Why did the two girls in Aeido try to sneak out?

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Why did the two girls in Aeido try to sneak out?

Postby Heikabuchi » Sun Nov 4, '07, 5:53 am

Okay.. let's review:
1. Alys and Company arrives home
2. Alys and company go to the store
3. Alys and company speak to two teenage girls who tell them they're going to sneak out of the inn at night so they don't have to pay the 90+meseta that they are being rightfully charged.
4. Girls get caught
5. Alys and company visit the two brats in jail
6. Fast forward some 20 - 25 levels in the future and some guy from Uzo puts up a reward for his two missing girls.. a 2000 Meseta reward!!!!
7. Chaz and company bail the cheap brats out of jail for 2000 meseta
8. Girls go home to their dad
9. Chaz and company go to the guild and recieve 2000 Meseta, ending back where they started in their financial situation
10. *!?!?!

Now that we have the facts... We know that the girls Father is a rich guy. THe dude posted 2000 meseta for their pretty little heads, which is more than enough for a most expensive armors in the game.
Now you tell me... If the girls came from so much money... Why didn't they just pay the lady at the in the lousy 90 meseta?
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Postby SparkyIII » Sun Nov 4, '07, 6:29 am

XD I loved that part, one of the humors scenes in PS4. Yeah, But they said that they did spend all of their money shopping. But 2000 meseta!? Crime must be like, ending the world on Motavia. I always liked how pointless all of those missions were. The fat dog, the old spaceship thing, the sandworm that was owned by the people who died anyway, and the child who was sick because he didn't have an Alis sword. Liked and hated every one of them.

Anyway, I am a little confused because its been a while since that part, but Their father wanted them...arrested? Then freed? Huh?
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Postby Heikabuchi » Sun Nov 4, '07, 3:37 pm

*. Yeah, they all seemed pretty pointless.. although I loved the short animation of Chaz strutting his stuff with the Alis sword. =] I also loved the short conversations between the party members after each mission. As for the father, he didnt realize they were arrested. =s 2000 meseta... thats enough to buy almost 1 of everything in Aideo market.. xDD
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Postby Thoul » Mon Nov 5, '07, 1:53 pm

Ah, the pointless missions! The sick kid at least had Chaz showing off, but those girls were just sad. They could have at least written to their dad and asked for some money to pay the bill.

I guess it's a matter of not wanting to get caught and look irresponsible in their father's eyes, but it didn't turn out they way they planned and they went to the slammer.

What I want to know is, if they blew all their money shopping, what did they buy? They're not carrying anything!
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Postby Heikabuchi » Tue Nov 6, '07, 5:38 am

*! True! They're carrying absolutaly nothing! XD
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Postby Neithird » Tue Nov 6, '07, 6:41 am

Maybe all their stuff was confiscated by the police when they were caught?
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Postby SparkyIII » Tue Nov 6, '07, 7:00 am

No, when you talk to them in the inn, they still have nothing...
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Postby Heikabuchi » Wed Nov 7, '07, 7:33 am

EXACTLY!!! What the heck are they doing In Aideo at all!??!
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Postby Tsunami » Wed Nov 7, '07, 10:26 am

Perhaps the two girls spent all their money at Aiedo's bar at the Hunter's Guild, watching the dancers on stage? :D I'm sure they'd accept hefty tips!

Jokes aside, I think we're all a little too observant. :p
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Postby Heikabuchi » Wed Nov 7, '07, 4:46 pm

*. Yeah.. we may be slightly over-obsessed. >_>
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