White Castle being sued

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White Castle being sued

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Sep 13, '11, 7:26 pm

White Castle is being sued:

http://consumerist.com/2011/09/obese-ma ... ooths.html

I am not familiar with the White Castle restaurants as we don't have any of them around here that I know about. However, I assume they have basically the same type of seating that other similar restaurants have. Am I correct in assuming that...or not?

Comments or Opinions? Do you think this guy has a valid lawsuit?

Reading the comments below the article, one by someone who posted as "Me" really seemed to stand out from the others, lol:

"Guess he's steamed that his buns don't fit. What a pickle -- if he has a genuine beef".

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Re: White Castle being sued

Postby Thoul » Tue Sep 13, '11, 8:12 pm

I've never seen a White Castle before, but if they have a fairly standard size booth I can't see this case going very far. Maybe they have really small booths, though.
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