We love you, Amy!

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Re: We love you, Amy!

Postby XXXG-00W0 WING-0 » Thu Sep 30, '10, 9:29 pm

I like medics. Amy is a medic. I like Amy.
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Re: We love you, Amy!

Postby Xander » Thu Sep 30, '10, 9:34 pm

Hmm, maybe the real reason I'm going to go and become a doctor is this. :p Not really, obviously!

...Says the one who has only drawn her twice.
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Re: We love you, Amy!

Postby Blurst » Thu Sep 26, '13, 6:55 am

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Re: We love you, Amy!

Postby Snorb » Thu Sep 26, '13, 6:51 pm

Amy: (completely embarrassed) Oh my God, Rolf, you promised me you were going to delete that!! >_<
Rolf: It's not my fault! Shir stole my phone before I could!
Shir: And then I send your picture to my phone! And then I sent it to everyone on my contacts list. And then I sold Rolf's phone on eBaya. XD
Amy: My parents are going to have heart attacks if they see that picture of me... ;_;
Shir: On the plus side, half of Motavia thinks you're the hottest doctor on the planet. XD
Anna: (looks at her phone) Rolf, how the hell does a doofus like you get a girlfriend like Amy?
Rolf: Look, I-
Amy: You shush, Rolf. You're in enough trouble as it is. >_<
Shir: Zing. XD
Hugh: (sees the picture. He starts nosebleeding profusely. All the color drains from his skin and he pitches face-forward into the pool of blood)
Rudo: Hugh's dead. Again.
Kain: An' he wuz lookin' at Miss Amy's lingerie pics, so she's gots t' pay fer th' new Hugh clone this time.
Amy: Rolf has to-- he was supposed to delete that photo before anyone else saw it. Ohh no I'm so embarrassed ;_;
Rolf: Shir stole my phone! Make her pay for a clone!
Shir: What?! I paid for the clone after you decapitated Hugh with your sword! And when Anna decapitated him with a boomerang! And remember when Rudo shot Hugh in both eyes with a crappy crossbow?! I paid for that clone, too! Just like when Rudo blew open Hugh's guys with a hunting rifle, I paid for that clone! I've been paying for too many Hugh clones lately! >_<
Nei: Um, how many clones is too many, Shir?
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Re: We love you, Amy!

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Sep 27, '13, 1:00 am

Interesting picture of Amy. Very well drawn and she is very beautiful there. Luv her shoes too.

LoL, Snorb that was funny!! Poor Hugh! :clap:

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Re: We love you, Amy!

Postby augmentedfourth » Fri Sep 27, '13, 1:34 am

Heh, that artwork showed up in my dA feed the other day. Oops, how clumsy of my fingers, it just accidentally fell into my favorites folder!
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Re: We love you, Amy!

Postby Blurst » Fri Sep 27, '13, 4:38 am

Ha ha, Snorb, you ain't seen nothing yet
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Re: We love you, Amy!

Postby Snorb » Fri Sep 27, '13, 4:47 am

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Re: We love you, Amy!

Postby R-90-2 » Fri Sep 27, '13, 4:45 pm

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Re: We love you, Amy!

Postby Snorb » Fri Sep 27, '13, 8:43 pm

Rolf: Oh, that's a cute picture. I remember that.
Amy: That was a silly photo. You know, we just put some food coloring in a Trimate and said that was a love potion for that Poisoner. ^_^
Nei: So whatever happened to it? The comments said you kept that Poisoner as a pet.
Rolf: Yeah, I was gonna say, we never saw it again after they took our pictures with the monsters.
Anna: I'm sure it'll turn up.
Hugh: (his legs are seen disappearing down the Poisoner's mouth like spaghetti)
Poisoner: BURRRRP
Amy: .....
Shir: (peeks in) This clone's on Anna. XD
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