Walter Cronkite

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Walter Cronkite

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jul 18, '09, 5:10 pm

Walter Cronkite, former tv newsman and anchorman for CBS news, has died at the age of 92. ... 08238.aspx

Condolences to his family. :tombstone:

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Re: Walter Cronkite

Postby Wolf Bird » Sat Jul 18, '09, 5:48 pm

I saw this last night. But this irritated me...all the 24-hour news networks were talking about this as I saw it when I turned on Countdown with Keith Olbermann (he and Rachel Maddow are the only things I watch on 24-hour news, more for entertainment than news, I get news from other sources) and both shows had good, respectable coverage of Cronkite. Fox News was also covering Cronkite. However, CNN or one of its secondary networks that we get (I think it was CNN global news...?) was letting Nancy Grace banter on about a missing baby after this journalism icon had died. Seriously?! :fiery: Nancy Grace is a true insult to journalism sometimes and to have her rant about one missing kid of many that day after Walter Cronkite died... :grumpy:...I really wish she'd just get her own network to cover her select missing child/missing college girl stories of the day and let CNN stick with real news.

To Cronkite...he's a journalism icon without a doubt, and knew the difference between delivering news and commenting on it. Covered so many of the most important stories of the 20th century: World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the moon landing (hot dog!) and so much more. He'll be missed.
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Re: Walter Cronkite

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jul 18, '09, 5:55 pm

Yeah, I saw a little of some of the tributes to Cronkite on the Fox news channel. I think CNN covered it a little bit later on for some of its channels. I turned the channel there to see Larry King Live and they were doing something on Cronkite instead. I think Nancy Grace comes on a different CNN channel , though.

I don't usually watch Nancy Grace but I have seen her program before. She is very passionate about what she does, that's for sure. I can't take all that passion sometimes, though. It's just too intense.

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Re: Walter Cronkite

Postby Wolf Bird » Sat Jul 18, '09, 6:32 pm

Silver_Surfer1 wrote:I think Nancy Grace comes on a different CNN channel , though.

Yeah, she was on a different CNN channel, I'm glad it wasn't their main broadcast. Their main broadcast was Cronkite. But still, to see her doing what she always does after this man died...just rubbed me the wrong way. Granted, she always does that, for some of the reasons you mentioned plus others, but this...urgh.
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Re: Walter Cronkite

Postby Thoul » Sat Jul 18, '09, 8:12 pm

I can't recall Cronkite as a news anchor personally, so this doesn't have as much of an impact for me as for some people. Apparently he was very well respected in the field, though.

As for that Grace woman... I've seen her when flipping through channels. I just keep right on going. I can't stand her show or the attitude she presents in the few seconds I've seen of it.
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