What would you do if...

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Postby Celeith » Thu Sep 4, '08, 3:16 pm

I myself would pick B. Its just morally wrong that the town would leave a defenseless child wander out into the wilderness alone and not go look for him because they are to afraid or selfish to do it themselves. Sure I know I'm risking banishment from the town if I decide to go help the child, but also I may be saving the town. What if the boy has wandered into dangerous territory that would anger the surrounding animals and would force them to move into new territory. That territory being the town you are leaving. So sure I'll face all the traps and dangers ahead to save the child, and if I get banishment from it then so be it. I'll just think of it as the starting point for my adventure. and if one day I'm able to return, then I'll return.
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Postby Srijita » Fri Sep 5, '08, 4:43 pm

[face=Times New Roman]
Kaloes wrote: but also I may be saving the town. What if the boy has wandered into dangerous territory that would anger the surrounding animals and would force them to move into new territory. That territory being the town you are leaving.

Interesting point. I had not thought of that angle. It strengthens the case for choosing to helping the child, by adding a practical dimension to an already compelling moral argument.
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Postby Celeith » Sat Sep 6, '08, 5:56 pm

This weeks what would you do if has ended and will return to you on either Sunday afternoon or Monday morning and will last until Saturday of next week. The next one will be a real thinker so everyone get your thinking caps ready for the next one.
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Postby Celeith » Mon Sep 8, '08, 4:06 pm

Alrighty, heres this weeks what would you do if. This is the only one that I'll do that will involve a C option in the decision.

You have two friends who are of the opposite sex of you. These two are very close to you and you care about them more then anything else in the entire world. One day you and your two friends decide to go out and have a great day out in the woods. Unknowing to both of them you've begun to harbor feelings for them, more then a normal friend should. Deep down you know you could only ever be with one of them but it was hard on you because you begun to fall in love with both of them. On the day you three decide to go out in the woods you are trying to find a good spot for a place to make camp. You've turned to look at your surroundings, to make sure the place you have arrived to is a safe one. Just then you hear both of your friends scream. You turn quickly noticing that the ground had given way and they were falling down a large hill over what would appear to be a five-hundred foot drop. You give chase, running down the hill as quickly as you can towards them and you grab ahold of both of them after reaching a ledge before the drop. One friend is grasping desperately to your left hand, the other to your right. You begin to lose grip on both of them, you begin losing strength in both arms. Even though you love both of them, more then ever now you only have the strength to pull one of them up. Do you

A) Let go of the friend holding onto your left hand and lift the other friend to safety.
B) Let go of the friend holding onto your right hand and lift the other friend to saftey.
C) _______________________________________________________.
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Postby Srijita » Mon Sep 8, '08, 5:39 pm

[face=Times New Roman]

C- I’d hold onto them both, but avoid making any attempt to lift either of them up (in case I lost the other in the process).

Then I’d scream loudly for help, and encourage both of them to do the same.

With any luck, some passerby would hear our yells and come to our aid. If not, we might have to stay put for some time. Eventually, other friends or family members would presumably miss us and come looking, or the authorities would send out search parties for the missing hikers.

I do think this scenario is much harder on women, Kaloes, because we tend to be physically weaker and might struggle to support two heavy men. I’d hang onto them both until help arrived, but being a slip of a girl, would doubtless wind up with serious traction injuries in the process. :wink:
Last edited by Srijita on Tue Sep 9, '08, 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lemina » Mon Sep 8, '08, 9:33 pm

C. Pretty much what Srijita said. It would be wrong to sacrifice one over the other--even though it might mean the death of all of us. Still, I'm indecisive like that. XD


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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Sep 9, '08, 5:25 am

Kaloes wrote:A) Let go of the friend holding onto your left hand and lift the other friend to safety.
B) Let go of the friend holding onto your right hand and lift the other friend to saftey.
C) _______________________________________________________.

The " C " option doesn't show up for me in your post. I can only see the letter " C " and nothing written after it. So, what is the " C " option? And, How were the other posters able to see it and know what " C " was ?????

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Postby luke » Tue Sep 9, '08, 2:44 pm

Silver_Surfer1 wrote:The " C " option doesn't show up for me in your post. I can only see the letter " C " and nothing written after it. So, what is the " C " option? And, How were the other posters able to see it and know what " C " was ?????

it means fill in the blank. for example, you hold on to both friends and risk dying.

my answer is also c, but i would use hinas to get us out of there, saving everyone.
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Postby Srijita » Tue Sep 9, '08, 7:51 pm

[face=Times New Roman]
luke wrote: but i would use hinas to get us out of there, saving everyone.

Way to go, Luke! Love it! :D
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Sep 10, '08, 12:04 am

Luke, thanks for the explanation of the " C " option. :)

I suppose I would also pick " C ", in that case.

A very good point was made about the possible difference of strength in a male and a female too. Males generally tend to be stronger in physical strength than females (not always the case, but usually), so that might have a different impact on the ending saga as well and just how long a person might be able to " hold on " to someone or something.

That's a good point about yelling for help too. If there is anyone that might be around that is. It certainly would not hurt to try it, and it might be very beneficial and bring more assistance.

If there was no one around but me, of course I would not want to let anyone go and possibly fall to their death, but let's face it, it would be almost near to impossible for one person to lift two people with one clinging to each hand. That would be physically draining and risk worthy with possible injury to yourself. If you are injured or incapacitated, then the two people certainly don't have a prayer (not to mention your own self).

Since the two people are very close (they can each reach one of your hands), I think I would see if one person could somehow get ahold of the other person freeing up one of my hands so I could use both hands to pull at the same time and same weight than pulling two different targets. It might help, and it might not. The people being pulled up need to bear some of the weight and burden of saving themselves if possible, by perhaps clinging a bit to each other, clinging to any possible rock formation that may give them a lever, or any other situation that may be able to be used. It certainly would help if someone had a rope to use or anything like that also. Anything to buy a few more minutes so that rescue may be easier or accomplished somehow for everyone.

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