What would you do if...

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Postby Srijita » Sun Aug 24, '08, 10:20 pm

[face=Times New Roman]
Silver_Surfer1 wrote:What about your Lawyer, a good lawyer should be able to establish a bit of doubt in a jury's mind of another possible suspect.

Thoul wrote:That's what I was thinking too, though you put it much better. That's definitely something a lawyer would explore.

I'm fascinated that you both have so much faith in the legal system. Apparently, I'm one cynical woman. :wink:

I hope to God none of us ever has to find out for real whether the system works.
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Postby Celeith » Mon Aug 25, '08, 3:51 pm

Ok heres this weeks what would you do if. I'm goin with a rpgish style this time.

You've travelled far on your journey and met many people along the course of it. The friendships you've made have grown deep inside your heart. One day you and your companions have travelled far across the world seeking for the power that will save the world from evil. The road is long before you, many dangers await you as you brave into the darkness to find what you seek. Countless hours pass by and you seem to never reach your destination deep within but everyone still presses on even when you feel like giving up. More hours pass and many monsters are slain in the process of you trying to seek what you are after. Finally you reach the end, only to see a small barren city with just a few amount of people around. A old man walks up to you and you learn the history of your own origin. To obtain the power you seek you must first pass a trial that only you can endevor. The old man leads you to a chamber, inside with many rooms. You go inside, walking into each and every room that you came by you see one of your fellow comrades. After you've talked with everyone the old man comes to you and asks you this question. To obtain the power you must kill one of your comrades. Do you...

A) Heed the old mans words and chose which friend to kill
B) Refuse the old mans proposal and find another way
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Postby Srijita » Mon Aug 25, '08, 4:05 pm

[face=Times New Roman]Don’t have to think too hard about this one. Option B, of course; it almost goes without saying. Friendship, love, and loyalty have to take precedence.

Besides, what do we become if we’re willing to kill our friends to achieve our goals? No different from the evil we are attempting to defeat. In this instance, the end does not justify the means.

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Postby Thoul » Mon Aug 25, '08, 11:06 pm

Definitely B. Aside from what Srijita said, which I fully agree with, that sounds like an obvious "are you really worthy of the power" test.

I'm fascinated that you both have so much faith in the legal system. Apparently, I'm one cynical woman. :wink:

Well, I'm not that confident in it. I just think that DNA evidence and such would be brought up in the trial. That doesn't mean it would be convincing. The question just sort of glossed over the specifics of the trial.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Aug 26, '08, 12:53 am

Srijita wrote:These are all excellent points, Silver_Surfer1, akin to what the authorities – or lawyers – might advise under the circumstances. However, this type of advice disregards the dual impact of the adrenaline rush, which transiently hinders cognitive reasoning, and the natural emotional reaction that most people would experience under the circumstances.

Most people perhaps, but not all! :)

Srijita wrote:On arrival at the site, there are signs of forced entry. A loved one is quite possibly still inside and in danger. Self-preservation might not be foremost in people’s minds at this stage. For all we know, we might be able to prevent a tragedy by going in there ourselves, rather than waiting for law enforcement to arrive. In some cases, those few minutes can make a difference to whether someone lives or dies.

Yes, we might be able to prevent a tragedy, and we also might make the situation worse for all concerned by proceeding ahead blindly, without much thought, and without assistance.

Srijita wrote:Besides, what are we going to tell law enforcement over the phone, at this point? “Someone’s broken into my partner’s house.” Without evidence of physical harm to anyone, the police may not prioritise our call. In the interim, a loved one might be injured or scared and in need of urgent help.

Yes, That's exactly what you tell them, and any other pertinent information you might have. The police should be able to assess the situation from important information relayed to them and therefore act speedily. Afterall, this is their job and they are trained in how to handle these situations, etc.

Srijita wrote:Yes, hindsight is always twenty-twenty. But I’d be less quick to judge people for their responses in an adrenaline-charged, emotionally fuelled situation. Furthermore, no matter how streetwise, savvy, and circumspect one is, it’s still possible to find oneself falsely accused and suddenly on the wrong side of the law. Blaming the victims for their stupid, irrational behaviour helps to reinforce the notion that it couldn’t happen to any of us. But it could.

Oh, I didn't say, or think, that the same situation couldn't happen to any of us on being falsely accused, etc. . I believe it could indeed. However, how we handle the situation from the beginning and all the way around can also have some effect on the situation, no matter what it is. Sometimes having a clear head in dealing with a situation can make a world of difference, and in this case possibly save a life, including that of a loved one, or your own.

Srijita wrote:Glad this is a fantasy scenario :wink:

Me too! :)

Srijita wrote:Exactly! In the same vein, it's only human nature to rush in through the cracked door to try to find your loved one, and for a jury to convict someone based entirely on circumstantial evidence.

Maybe. However, It's also human nature, and a part of the judicial or legal system, to believe a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Very interesting question, Kaloes! Keep 'em coming! :)

Srijita wrote:Indeed. Evidently they can lead to some debate :) [/face][/size]

I agree! :wink:

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Aug 26, '08, 1:04 am

On the next scenario, I am a little confused. Is the old man asking a question, or making a proposal? It seems like this is a " test " of sorts given by the old man. Of course, one with honor would never willingly kill their friends, or anyone needlessly. To act in such a way, would be most dishonorable and show the true measure of a man. So, I suppose I would pick " B " also.

However, that doesn't mean that ALL of the friends will react in this same way if the question is proposed or asked of each of them. So, he better keep his guard up even among friends, just to be safe.

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Postby Srijita » Tue Aug 26, '08, 5:21 pm

[face=Times New Roman]
Silver_Surfer1 wrote:Maybe. However, It's also human nature, and a part of the judicial or legal system, to believe a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt.

While the justice system does stipulate “beyond reasonable doubt”, I’d be more hesitant to consider it a facet of human nature in general. You or I might hesitate to convict on the basis of circumstantial evidence alone, particularly where doubts exist, but not everyone shares these qualms.

To cite an extreme example: some years ago, I was embroiled in a heated debate about the death penalty on a (non-moderated) newsgroup. I cited some evidence about people executed for crimes they did not commit. The overwhelming response? That their deaths did not matter, because these cases constituted a relatively small proportion of the total number of executions, and that “some innocent people should just take it for the team” [sic].

These views were widespread. It was closer to the mentality of a bloodthirsty lynch mob than the noble principle of innocent until proven guilty. I shudder to think that some of these individuals might be called up for jury service...

However, that doesn't mean that ALL of the friends will react in this same way if the question is proposed or asked of each of them. So, he better keep his guard up even among friends, just to be safe

In other words, he shouldn’t trust his friends not to sell him down the river! All of a sudden, you seem somewhat less optimistic about human nature… :wink:

Is the old man asking a question, or making a proposal?

I believe it is a proposal (“Kill one of your buddies, and I’ll grant you the power to destroy all evil!”), but maybe Kaloes will clarify. :)[/face]
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Postby Celeith » Tue Aug 26, '08, 10:12 pm

Srijita wrote: I believe it is a proposal (“Kill one of your buddies, and I’ll grant you the power to destroy all evil!”), but maybe Kaloes will clarify. :)

I'll clarify everything at the end of the week, I find it better to hear everyones opinions about these rather then me giving my answer so sudden after the question was given. So if you guys will keep on conversing among one another on these things and by the end of the week things will be clarified. ^^
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Aug 27, '08, 12:49 am

Srijita wrote:To cite an extreme example: some years ago, I was embroiled in a heated debate about the death penalty on a (non-moderated) newsgroup.

Reminds me of a debate with a fellow poster not too long ago on this site having to do with a similar subject. :)

However, that doesn't mean that ALL of the friends will react in this same way if the question is proposed or asked of each of them. So, he better keep his guard up even among friends, just to be safe

Srijita wrote:In other words, he shouldn’t trust his friends not to sell him down the river! All of a sudden, you seem somewhat less optimistic about human nature… :wink:

I wouldn't say "less optimistic about human nature", but just that it never fails to be a bit realistic as well and remember all your options and consider all viewpoints from all sides.

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Aug 27, '08, 12:51 am

Kaloes wrote:I'll clarify everything at the end of the week, I find it better to hear everyones opinions about these rather then me giving my answer so sudden after the question was given. So if you guys will keep on conversing among one another on these things and by the end of the week things will be clarified. ^^

Kaloes, you have stirred my interest even more, if possible. I can't wait to see what you're up to. :wink: :)

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