Who do you use in PSII?

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Re: Who do you use in PSII?

Postby myau56 » Sun Mar 4, '12, 12:39 pm

I'll not be very original as I'll say : Rolf-Rudo-Anna-Amy !:)
I have just finished the game once (I'm in my second time) but I'm sure that at the end of the game this team will be mine ! But Why not play it another time later with other characters ? I think I'l try it.

Nice commentaries on the different characters, Wanderer From Ys : Hugh is really not very good (to be polite).
The "Shir Tank" is a very good option and when I'll take her in my time during my third time with the game I'll try to do it.
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Re: Who do you use in PSII?

Postby enigmaopoeia » Mon Mar 5, '12, 1:11 pm

Man the pitchforks, a wild Hugh fan has appeared! :boast_dk:

My final party in Phantasy Star II is Rolf at LV28, Rudo at LV26, Amy at LV27, and Hugh at LV26. I pretty much went back and forth with my party, until I settled with this one. I knew that Rolf and Amy are cemented. As much as I would love to have Anna in my party, Rudo was the stronger choice and he grew on me. With Hugh, I have been a fan of him since his Text Adventure, which I have played first before the actual Phantasy Star II itself. And I have tried using Shir and Kain, but they didn't mesh well with my type of gameplay.

In comparison, my unused party is Anna at LV21, Kain at LV20, and Shir at LV16. Who knows, maybe one of these days, I'll beat the game with Rolf, Anna, Kain, and Shir just so I can cover everyone. :bowser_laugh:
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Re: Who do you use in PSII?

Postby myau56 » Mon Mar 5, '12, 3:41 pm

Interesting to have your opinion as it was your first game in Phantasy Star II ! And you go through the PSII text adventures BEFORE the second one ? Not too bad because the history of all the characters is happening prior to the adventure of Rolf and Friends Versus MB and DF (if I'm not mistaken...).
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Re: Who do you use in PSII?

Postby enigmaopoeia » Mon Mar 5, '12, 8:21 pm

myau56 wrote:And you go through the PSII text adventures BEFORE the second one ?

Not all of the Text Adventures, mind you. I only played was Amy's, Kain's, Hugh's, and Shir's. I even wrote walkthroughs for them on GameFAQs because there was none available.

One of these days, I'll finish the Text Adventures for Anna, Nei, Rolf, and Rudo.
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Re: Who do you use in PSII?

Postby Wanderer From Ys » Mon Mar 5, '12, 9:06 pm

enigmaopoeia wrote: With Hugh, I have been a fan of him since his Text Adventure, which I have played first before the actual Phantasy Star II itself. And I have tried using Shir and Kain, but they didn't mesh well with my type of gameplay.

In comparison, my unused party is Anna at LV21, Kain at LV20, and Shir at LV16. Who knows, maybe one of these days, I'll beat the game with Rolf, Anna, Kain, and Shir just so I can cover everyone. :bowser_laugh:

Just curious how you are using Hugh late game. Because I usually end up giving him The Snow Crown and Storm gear to attack, a role Shir is better suited for, and Kain is better at Physical and tech attacks end game, unless there is something I'm missing. I'm guessing you just use him because you like him, and that's fine, I was just wondering if there were something more to it.

I still think he's the worst character in this game, but here are 2 positives for Hugh outside of this game

-The music in his text adventure is awesome!

-In Generation 2 he has been improved to the point that he is almost broken. His sulfur attack does 100 damage and paralyzes biomonsters, and it works against Dark Force and Mother Brain! This basically makes him a must have late game unlike the original game.

Also your unused party levels are pretty high. You can probably beat mother brain with Anna and Kain. Shir may need a few levels. I've done at level 20-21 before it's possible.
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Re: Who do you use in PSII?

Postby myau56 » Fri Mar 9, '12, 10:35 am

@ENIGMAOPOEIA : ah I thought that you played all the text adventures ! But I'll see on Gamefaqs your walkthrough but just to check ! Because...
Must play them : I just try Eusis and Nei adventures and must play the others and finish them...

@WANDERERS : ah I didn't know that Hugh was so "impressive" in PSG2 ! And never tried the text adventure concerning this character, so I'll try it this evening to listen to this famous music :)
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Re: Who do you use in PSII?

Postby Tanith » Sat Mar 10, '12, 12:49 pm

enigmaopoeia wrote:One of these days, I'll finish the Text Adventures for Anna, Nei, Rolf, and Rudo.

Of the ones you have left, I recommend Rudo's. I really liked that one and thought it was surprisingly challenging, as far as these little text games go. Anna's is good for her back story, as is Nei's, though Nei's game has some bugs. Rolf's is... interesting, to say the least, but not very hard. Snorb will back me up on that one. ;)

Wanderer From Ys wrote:Just curious how you are using Hugh late game. Because I usually end up giving him The Snow Crown and Storm gear to attack, a role Shir is better suited for, and Kain is better at Physical and tech attacks end game, unless there is something I'm missing. I'm guessing you just use him because you like him, and that's fine, I was just wondering if there were something more to it.

Obviously I'm not enigmaopoeia, but though I use Hugh the least, just like you, he does have a saving grace, and that is Vol/Savol. While it's pretty ineffective in his lower levels, the more you grind him, the more accurate the technique becomes. At the high levels, Savol deals more damage than Megid, the drawbacks being it only works against a group of enemies and not all of them, and Hugh still occasionally misses.

My biggest complaints about Hugh are twofold, and neither of them has anything to do with his character. One, you get him AFTER Biosystems. It would be nice to get him before then, so you can level him up sooner and you're not as immediately likely to replace him with Anna or Kain, which you get basically right after you get Hugh. You don't have to complete any dungeon tasks in between Hugh, Anna and Kain. Two, the game developers completely dropped the ball with Hugh's endgame armor. I'm pretty sure I'm remembering this correctly, but Hugh can't equip any chest protection above a ceramic chest. I think there are some PSII guides out there that claim he can equip a crystal chest or laconian armor of some sort, but he can't. You can put him behind a shield and give him storm gear, but really, if the game were better balanced, that wouldn't be the only option. If he doesn't have a shield while traveling around Dezo, he can die in a couple of hits. I always spam my combined snow crown/Amy's sashu double-defense-whammy when Hugh's in the party.

And one final note on Hugh, when he's equipped with laconian maces, the damage dealt isn't too shabby, really. It's not really THAT much less than the damage Kain does with the maces. It's just that Kain has some freaking awesome techs that oddly work on the paranormal enemies, he's a bit faster, and his defense is of course much higher.

And I still stand by my first post in this thread: The only character that's always in my party (aside from Rolf) is Rudo.
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Re: Who do you use in PSII?

Postby Wanderer From Ys » Sun Mar 11, '12, 12:05 am

Tanith wrote:And one final note on Hugh, when he's equipped with laconian maces, the damage dealt isn't too shabby, really. It's not really THAT much less than the damage Kain does with the maces. It's just that Kain has some freaking awesome techs that oddly work on the paranormal enemies, he's a bit faster, and his defense is of course much higher.

And I still stand by my first post in this thread: The only character that's always in my party (aside from Rolf) is Rudo.

Kain could also equip the Laser shot, which is going to do more consistent damage, especially to high defense enemies. I agree that Rudo is the only real must have though.
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Re: Who do you use in PSII?

Postby Tanith » Sun Mar 11, '12, 1:00 am

If we're talking about the end of the game, i.e. Dezo, the laser shot isn't any better than storm gear, thus negating its usefulness. I've never equipped Kain with a laser shot beyond the dams.

Rudo = meat shield. I lurfs him. <3

Oh! I almost forgot! Another thing about Hugh (and Amy) is that he can equip acid shots, which are not to be sneezed at. They offer no real defense boost, so that's an added risk, but two acid shots work great against armored/flying enemies. Actually, I think they might deal more damage (when two are equipped) than a laser shot. I think I'm remembering that right. Actually, I haven't played the game in a few months, so I shall test it now!
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Re: Who do you use in PSII?

Postby myau56 » Sun Mar 11, '12, 8:27 pm

So good to have all this knowledge about PSII and especially the Hugh Character ! Never really know about it but may test it when I'll play again and continue the game :)
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