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Postby Celeith » Mon Sep 15, '08, 6:38 pm

I'll be taking a short break from this for awhile. I need to tend to a few things first such as my ideas for fanfics and I need to think up new ideas for this topic as well. I should be able to get back to this either Sunday night or Early Monday morning. Sorry for the inconvience and I hope everyone will still stay with me for the upcoming What would you do if...
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Sep 17, '08, 10:44 pm

Thanks for letting us know, Kaloes! Take your time in getting your other stuff done. We'll be waiting eagerly for your return here. You've got us hooked. :wink:

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Postby Celeith » Fri Sep 19, '08, 10:48 pm

This may be postponed awhile longer, I crushed my thumb yesterday and it is extremely hard to write using only my left hand. it should be healed up by monday i hope so i should be able to get back to this as well as my fanfics sometime next week. sorry for all the inconvience.
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Postby Srijita » Fri Sep 19, '08, 11:03 pm

[face=Times New Roman]Good heavens, Kaloes, you hardly need to apologise. I'm sorry to hear that you've hurt yourself, and only hope you're not in too much discomfort. Crush injuries can be agonising. Has someone taken a look at it to ensure that you haven't sustained a fracture, etc?

Are you managing to use cutlery and get by with everyday activities? Don't forget to take pain relief if you need it.
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Postby Thoul » Sat Sep 20, '08, 12:19 am

Ouch, that's a painful one. Take your time and get healed up, we'll still be here. :)
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Sep 22, '08, 12:43 am

Hope your thumb is feeling better soon, Kaloes. Those types of injuries can be very painful. Take Care. :grouphug:

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Postby luke » Mon Sep 22, '08, 2:39 pm

if you were in charge of periodically providing an online community with a fictional scenario and a set of answers in which to chose, but had injured your hand so that it was difficult to type, would you...
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Postby Celeith » Mon Sep 22, '08, 3:42 pm

Alright I'm all healed up and ready to get this thing goin again. So without any further delay lets get this weeks what would you do if started.

Today is your 18th birthday and is also your very first day as a hunter. You've prepared long for this day so you make your way downstairs to meet your father. Your father is the chief of the hunters so you wait for the training class to be over so you can speak to him before you head out to the forest. After the training session you and your father talk about the days hunt. A knock comes to the door and you hear a loud yell from outside. Your best friend as well as your hunting partner is waiting for you. Telling you he'll talk with you later your father tells you to hurry to the woods. You say goodbye to your father and hug your mother before you leave, only glancing back at them once. Outside you group with your friend explaining the details of todays hunt. So the two of you leave the town and converse with each other along the way till you reach the woods just a few miles south of your hometown. A hard days work is made and many hours spent inside the woods only to bring down 2 deer. Your friend faintly hears a sound as the two of you drag your spoils through the woods, recognizing the sound as a bell you realize something is happening at the village. Leaving the animals you hunted in the woods the two of you run back towards your town, only to see it has been burned to the ground. You run to your home to see your father laying on the ground, motionless, your mother staggers out of the house only to fall in your arms. She tells you how the town was raided and burned, how the people who did it were looting the village and killing everyone without mercy. Your mothers breaths her final breath in your arms and you scream into the heavens. You meet with your friend, who is weeping over his little sister who had been slain in the attack. You try to comfort him but he only pushes you away. Knowing that the people who attacked may return he tells you to leave and he'll catch up later, as he wants to give the people a proper burial. Do you....

A) Disregard his words and help him with the burial of the townspeople.
B) Heed his words and run away, hoping he'll catch up with you later.
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Postby Thoul » Tue Sep 23, '08, 2:46 am

Help with the burial. If the place is burned to the ground, there's not really much chance that the raiders would return, I think. What's left to return for? There could also still be someone alive in hiding, so a search would be in order.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Sep 23, '08, 4:37 am

Interesting question and situation once again, Kaloes! :clap:

I would say " A " also, "Disregard his words and help him with the burial of the town people.

It might be a bit difficult not to chose " B ", as sometimes a person's instinct may be to go and try to find safety somewhere no matter what, but is there really any place safety can be found?

Thoul had a good point about perhaps the people that did this would not come back as they thought everyone was dead, etc. Then again, they may indeed come back to make absolutely sure. However, there is no guarantee that you won't run into them somewhere out there while you are on your own either.

I can understand the decision to perhaps split up, but I think there may be greater safety (and possibility of victory if facing them again) to stay together in these types of situations.

Also, if the friend is very distraught, he may need someone with him also to make sure that he won't do harm to his own self for whatever reason. Or just give him support, etc. to help him make it through this tragic situation also.

Also, these people were family, friends, and neighbors, of both of these youths, so both of them should stay and help in the burials, searches, rebuilding, etc.

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