What are you eating?

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Postby Reno » Mon Jan 28, '08, 11:49 pm

:rofl: Right, this is what happens when an ignorant newbie comes into a community without any background info on anyone! :lol:

Well, at least you said I'm not the only one. Now I don't feel as embarrassed! :oops:

That said; Thoul, I think you need to add one of those 'pick your gender' options in member's profile pages to prevent such an embarrassing situation from occurring again! :lol:
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Postby Tsunami » Tue Jan 29, '08, 6:04 am

SparkyIII wrote:Don't feel bad, your definately not the only one. My friend in fact asked me today if I was straight, because I act on the femine side. LOL!!!! :rofl:
But, Sparky! You'll always be a pretty lady to me~!

And Reno, don't feel bad. Happens to the best of us. ;)

Oh, and to get back on topic... I am not eating anything at the moment, but I have a glass of water. :D
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Postby Thoul » Tue Jan 29, '08, 7:55 pm

Reno wrote:That said; Thoul, I think you need to add one of those 'pick your gender' options in member's profile pages to prevent such an embarrassing situation from occurring again! :lol:

:lol: I was thinking the same thing. I'll have to see about doing that.
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Postby snowdragon » Thu Mar 13, '08, 2:22 am

i just had chicken, tater tots, and coleslaw for dinner. i'm trying to decide what i should eat for dessert. :)
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Postby Thoul » Sun Mar 16, '08, 10:43 pm

I just finished the last in a pack of small cups of ice cream. Now that the weather is getting warmer, I'll have to get some more to help stay cool.
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Postby SparkyIII » Mon Mar 17, '08, 8:15 am

lol, Well since it is over 90 degrees outside, I thought I'd make myself a nice cup of hot chocolate. lol But in the past 3-4 days, all I had is a slice of meat, and 2 pieces of toast. I wonder why I'm not hungry anymore?
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Jul 13, '08, 3:41 am

Had some Pepperoni Pizza and some friend green tomatoes today. Yum! :burp:

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Postby luke » Mon Jul 14, '08, 5:44 pm

i've been eating tons of dried fruit lately. papayas, mangos, etc. i think i'm going to eat some curry for lunch today.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jul 15, '08, 8:02 pm

I tried dried Bananas once, but didn't like them - they were too hard!

I do love fresh fruits and try to eat some of them every day. Right now I'm on a Banana and Strawberry craving, not together, but seperately. They are some of nature's perfect foods, I think. :)

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jul 17, '08, 7:01 pm

Just ate a banana and some applesauce. You know what they say " an apple a day keeps the doctor away ". :wink:

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