What are you currently playing? Part 2

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Re: What are you currently playing? Part 2

Postby Wolf Bird » Mon Jun 10, '13, 11:16 pm

Zombie Red Dead it is. And definitely enjoying it. Not too terribly far in yet, so not judging too much. I went in thinking ammo was going to be harder to find, but I'm still finding it rather easy to find. Either that, or I'm just really good with the dead eye. Or abusing the torch instead of the guns.

Atlin, my BF and I are having tons of fun on co-op SR2.
Next Pokemon game(s): Pearl
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Re: What are you currently playing? Part 2

Postby Flames of Yagami » Thu Jun 27, '13, 10:31 pm

My copy of Amazing Spider-Man for PS3 arrived in the mail last Friday. It's the same free roam gameplay most Spider-Man games have had since Spider-Man 2, only with a much better combat system that reminds me of the Arkham series. The only thing is that this game's story mode gets kind of repetitive after awhile, but getting to swing around New York more than makes up for that.
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Re: What are you currently playing? Part 2

Postby Wolf Bird » Sun Jul 7, '13, 9:09 pm

Four 'active' games, as it were, right now. Let's go over them!

Saints Row 2: as previously discussed, on co-op with my boyfriend. Tons of fun. I sometimes play solo, though, just to screw around or do things I can't do in co-op if he's hosting the session (namely, buy properties).

Jak & Daxter: When this originally came out, I failed to get into it. I think it's because I always liked Ratchet & Clank better, and R&C broke the collect-a-thon rut platformers had fallen into. Well, I have the * HD collection, and this time, I'm liking it for what it is. I don't think it's great, but it's sort of a blast from the past.

3D Dot Game Heroes: My RPG fix. Zelda meets Minecraft. Seriously. You can create a character from blocks, or use one of the templates. I created a werewolf. Lots of fun and both retro and modern. Plus, it parodies itself in many ways, and that's something I love seeing games do.

No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise: Just popped this one in. I played the Wii version, both 1 and 2, and adored them for the humor (if sometimes juvenile), self-parody elements, and fun gameplay, if ridiculously violent. Easily a favorite game on Wii. Got ported to PS3 and remade into HD, and I got it cheap a while back, and felt like playing it. Yup. Still loving it, even with a different control scheme.
Next Pokemon game(s): Pearl
Last finished Pokémon game: Shield
Other games: Skyrim Special Edition (Switch), Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Switch & PS4), Okami (Switch & PS4)
Other gaming goals: completing a Living Pokedex (minus some event Pokes) and going through at least 1 game per generation

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Re: What are you currently playing? Part 2

Postby R-90-2 » Thu Jul 18, '13, 11:59 pm

Someone gifted me FF7 on Steam for my B-Day, so I've been running through that.

It's a bit different than I remember in an upside way.
Last edited by R-90-2 on Thu Jul 18, '13, 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you currently playing? Part 2

Postby Atlinsmere » Fri Jul 19, '13, 7:47 am

I'm currently playing these games:

Defiance - A futuristic third person MMO full of awesomeness. It has a show running alongside it that's an alright watch so far.

Cube World - An Alpha game that's fun so far, but it needs more content before it can be considered a full game.

D&D: Neverwinter - An awesome Free-To-Play MMO based in the Dungeons and Dragons universe. Haven't played in a week because of Defiance, but definitely getting back to it soon.

I think that's pretty much it for me.
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Re: What are you currently playing? Part 2

Postby R-90-2 » Wed Aug 7, '13, 10:06 pm

I finally got the translation and dub patches working, so now I'm giving Ys IV: Dawn of Ys a proper run.
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Re: What are you currently playing? Part 2

Postby Wolf Bird » Wed Sep 4, '13, 5:07 pm

GameStop was doing a buy 2 get 1 on used games this past weekend, so my boyfriend and I took advantage of that. Got a grand total of 6 games, 4 for him, 2 for me and we got $50 worth of free games from the sale. The games I got were the LEGO Harry Potter games for PS3, and he and I started years 1-4 on co-op yesterday. Harry Potter definitely lends itself well to funny LEGO related gimmickry.
Last edited by Wolf Bird on Wed Sep 4, '13, 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Next Pokemon game(s): Pearl
Last finished Pokémon game: Shield
Other games: Skyrim Special Edition (Switch), Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Switch & PS4), Okami (Switch & PS4)
Other gaming goals: completing a Living Pokedex (minus some event Pokes) and going through at least 1 game per generation

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Re: What are you currently playing? Part 2

Postby Thoul » Thu Jan 2, '14, 6:17 am

At the moment, I'm mostly hopping back and forth between Batman: Arkham Originsl and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. When I finish one of those, I'll probably add the recent Star Trek movie game. After that, I'm not sure...
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Re: What are you currently playing? Part 2

Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Jan 2, '14, 3:09 pm

My gaming is bouncy right now. I've got 4 newer titles going and a few old ones going, plus a myriad of old platformers without a save feature I sometimes just pop in. But let's see…

Mass Effect - poking through this, as I love exploration. But since I don't play games like this often, I've been getting killed an awful lot, so retrying gun battles has been a significant portion of my play time.

BioShock - I'm not a big FPS person, but when I do want to play one, I've been loving the atmosphere of this.

Ratchet & Clank - on the PS3 HD trilogy. Really looks good in HD, but still enough horsepower left over to run it in 60 frames per second if you don't have 3D mode on.

Red Dead Redemption - started a play through of this on hardcore mode last night. Yeah. This will be hard. The aiming is completely free-aim and your dead eye does not automatically regenerate. Items don't sell for as much, money is more scarce, and goods are more expensive. Those are changes I've seen so far and I imagine there are more. But really, I'm reminded how much I love this game. This is my 2013 Game of the Year, even though I know it was released in 2010. I just didn't play it until 2013.

Yoshi's Island - I lost my save file of this, but have since restarted it. The SupaBoy will make playing this (and other SNES games) easier as I can play it on my long commute between Burlington and Cambridge or the Landmark Center.

EarthBound - 1/128 item run on a cart. Have gotten 5 or 6 and I'm currently at Moonside, where there's 2 item drops to get.

Sonic 3 and Knuckles - doing a Tails run.
Last edited by Wolf Bird on Thu Jan 2, '14, 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Next Pokemon game(s): Pearl
Last finished Pokémon game: Shield
Other games: Skyrim Special Edition (Switch), Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Switch & PS4), Okami (Switch & PS4)
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Re: What are you currently playing? Part 2

Postby myau56 » Thu Jan 2, '14, 9:13 pm

Bioshock ? What a game !!! Truly for me one of the best games I've ever played (With Phantasy Star of course ! And the Ace Attorney serie :) ) : the second is as good as the first ! Truly a legend of video games :clap:
Mass effect is great too but I've only finished the first and started the second and that's all ...
Phantasy Star Forever

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