I also acknowledge that and I find it highly unfortunate. I don't pretend to have full solutions, but everything I wrote above is at least part of the solution, short and long term, for those people who can do it. At least I think so. Really, I don't think anyone has a full solution for the crisis, other than time. It'd also be nice if companies, that are now sitting on large piles of money, would translate that profit into hiring again, which would help mitigate personal suffering and give people money again. I know people are suffering and rising prices for goods make it worse, but the economy is about balance and it wasn't there, so it's righting itself. Human suffering seems to be a byproduct of the capitalist system as it creates haves and have-nots by its nature. I don't know what to do for people and families that have to live in cars now and I don't think anyone does. But a lot of people at least have ideas for preventing another crisis in the future.
I'm just saying that the recession didn't just happen. It was, at least in part, created by long-standing policies like subsidies, excessive corporate deregulation in the past, prices not reflecting true costs of production, and the consumer society encouraging people to live beyond their actual means. I don't think rising prices are a good thing for people already suffering, I'm saying it's a natural outcome of the pertinent factors. It wouldn't be as bad if things weren't artificially cheap in the first place. If we want to prevent a future crisis or at least lessen the chances of one, society needs to change. I know it doesn't help much now, I wish it did on a large scale, but it doesn't. I WANT to help people and mitigate suffering, and I wish more people in all sectors of society, both high and low places, would help their suffering friends and neighbors if able to. If I didn't want to help people I wouldn't be an AmeriCorps volunteer. But if we don't see where things went wrong and where we can do better as well as help lessen the immediate suffering, the causes won't get fixed and improved and history will repeat itself.
It also saddens me that one thing Obama ran on (if not putting it up front as much as other things) was on propping up and renovating America's infrastructure, like public transit, and that hasn't happened. I'd love to see more public transit systems outside bigger cities to help people get around without needing cars for all their transportation needs. It's definitely something that could help put people to work if they actually did work on infrastructure.
Last edited by Wolf Bird on Wed Aug 4, '10, 8:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.