Food Assault

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Food Assault

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Nov 16, '10, 6:19 pm

Found this story of a woman who was arrested for assaulting her boyfriend with a plate of Tamales: ... ehind-bars

Sounds funny in a way, but it wound up to be a serious issue of sorts since she was arrested.

Which brings up an interesting question, have you ever thrown food at anyone or used food in an assault or attack on anyone for any reason?

If so, tell us your story here, and please remember to follow the guidelines and keep it clean! :wink:

I would have to plead guilty to this one. :oops: Here's my story:

I remember several years ago when a family member and I were playing cards. I thought he was cheating and accused him of cheating, he denied it, we both got angry and said some things, and I wound up throwing my cup of cold coffee on him, so he then proceeded and threw his glass of water on me, and I finished it off by going to the kitchen and bringing back a whole pitcher of water which I dumped on him. :lol: Seems silly now, but it's made for some fun storytelling over the years. :D

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Re: Food Assault

Postby tilinelson2 » Tue Nov 16, '10, 6:33 pm

Never, but I've already been thrown apples and oranges at. That was not a bad thing, since I could improve my dodging skills :p
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Re: Food Assault

Postby Thoul » Wed Nov 17, '10, 4:34 am

No, I was generally raised to eat food instead of wasting it by throwing it at someone. :lol: I've been told that as a young child, I smashed an easter egg on my father's forehead one time. I have no memories of it myself, but apparently it was quite messy.
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