Was Mother Brain a religious figure?

Discover the secret of Mother Brain's technological advanced world.

Postby newsblade » Thu Jan 31, '08, 11:22 pm

If we put those "two" motherbrains (of PS2 intro) in line (in a way we cannot see there are two women) and say to one to upraises her arms and to the other to put the arms down we'll have a Shiva* effect (2-in-1... maybe this MB separation also wanted to represents the separation between nei2nd and nei1st)

The box art for PSII has a literal brain drawn on the front

I never noticed that... I thought it was a planet!

* - come to think of it, those 4 arms make her look like Shiva (a religious figure).
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Re: Was Mother Brain a religious figure?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon May 28, '18, 5:09 pm

A very interesting topic and opinions on Mother Brain! I had never thought of Mother Brain as a religious type figure. In fact quite the opposite, I would think.

Anyone else have any opinions on Mother Brain as a religious figure?

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Re: Was Mother Brain a religious figure?

Postby Bragatyr » Tue May 29, '18, 5:57 am

Mother Brain certainly fulfilled functions of a religious figure. As Thoul pointed out, almost every aspect of a deity can be attributed to her except active religious worship. She can't be classified as a religious figure in any literal sense, but I think she's clearly intended to serve as a kind of science fiction proxy of a god, a secular substitute for a god figure that critiques many aspects both of popular religion and of reliance on technology.
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Re: Was Mother Brain a religious figure?

Postby myau56 » Thu Jun 14, '18, 12:45 pm

Interesting Question ! As something build from technology, we can think that MB is not a religious figure at all : but from the different lines from different people throughout the game, it really seems that for many people MB seems to be a sort of Godess ! :)
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