Walmart Layaway

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Walmart Layaway

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Aug 21, '12, 11:03 am

Walmart is bringing back their layaway program again for the holidays this year. This will be good news for a lot of families. The holiday season is fast approaching: ... =ansmony11

Although the $15 fee doesn't sound too good, but it is refundable when, and if, you finish paying for the layaway.

So, it might seem a little early...but NOW might be a good time to start fixing up those Christmas wish lists to Santa. :wink:

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Re: Walmart Layaway

Postby Thoul » Tue Aug 21, '12, 9:56 pm

It kind of stinks that they lock you into using that $15 at their store. Even if you do get it back when finish the payments, it's as a gift card. Wal-mart still ends up getting that money from you.

Increasing the time period of the program is a good move. Last year, that was really too short. IIRC, it only ran for about one month or so.
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