Why were techniques in PSIII mostly useless?

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Re: Why were techniques in PSIII mostly useless?

Postby Tanith » Mon Feb 20, '12, 12:47 pm

I remember having Rune use the thunder claw for a while to preserve his TP, but eventually he has such a huge reserve of TP that it almost never runs out. (And yes, I giggled every time I typed "TP.") The rest of the tech gear I was bleh on, because I did fine without it.

I didn't know about any of the items with tech abilities in PSIII until I replayed the games a couple of years ago. I think I got that information through the LP of the game. The game's easy enough without them, so I don't feel like I ever missed out on using them.

The tech items in PSII are definitely useful. I was never without the two Storm Gears at the end of the game if I was playing with characters like Shir or Hugh. The Snow Crown plus Amy's Sashu together make damage minimal and are perfect against really strong enemies like dragons and fiends, especially if you're playing with Hugh and don't have him behind a shield.
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Re: Why were techniques in PSIII mostly useless?

Postby augmentedfourth » Mon Feb 20, '12, 1:58 pm

If I wanted to level up quickly at the end of PSIV and I got tired of hunting sandworms, I'd go over to...what's that last mechanical-y looking place on Dezolis? The machine center? The place that gives you free repair kits? something like that? I'd set up a macro with everyone using a Thunderclaw and just go to town, electrifying all the robots to death. Other than that, though I knew they could cast different techs, I never really used the items in IV. And yes, the Snow Crown was used in every. single. round. in PSII. :D
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Re: Why were techniques in PSIII mostly useless?

Postby myau56 » Mon Feb 20, '12, 5:15 pm

Thanks Wandere from Ys ! Maybe you think it is common knowledge fore many phans but not for me ! I must admit that I totally forgot you can use them in PSIV : I have only played it once and just started, many years after, a new game so...;)
But I'm eager to be reminded it on this site or wherever ! Each of one is knowing some new things everyday :)
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Re: Why were techniques in PSIII mostly useless?

Postby Thoul » Mon Feb 20, '12, 9:32 pm

augmentedfourth wrote:what's that last mechanical-y looking place on Dezolis? The machine center? The place that gives you free repair kits?

You're thinking of the weapons plant. I'll have to try leveling there with Thunderclaws the next time I play PSIV. Sounds like a good spot to get a quick boost.
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Re: Why were techniques in PSIII mostly useless?

Postby Apprentice_of_Crys » Sun Apr 29, '12, 6:49 pm

Well, like many other parts of PSIII, techs were desingned in a very careless way. The Healing Techs were too powerful in my opinion, the Melee Techs too weak and additionally there was rarely a battle where the use of Time and Order Techs was effective. I mean, instead of paralyzing an enemy, usually Wren or the main cahr could destroy it with one single attack. Order Techs were useful in boss battle but that was it. I guess all Techs could have been more useful if the battle were more difficult and required more tatics. The only tactic you had to care about so far was to heal your party in time. That's it.
The fact that some characters start with ridicoulisly low tech levels (for example Crys but especially Kara (warrior) isn't helpful either. It takes long to level the characters and if you do the techs often won't increase.
Yet, there were still some characters which made the use of techs quite effective. You mentioned Lyle before. I prefer him using Zan which is quie effective and Sean's Melee Techs aren't bad either. I like him using Tsu which can be quiete effective in several battles as well as his Zan probably can be. If you equip him with Swords his Melee Techs will become useful because they give you the opportunity to attack multiple enemies.
By the way, can it be that some techs are gender-specific ? I never saw a girl in PS III who could use Time Techs as well as I never saw a guy being able to use Order Techs?
@Myau: There are indeed some items which cast techs. I noticed this last year for the first time and I was shocked :D I own this game almot 20 years now and it is still able to surprise me :D
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Re: Why were techniques in PSIII mostly useless?

Postby myau56 » Sun Apr 29, '12, 9:44 pm

@APPRENTICE : Thanks for the hint ! The same for me : more than 20 years here (we are "old men"...;)) and(especially on this site) I discover new things regularly ! And that's great ! About the items which cast techs in PSIII...honestly...I can't remember ! I haven't played PSIII for a very long period (except the first generation some weeks ago) and I can't really remember but those last months I have finished again (10 or eleven times I think !!) the first Phantasy Star ;) So I'll continue to play through them and continue to discuss about them here.

About PSIII techniques, your resume is perfect : healing techniques are very powerful, and the only one really helpful...
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Re: Why were techniques in PSIII mostly useless?

Postby Icecypher » Wed Sep 10, '14, 6:39 pm

enigmaopoeia wrote:I relied so much on the items in Phantasy Star II and III, that I believe I would still be stuck in Phantasy Star II to this day without them!

Same here, but, like others, I am learning new things everyday.

Since the game has no descriptions of the weapons and armor informing us what they can do, I never realized the uses for Storm Gear and all the Gires items until I saw them listed online. After that, I could finally advance more than one or two floors in a dungeon without having to go back to town.

In PS III, I gave up on Anti. It is better to bring antidotes than wasting so many TP for a chance to be cured... I just started generation 2, so I may still find some useful techniques. So far, I rely on Res.
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Re: Why were techniques in PSIII mostly useless?

Postby Snorb » Thu Sep 11, '14, 3:04 am

Mieu: (manifesting Anti) Did it work, My Prince?
Sean: (poisoned) Ugh, no.
Mieu: Oh, damn. Trying again! ^_^ (manifests) Did it work yet?
Sean: No. Back up, I'm gonna throw up.
Kara: Seriously, this is stupid. We've been doing this for an hour, Mieu. Just take him to a hospital.
Mieu: Hospitals cost money, Kara. >_< (manifests Anti) Did it work yet?
Sean: (throws up again) Does it look like it worked!? D:
Kara: Buy an antidote already.
Mieu: Those cost money too. (manifests) How 'bout now?
Laya: Resting at the inn so we can regenerate our psychic focus costs money too, Mieu. Mine's all exhausted. ;_;
Wren: Thirty-seven consecutive Anti failures. That must be a record.
Sean: (barrrrf) Shut up. >_<
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Re: Why were techniques in PSIII mostly useless?

Postby Hukos » Fri Sep 12, '14, 9:40 am

Icecypher wrote:
enigmaopoeia wrote:I relied so much on the items in Phantasy Star II and III, that I believe I would still be stuck in Phantasy Star II to this day without them!

Same here, but, like others, I am learning new things everyday.

Since the game has no descriptions of the weapons and armor informing us what they can do, I never realized the uses for Storm Gear and all the Gires items until I saw them listed online. After that, I could finally advance more than one or two floors in a dungeon without having to go back to town.

In PS III, I gave up on Anti. It is better to bring antidotes than wasting so many TP for a chance to be cured... I just started generation 2, so I may still find some useful techniques. So far, I rely on Res.

Rever has its uses.

Especially since a dead character can still use Rever in the menu thanks to a glitch, and revive themselves. Something about that mental image I find hilarious.
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Re: Why were techniques in PSIII mostly useless?

Postby Icecypher » Fri Sep 12, '14, 5:24 pm

Hukos wrote:Rever has its uses.

Especially since a dead character can still use Rever in the menu thanks to a glitch, and revive themselves. Something about that mental image I find hilarious.

Immortal heroes, huh? Sounds nice!

Although it *may* not be a glitch, if they go the route of "losing the will to fight" instead of "dying". They are still willing to recover the will to fight by using Rever. :roll:
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