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Postby Celeith » Tue Feb 5, '08, 12:12 am

I finally got my first volumes of Eureka7 in the mail the other day after about 2 months so I'm reading through that now. I enjoy reading manga because it takes from and out of the anime at the same time and brings in its own little world.
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Postby Reno » Tue Feb 5, '08, 1:15 am

Ah, I've actually just started watching the Japanese version of the Eureka 7 anime. I've only seen the first and second episodes but from what I've seen it seems pretty interesting. My favourite manga/anime series have got to be Full Metal Alchemist and Bleach. Full Metal is a powerful emotional roller coaster that keeps you hooked to the characters the whole way through, whereas, Bleach is a hilarious comedy with tons of action in nearly every episode.

I honestly have no idea what to read next! :(
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Postby SparkyIII » Tue Feb 5, '08, 11:10 pm

Thought I posted this somewhere? lol Must have been elsewhere. My current list is:
Darwins Black Box-the author makes me laugh
The death of common sense-It just sounds funny.
******, Escher, Bach.-Can't remember the first guys name, but its about how each one uses math in what they do.
Everything has a pattern. Something set. Even random things. They aren't random at all, its complex mathematics. The trick is to find the pattern. Then you can exploit it.

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Feb 12, '08, 6:35 am

"My Prison Without Bars" by Pete Rose (the baseball guy hero) & Rick Hill.

Yeah, I know Pete was accused of gambling, etc., and all that, but the guy is a baseball hero, no matter what, in my eyes, and he SHOULD be allowed in the baseball Hall Of Fame, and back in the game. And that's my :2c: . I will let you know if I feel any differently AFTER I've finished reading the book, lol.

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Postby Thoul » Tue Feb 12, '08, 10:10 pm

Wasn't he banned from the game for life? He might have earned a place in the hall of fame, but I don't think he should be allowed back in the professional sport. For one, he's probably too old and out of shape to play now. Even if he's not, I doubt any team would want him, just to avoid the stigma of being watched to make sure he's not betting on their games.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Feb 12, '08, 11:10 pm

Yeah, he was banned from the game for life because of betting or gambling on the games, I think it was. I heard in the news a few years ago that they might let him back in then, but I don't think it has happened as yet.

Agreed, that he is too old to play professional ball any longer and be very good at it probably, however, he could coach or do something along those lines which might prove beneficial to some team or teams. Also, I don't know if he can be voted into the "Hall Of Fame" if he is banned from the sport altogether. It might be possible, but I just don't know, and it certainly hasn't happened yet.

As far as the teams may not want him, that could possibly be true. However, with all the recent steroid use scandals, etc., it seems there may be worse things to consider with some teams and players than simply betting on games. I think with his history, knowledge, and charisma that he would certainly find a place somewhere.

I haven't finished the book yet, but the little I have gotten from it so far (and gained from hearing Pete talk on various tv shows, etc., is that baseball is almost as important to him as breathing, etc. Some people are that way, they eat, talk, and sleep the sport. It makes you wonder why he would do something that might get him thrown out of the sport, but I think he is from an age or time when people did things a whole lot differently than they do now. Also, gambling is an addiction just like everthing else (drinking, smoking, drugs, etc.), and people recovering from those addictions, etc., almost always get a second chance. Right now, I think he deserves a second chance. I hope I still feel that way after reading the entire book.

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Postby Reno » Wed Feb 13, '08, 2:58 am

Please don't quote me on this, as I can't remember if this is true or not, but didn't he deny that he'd gambled when questioned about it... I really can't remember when I heard this or where from, but I think it was a reputable source. That bit, (if it's true) would definatley make quite a few people angry with him, so I could see why they'd want him out of the Hall of Fame.

In my opinion, (lot of worth that has :wink: , but regardless) what he did shouldn't take away from his achievements during his baseball career, so if he was skilled and well-liked enough to earn a spot, he should receive it, regardless of his crime.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Feb 13, '08, 4:44 am

Reno wrote:didn't he deny that he'd gambled when questioned about it...

Yes, you are correct, I believe he did deny the gambling at the time, and in fact I think he denied having done it for a long time. but he may have finally admitted doing it.

I guess it would have been better for someone to own up to their mistakes, or whatever, but I think it is also understandable how someone might be ashamed or whatever and deny having done something. It's certainly not the same, but think of a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar - they might still deny doing it possibly thinking they can get away with it, or something, even caught in the act. Grownups should know better, but sometimes even though you are grown up on the outside, doesn't mean you have completely grown up on the inside, ya know what I mean.

Reno wrote:In my opinion, (lot of worth that has :wink: , but regardless) what he did shouldn't take away from his achievements during his baseball career, so if he was skilled and well-liked enough to earn a spot, he should receive it, regardless of his crime.

I absolutely agree with you, and that's the main point, I think. His achievements in baseball were so huge and record breaking that he deserves to be in the Hall Of Fame for that, and that alone. The other stuff is baggage, and not pretty baggage at that, and it will always be there in some form or other, but let the achievements and records speak for themselves, and be honored as they rightly should be.

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Postby Reno » Wed Mar 19, '08, 4:56 am

Decided to resurrect this old topic with the news that I'm now rereading one of the most influential books in my life, "Broca's Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science" by Carl Sagan. For those not in the know, Sagan was an American Astrophysicist who was most popular and well-known for breaking down complex and difficult to understand Scientific theories and conveying them in a way so simple, anyone could understand it; such was the case with his most popular book, "Cosmos."

I could go on and on, but this wiki article will do a more thorough and better job than I ever could, (less passion though!). I cannot mention enough how influential Sagan was and still is to me. I would've liked nothing more than to have gotten a chance to meet him in person and talk with him about anything that came to mind... How ecstatic he would be to see the progress that's been made in the last 11 years...
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Postby Snorb » Wed Mar 19, '08, 10:11 pm

Currently going through William Gibson's Sprawl trilogy (Neuromancer, Count Zero, and Mona Lisa Overdrive), which are considered the birth of the cyberpunk subgenre of sci-fi. It's The Matrix before Keanu Reeves and Hugo Weaving beat the crap out of each other in it. :)
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