joey Fatone and Lance Bass come to mind immediately, and possibly Mario Lopez, and I'm sure there have been a few others.

I don't necessarily agree with those who have had previous dance experience being a part of this competition, but I don't make the rules, so my thoughts are worthless.

I'd change my mind though and be all for it if they could get "Wolverine" on there. :wink:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Postby Darkil » Thu Jan 8, '09, 1:17 am

Well he'd be the only person I'd like to see. I generally don't get into these shows unless someone shows up to spark an interest
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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