What would you do if...

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Postby Srijita » Tue Sep 23, '08, 7:34 pm

[face=Times New Roman]I’ll vote with Thoul and Silver on this one; (A) it is.

There are practical reasons why the bodies of the departed should be treated with respect, in addition to emotional, spiritual, and social considerations. I also agree with Thoul that a search for survivors would be in order.

The protagonist would not necessarily be any safer wandering the forests alone; one might easily run into the perpetrators of the massacre en route. Sticking with friends is the best bet, from the standpoint of self-preservation as well as loyalty and altruism.
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Postby Rudo » Sun Oct 5, '08, 2:49 am

I'll have to catch up on these since I've been gone for so long.

The last one is easy, I'd hightail it outta there fast just like I was asked / told to do. Always follow orders ya know. :D
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Postby Celeith » Fri Nov 7, '08, 6:52 pm

Ok it has been quite some time since I've done this and I apologize for the long wait but things have been so busy lately. Anyways I'm going to try to get back into this every week or two so lets begin a new month with a new What Would You Do If

You and two others have charged into the base of your enemy, finding it strange that noone appears to be around. You run through the halls, coming across many dead ends, and are not able to find anything anywhere. You begin to give up, as you have a long way to go before you reach the room where you believe your enemy awaits you. Tired and exhausted you ascend the stairs, not knowing whats around every corner you keep firm grasp on your sword. Finally after a long climb you and your allies reach the large chamber that is housing your enemy. A long battle begins and after so long the three of you emerge victorious. You have just saved the world from destruction... Or have you? As the three of you leave a man covered in blue armor appears before you. You learn that the enemy you have just fought was a decoy to the mans real master plan. Another battle commences with the three of you and the man in armor and you barely emerge victorious. Exhausted, you are barely able to hold onto your weapon. The building begins to shake, explosions happen around you as you charge the man in armor one final time. You slash at him, and he jumps back, falling down a large hole leading to a generator that is causing the explosions. He hurls a chain towards you and it wraps around your arm. He hangs there desperately as you try cutting the chain with your sword. Your allies try to help but are not able to free your arm from the chain. The man in armor begins pulling you down as you grab ahold of the railing to keep from falling. The place is about to explode in a fiery explosion. Do you...

A) Yell to your friends that you'll be alright and to escape, telling them you will catch up later.
B) Take your sword in hand and slash down, cutting it off freeing yourself from the chain.
Last edited by Celeith on Tue Nov 11, '08, 12:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Thoul » Fri Nov 7, '08, 8:10 pm

Probably A. My first thought would be to try to remove the chain without cutting off a limb.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Nov 10, '08, 10:17 pm

Another interesting scenario, Kaloes! :hmm:

It seems everything is happening very quickly with not much time to think of many options here. My first thought is if the two friends could try pulling the third one up, even with the weight of the other guy attached to him (save two birds with one pull, sort of), although that may not be possible as the weight just may be too much to bear for them. I think it would be noble for the third friend to tell the others to go and he would catch up with them, but that last part is probably not gonna happen, and everyone would know it, I think. If anyone had a magic spell or potion, now would be the time for it. :wink: The very last resort would be cutting the arm off, but it might have to happen in order to gain freedom. Unless, there was some way to obtain freedom even after the possible long fall into the generator ?????

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Postby Heikabuchi » Thu Nov 13, '08, 4:43 pm

What would you do if...

You and your friend were talking a walk in the park and suddenly out of nowhere, a random rappy pops ups and begins chucking acorns the size of baseballs at your head. You and your friend go back home and ask eachother what in the world a rappy is doing in centeral park, and about that time you hear a knock on the door. You answer the door and a squirrel leaps at your face and bites off your eyebrows. Your friend laughs his/her butt off and after a while, you both decide to go questing for your missing eyebrows. You gather some large dangerous looking tree branches and scurry to the back yard where you see the squirrel glueing your eyebrows to its face. The little guy sees you, rushes up the nearest tree, and dives into a hole in the trunk. You and your buddy spend the next ten minutes making fools of yourselves trying to climb he tree when it suddenly occurs to you that your dad keeps a chainsaw in his underwear drawer. You procure the chainsaw, rush outside, turn on the chainsaw, and moronically cut down the tree. What you see next, makes your jaw drop.
You look downward at what should be a solid wood tree stump, but is actualy a hole leading down to Nurvous.

What would you do?
(You may choose up to 5.)

(A.) Screw it! I'm not going to chase a @&#* squirrel down a creepy hole just for my eyebrows! I'll just way a few weeks until they grow back!

(B.) Call the fire department.

(C.) Call your dad and ask him why he keeps a chainsaw in his underwear drawer.

(D.) Collect your thoughts and ask yourself how this whole thing started with a wild rappy, and ended with a squirrel tearing off your eyebrows.

(E.) Go to the nearest spaceport and ask Raja for help. (DOH!)

(F.) Go online and get the game guide.

(E.) I'M GOING IN!!! HE TOOK MY *$&#%$#)#@%$#%#%$ EYEBROWS!!!!!

(F.) Fight

(G.) Use Item.

(H.) Macro

(I.) Run Away

(J.) Sell tickets.

(K.) Put that *#&@ on youtube.

(L.) Ask Thoul.

(M.) Cast Hinas.

(N.) OMG WHY?!?
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Postby Celeith » Thu Nov 13, '08, 5:01 pm

-__-, theres only room enough in this topic for one guy doing the what would you do ifs.. Wheres my bat at! *Rummages through series of weapons and a Gwyn plushie >.>* Aha! *Readies bat!*
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Nov 13, '08, 8:58 pm

Heikabuchi wrote:What would you do if...

What would you do?
(You may choose up to 5.)

I choose:

(C.) Call your dad and ask him why he keeps a chainsaw in his underwear drawer.

That boggles my mind. :p

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Postby Atlinsmere » Tue Nov 25, '08, 5:31 am

I agree with SS. I will go with C. but I will also go with K cause it's great.... and stuff...
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Postby Thoul » Tue Nov 25, '08, 9:40 pm

E (the first one ;)), followed by M. Raja might have a good sense of humor, but eventually I'll need Hinas to escape, eh? :lol:
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