Watermelon Day

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Watermelon Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Aug 3, '10, 11:23 pm

Today, August 3rd, is National Watermelon Day! :happy_marle:

Did you know there are different kinds of watermelons?

http://www.yumsugar.com/Know-Your-Water ... Day-482754

One thing I do know is that they all taste delicious! :yes:

I have already eaten some watermelon today for breakfast.

Anyone else had any watermelon to eat today?

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Re: Watermelon Day

Postby Thoul » Tue Aug 3, '10, 11:36 pm

Funny thing, I just took a snack break to eat some watermelon. We found a huge one at the store this past weekend. It's been delicious.

I knew about some of the different kinds, but until reading that link, I wasn't aware the size was generally a factor. I guess it would explain why the watermelons from our garden have been so small this year. They must be this icebox type.
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Re: Watermelon Day

Postby Lucas » Wed Aug 4, '10, 12:21 am

I wish Australia had special days dedicated to good food.

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