Funniest Game Moments

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Funniest Game Moments

Postby Thoul » Fri Nov 2, '07, 7:48 pm

Speaking for games other than Phantasy Star, what are some of the best moments that made you laugh? It could be something that was meant to be funny or just so badly executed that it left you cackling.
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Postby Tsunami » Fri Nov 2, '07, 8:54 pm

I hate to admit it, but FF7 had some pretty funny moments, namely with Barret and Cid. Another Final Fantasy that had its moments was FF6, and the particular scene aboard the boat to Thamasa when Locke gets sick was always a favorite of mine. :mrgreen:

Super Mario RPG also had some humor in it...though I think the best parts were when Bowser would talk to himself (like at Booster Tower).

No other games come to mind at the moment, but I'm sure there's more.
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Postby lee » Sun Nov 4, '07, 1:57 am

Tales of the Abyss has many humorous moments. I highly recommend it if you have a PS2.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Nov 5, '07, 10:25 pm

Golly, I was so busy playing the games, I can't remember laughing that much. I'll have to think about this one a bit. :?

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Postby LordShibas » Mon Nov 5, '07, 10:39 pm

No doubt about this one. The "All Your Base Are Belong to us" intro of Zero Wing.

Here's the original:

and the version with the song:
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Postby SparkyIII » Tue Nov 6, '07, 12:45 am

I have to say, a game called Champions of Norrath had some laugh uprisings, some only funny the first time, but some still make me laugh. We had a small glitch in ours, where some woman, not gonna mention who, but she has her arms tied up, but after you break the spell holding her arms, she still keeps them in the air, then tells you to come to her to go to safety. The funniest part was that after she stopped talking she lowered her arms to where they were supposed to be, then immediately put them back up again, as if to flap up into the air. It still makes us die of laughter.

But my most humorous moment I can think of off the top of my head was in X-men Mutant Academy 2, where we had an old playstation, and Storm, controller of the elements, and apparently sound, glitched and said twice extremely fast and high pitched "Care for a treat care for a treat!" Then in a regular voice, "Simmer down" Then in a deep crackly voice that sounds like a demon " CARE FOR A TREAT!" We couldn't stop laughing about it.
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Postby Tsunami » Tue Nov 6, '07, 2:59 am

LordShibas wrote:No doubt about this one. The "All Your Base Are Belong to us" intro of Zero Wing.

Here's the original:

and the version with the song:
All your base... Good stuff! xD

I wonder if anyone would purposely hack a game and screw with the dialogue like that? Fun to think about, with all the possibilities and rom hackers out there... :D
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