What books are you reading now?

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Postby SparkyIII » Thu Mar 20, '08, 8:00 am

I am going to be working on Godell, Escher, Bach, when my mom finds it. XD I think my brother has it and isn't even reading it.
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Postby DrkTr14ce » Thu Mar 20, '08, 7:13 pm

I'm reading 'Vampire Hunter D, Volume 7: Journey of the North Sea, Part Two'. I honestly couldn't explain much of the series without giving away more important bits from it all. But it's rather well done, written by Hideyuki Kicuchi, along with some illustrations done by * Amano. (He does Character Design for the Final Fantasy series. He's appearantly been more freelance for a few years, though.)
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Mar 20, '08, 8:14 pm

I'm still reading the Pete Rose book about baseball right now. I'm almost finished with it.

Next, I think I will read Neil Cavuto's book, "Your Money Or Your Life". Sounds like an interesting title, lol. Neil Cavuto is a news anchor on Fox News Channel's "Cavuto Show". Sorry, can't remember the exact name of the show.

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jul 8, '08, 9:50 pm

Well, I finished the Pete Rose book - it was pretty good! I haven't finished the Cavuto book - it has some good messages in it, but it's a bit boring, I think, so I probably won't finish it.

I have lots of other stuff I need to read, if I can find the time.

What prompted me to bump up this thread was a book I heard about this morning, though. It's a book about actor Christopher Reeve ("Superman" movie) and his wife Dana Reeve, and their love story. They are both deceased now, but they shared a lot of triumph, tragedy, love, laughter, tears, and more during their final years together with his accident and paralysis and then after he passed away, she found out she had cancer and shortly after she passed away also. Sounds like a remarkable love story and tribute to the human spirit and life.

If anyone reads it before I get a chance, let us know how you think the book and story was.

Anyone have any other books to recommend that you want to read in the near future, or have just finished reading?

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Postby Atlinsmere » Tue Jul 22, '08, 3:11 am

I'm currently reading "Temple of the Winds" by Terry Goodkind. It is the fourth book out of 11(?) in the series "The Sword Of Truth" I strongly reccomend this series for anyone who likes Fantasy books. To warn you though every book has 600+ pages and the font is fairly small. I can't really tell you much about them without revealing too much of the books but I will tell you this. They are fantastical!
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Postby Thoul » Tue Jul 22, '08, 6:28 pm

I've read most of that series, but I stopped after the 9th book, I think. It got kind of repetitive to me. Those early books are really good, though.
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Postby SparkyIII » Tue Aug 5, '08, 7:28 am

Back on my old starcraft book, dunno when I'll finish it
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People think things have a certain end. Taxes. Work. Due dates don't really exist. Trust me. When you put a band of world scholars in the same room, and set them on talking about anything, the most interesting topics come up. The existence of negative time. The probability of "random occurrence". The government's involvement in the media. And falsified due dates. They aren't real, trust me....
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Re: What books are you reading now?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed May 6, '09, 9:27 pm

Whew, I finally found this thread again. It's been awhile, but let's bump it up and see what everyone has been reading these days, hmmm! :reading:

Well as for myself, my interests in reading are wide and varied. I love to read many types of books. How about you? What are your favorite type of books to read?

Not too long ago I just finished reading "Mountain Man" by John Vardis, which is the book that the movie "Jeremiah Johnson" was based upon. Let me tell you, the book is way different than the movie. That's why I usually don't like to read books that I've seen the movie of because it is always so different that I don't like one or the other. In this particular case, the movie is TERRIFIC, while I thought the book wasn't all that great and left a lot to be desired, but that's just me. :roll:

Currently, I just started reading the book "Nickel Dreams, My Life" by country music singer, Tanya Tucker. I love to read biographys and learning more about people. I also love most of her music. So far, so good as I'm enjoying the book right now.

How about you .... what are you reading now?

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Re: What books are you reading now?

Postby Rune_Walsh » Thu May 7, '09, 5:24 am

Silver_Surfer1 wrote:
Not too long ago I just finished reading "Mountain Man" by John Vardis, which is the book that the movie "Jeremiah Johnson" was based upon. Let me tell you, the book is way different than the movie. That's why I usually don't like to read books that I've seen the movie of because it is always so different that I don't like one or the other. In this particular case, the movie is TERRIFIC, while I thought the book wasn't all that great and left a lot to be desired, but that's just me. :roll:

I haven't read the book, but I agree that the movie is fantastic!

At the moment, I'm 3/4 through Valerie Martin's Mary Reilly, which is pretty good read - it's full of suspense, is a romance, and a thriller. It's all about Dr. Jeckyll/Mr. Hyde, and the relationship he has with his maidservant, Mary Reilly. It's fiction, but I generally read non-fiction.
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Re: What books are you reading now?

Postby Lucas » Thu May 7, '09, 8:17 am

I'm currently reading Magnificat by Julian May. It is the final novel out of the Galatic Millieu Triology. It is a cross between a fantasy and sci-fi genre. It's quite good too it sums up the other too books nicely from what I've read so far. Not many novels hold me for long but this series has. :wink:

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