What's the hottest thing you've eaten?

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

What's the hottest thing you've eaten?

Postby Thoul » Sat Jan 26, '08, 7:07 am

There's lots of spicy foods out there, especially stuff made with peppers or hot sauce. What's the hottest thing you've ever tasted?

I try to avoid spicy stuff. When I was younger, we once had spicy chicken. That was way too hot for me. I could barely stand it, I had to drink a bunch when eating that stuff.
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Postby Wolf Bird » Sat Jan 26, '08, 7:20 am

I've eaten dried pequin peppers. Straight. On their own. HOT! I use them to cook a lot too.
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Postby SparkyIII » Sat Jan 26, '08, 11:43 pm

Can't remember, I usually try to avoid spicy foods. It gives me such a pounding headache.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Jan 27, '08, 12:42 am

I don't like spicy foods much either, and can't stand them these days like I used to. I can't really recall the hottest thing I ever ate. Probably a hot pepper or something. It's been too long ago.

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Postby Tsunami » Sun Jan 27, '08, 2:12 am

I don't care for spicy/hot food, m'self. I'll never understand why some people have a fascination with it. :?
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Postby Rudo » Sun Jan 27, '08, 3:43 am

Whoa, does this topic bring back memories. I ate some chili one time that was so hot I thought I was gonna die! I don't know what was in the stuff, but I will never eat that again. :fiery:
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