What books are you reading now?

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Re: What books are you reading now?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Apr 25, '15, 4:01 am

I finished "Straken" by Terry Brooks which was the last book in one of the Shannara triologies a week or so ago. Now, I have started the first book in a new triology and this book is called "Armageddon's Children". So far I have only read the first chapter and I can already sense the difference from the other past triologies. I hope I like it as I get a little farther along.

Update 4/24/2015: Finished "Armageddon's Children" last week and now I'm waiting on the next book in the triology ("Elves Of Cintra", I think it is) to arrive at my local Library so I can begin reading it. Oh yeah, I liked "Armageddon's Children" a good deal and am already hooked on this triology saga. I can hardly wait until the Library gets the book so I can read it. :reading:
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Re: What books are you reading now?

Postby Zio_Falz » Sat Apr 25, '15, 4:09 pm

The 50th Law by 50 Cent and Robert Green, and Undisputed Truth by Mike Tyson.
Quality stuff, believe it or not.
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Re: What books are you reading now?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri May 15, '15, 11:54 pm

Finished "Elves of Cintra" and "The Gypsy Morph" in the Shannara "Genesis" series of books. I wasn't sure how if I would like this triology when I first began reading it but I thoroughly enjoyed all three books. I wish it could have continued on with some of these characters as I really liked most of them. As usual here lately, I think he waited a bit too late to finish this triology up. I mean there were three books of adventure and story and then it seems he waits until the last chapter or two to really end things. I would have liked more story to finish the whole thing up a little neater. Anyone else feel this way?

Anyway, I have the first book in the next Shannara triology "Legends Of Shannara: Bearers Of The Black Staff", I think it is on hold at the library and can't wait until it gets here.

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Re: What books are you reading now?

Postby Wolf Bird » Tue May 19, '15, 2:25 pm

"The End of Nature" by Bill McKibben. Sure, it might be one of his first books and some of history and science are outdated, but the main point of the book is still quite relevant.
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Re: What books are you reading now?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jun 6, '15, 10:40 pm

A few chapters in to "Bearers Of The Black Staff" in the Legends Of Shannara series by Terry Brooks. So far so good. I still need to read the last book in the Word And Void set, "Angel Fire East" when I can get it at the Library. Did not think I would like the Word and Void but it is pretty good.

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Re: What books are you reading now?

Postby Hukos » Sat Jun 13, '15, 2:03 am

I've been reading some Wheel of Time books because why not, pretty much finished up to the 4th book at this point.

I'm convinced Robert Jordan has no idea how to write a character that isn't 5 years old. Either that, its deliberate and by design and if that really is the case, then I'll tip my hat to him for making me hate virtually every character in his series.

No, seriously. Every. Single. Character. acts like an entitled and selfish child and flings their arms when things don't go their way and becomes a complete idiot begging everyone else to fix their problems for them. Its not even the teenagers who do this, the adults are just as guilty of this as anyone else.

Jordan does a neat job of giving life to the world around the characters and making different cultures seem pretty interesting. But the characters who compromise those cultures are insufferable and I want all of them to die a horrible death. I think the only character I didn't hate was Moraine and mostly because she actually gets stuff done and doesn't wail around like a chicken with her head cut off most of the time unlike everyone else.

Maybe someone else can explain to me what's so great about the characters that I'm not getting, but I'm actively rooting for the bad guys to win at this point because of how incompetent the good guys are.

So, why didn't I stop at the first book? Because I have no control over my life.
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Re: What books are you reading now?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jun 18, '15, 3:45 am

Just finished reading "Measure Of The Magic" which was the second book in the Legends Of Shannara duology with the other book being "Bearers Of The Black Staff". I thought Measure was good but it ended too abruptly. I felt like there should have been more somehow. I also read somewhere that there may be another book in this "Legends" set. Anyone know anything about that?

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Re: What books are you reading now?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jul 2, '15, 4:38 am

Finished the first book in the Dark Legacy of Shannara triology and while I am waiting for the second book to arrive via my local library, I have begun reading another series of books by Terry Brooks called "Magic Kingdom For Sale", a Magic Kindom of Landover Novel. Pretty interesting so far. Anyone else read any of the Landover books?

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Re: What books are you reading now?

Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Jul 2, '15, 2:02 pm

I just finished "Eclipse." No, not the book in the Twilight series, but rather a book about the science of solar and lunar eclipses, and their historical and anthropological significance.

So I started another book called "Life in the Balance," yet another book about biodiversity loss and what it (could) mean for human society.
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Re: What books are you reading now?

Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Aug 27, '15, 6:44 pm

Most recently (as in, earlier today) I finished the book "Six degrees" by Mark Lynas. It's about what the current overall scientific consensus is on what would happen with climate change depending on how many degrees the average global temperature goes up - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 degrees celsius. However, it's very well written and, TBH, a tad jarring by the time you even hit 2 degrees, and gets downright scary with 3 degrees and global carbon cycle positive feedback loops really start kicking in.

Now, I think I'm going to move onto another book that's been on my to-read list basically since it was released in 2013, Environmental Debt, which is about how our economic and financial system are intertwined with our environmental ecological systems, and how they are interdependent and cannot exist without the other...primarily, if we wreck the latter, we also will inevitably wreck the former. I'm writing this from my local library, which I just got a card for, and they have it available, so time for me to borrow it.

Yeah, I have very happy reading material. :sweat:

It shouldn't have taken me a year to get a new library card, either.
Last edited by Wolf Bird on Thu Aug 27, '15, 6:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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